Help!- Footrot

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May 20, 2012
My market steer has footrot, the fair is in two months and i believe he has had it for about a month...sounds like i havent tried to heal him, but I have.
At first I just noticed him laying around alot because its been raining alot so I just figured he was staying out of the rain, but then it started to dry out and one day I watched him try and stand up and then tried to walk and noticed he was kind of lame, so I called my grandpa and told him and he told me to have him checked out so the next day we put him in the squeeze chute and I was told he did have foot rot in atleast 3 of his feet. So we gave him 45ml of LA 200 and then soaked him in Zinc Sulfate for 30 minutes, two days later we gave him another 45ml of LA 200 but then he got big knots on his neck so I didn't want to keep giving it to him. I've been soaking him in the zinc for about 2 weeks twice a day for 30 mins every time.

I then talked to a older gentlemen and he told me to soak him in bleach with a half cup to 1 gallon ratio.

The point of my topic is to ask you all what you had to say or offer as to get him healed quickly.

I think I am going to  be taking him to the vet in a couple days, I hadnt earlier because I thought it would be expensive but I guess it's only $50 here to get him checked out...but then you have to pay for
antibiotics ;)

whew okay, done typing :)

thanks everyone!


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
If you can clean up his feet then keep him where it is dry that will be your best bet. Your own the right track with the la200. The other thing would be put kopertox on his hooves this will help a ton. The big thing is getting him where it is dry and keep him out of standing mud or manure if you can help it.


Just like obie105 said, you will need to keep him in a dry area. Clean up the area because foot rot will remain in the ground and spread by the infected animal. It can then be spread to others that way. I don't know if LA 200 is your best option. I have used it for foot rot in the past and it works about 50% of the time which I think is unacceptable. Another drug, which is much more expensive, but has worked about 90% of the time is Excenel. Also, Excenel has a small window of withdrawal before slaughter which could be of concern at this point since your fair is getting close. You need to watch the labels. Also, Excenel shouldn't give those large knots on his neck but may give a small one. So, I would recommend two full treatments of Excenel which may be six days, keep his hooves dry as possible, and use koppertox on the hooves everyday for about 4 days.

Hopefully the calf doesn't already have scar tissue set up in his pasterns that will hindrance his ability to walk correctly. Good luck and I hope he gets better!


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2010
They a foot rot treatmeant at tsc its called DR. something i cant rember but its in a white bottle with a red pointed lid and it works really well
Good luck


Well-known member
Jun 5, 2010
We always treat our foot rot with nuflor. An old farmer told me he use to poor gasoline on and around the hoof but I've never tried it.


May 20, 2012
thanks guys!

I have moved him from where I think he got the footrot, which was in a field with mud up to his knees. He is now in a totally different area and it isn't muddy. and I don't think there has ever been any footrot in the corral he is in.
Also, I'm not sure about putting coppertox on his feet because he doesn't like his feet being messed with, when we checked for the rot he was at a friends house that had the chute, where he is now i don't have access to one. And I was told that they don't make coppetox anymore, but i would imagine that they made something else to take its place. Right now i'm soaking him in a footbath, I actually have his feed in a bucket inside it so he has to stand in the bleach water to eat his feed.

Also is it bad to mix a bunch of medicines? I know it is for people lol. But what would be the number one thing to go for to get it killed?


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
I believe they still make kopertox go to your local farm store and ask. Its in a green and white bottle. If they don't have it there just get somethinv that covers for foot rot. I used something in a yellow and blue bottle before. If you don't have a chute there are a few things you can do. Depending on how tame he is you might be able to tie him up short and i know the kopertox squirts pretty well so you can stand back to squirt it between his toes. If that doesn't work to keep him still you can put him behind a gate and use it to squeeze him like in a chute. Don't do either by yourself tho make sure you have an adult help you. Safety first. We didn't have a chute for awhile either when I was growing up so I had to improvise quite a bit growing up. I would also give another round of la 200 now that he is where it is dry.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Idaho
I have had good luck with Nuflor on foot rot.  If you can stand him in a strong iodine solution that can also help.  Make sure you check withdrawls and talk with a vet. 

Ms Ray

Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
we used kopertox last year and got it at the feed store, we do not have a squeeze chute, the animals we were using it on is very tame we just squirt it in their feet between the hoofs,  they do not like it so they might kick a litte, so stand back and do it, we gave one round of LA200 and did kopertox for a few days and it cleared right up.  It we in a green bottle and cost around $25.


KSUwildcat2009 said:
Has anyone else tried Sulfa boluses along with Koppertox for foot rot? 
Yes, I think this would be a good combination. I know I have used it before and I'm pretty sure it worked.


Jan 12, 2010
We have had excellent results with sufla boluses.  They are cheap, and very effective.  We had a bull that would not respond to any other treatments.  The boluses did the trick. 


May 20, 2012
I ended up taking him to the vet today, and they told me that he has basically floundered..They gave him a shot of banamine and some magnelax bolus and then gave me some salt stuff (can't remember what it is exactly) but it helps him digest his feed.
and no sign of footrot, not sure if that's 100% good since he has something else wrong with him, but I feel better :)


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2007
Northern Missouri
Mpickett said:
I ended up taking him to the vet today, and they told me that he has basically floundered..They gave him a shot of banamine and some magnelax bolus and then gave me some salt stuff (can't remember what it is exactly) but it helps him digest his feed.
and no sign of footrot, not sure if that's 100% good since he has something else wrong with him, but I feel better :)

Probably mean foundered, instead of floundered.