Heifer Question

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forbes family farms

Well-known member
May 30, 2009
Iowa Lone Tree
I have a heifer that i had the vet look at and the vet told me, your heifer might be flushing the semen out of her.This happened when she was at the fair, and she was only bred 3 weeks earlier because we had trouble getting her to come into heat in the first place, we had to give her a shot to make her come in. My question is she got bred a week ago should i wait and see what happens or get rid of her. I don't wanna start a fight but she is out of My Turn would that have anything to do with it?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
McCook Ne.
I would hope that you have a good large animal vet -- instead of a primay small animal vet who only occasionaly does large animal work. His/Her comment is disturbing to me in the sense that your hfr -- unless she was bred while still standing and riding hard -- has no ability to "Flush"  semen out of her. She may lose some of it if she were riding hard and still discharging heavily -- but after all these years, I Have never heard a vet tell that to sme one and mean it!

You said she was bred three weeks earlier -- she most likely just did not settle that service, all there is to it really. NO, don't gey rid of her, these show hfrs are hard to settle some times with all the stress of hard feeding and moving all over the place. Give her some time, I'd bet she wil be just fine of you get her services on time and take good care of her.

Don't worry -- next time you see your vet just SMILE and keep walking!


Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Don't ignore your vet. If the heifer breeds, simply tell your vet. Many people think they can "walk on water" because no one has told them otherwise. You don't have to be rude (unless they get defensive) but simply say "Hey, you remember that heifer... well, she bred with the bull. Isn't that great?"  THEN you can judge your vets reaction.



Well-known member
Jan 15, 2008
i'm sure your vet was trying to tell you that she did not take and just cycled through. you said you had problems getting her to come into heat, that should be a warning sign of possible fertility problems. if you have put money and time into her, you should put her in with the bull when she is in heat. no point in giving up, unless you have lots of cattle and one doesnt even make a dent in your calf crop.


Well-known member
Nov 25, 2008
I agree that she simply did not stick when she was bred. Its just that simple some times. It is possible for semen to flow back out, its called retrograde loss. However with AI since your only using 1/2 or 1/4 CC of juice and its being placed in the uterine body or the ovulating horn, the amount of loss is trivial and not of any concern. This is more a problem when breeding pigs, but thats a different forum. <cowboy>