High School bullying - NC

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Well-known member
Jan 26, 2010
yuppiecowboy said:
Most of the posts in this thread strike me as silly and do nothing to address the issue. Seminars, counseling, focus groups, "not nice" lectures do not, have not, and will not do a darn thing to alleviate the issue.

Lets face it, a HS is not a whole lot different than a cow herd. There is going to be a pecking order and some rough treatment. Only difference is that as human beings we should be able to be human to our fellow beings. It does not work that way.

The fact of the matter is the faculty have duty to see that no one is physically, emotionally, or in any way threatened or intimidated. THis is a faculty problem not a student problem and there needs to be a strong defense of those who cannot or will not stand up for themselves.

The answer is for the bullied to fight back. However it is not practical. It makes for a good story but usually there is a physical disparity that makes this not an option, otherwise there would not be a bully situation.

Emotional intimidation is horrible. Maybe worse than physical.

Kids can be cruel. Especially HS girls.
Agreed. As a HS senior I can tell you that no seminar, clinic, group discussion, sit down talk, or even a come to Jesus meeting will make a bully stop bullying. I've gone to a little 1A(40 ppl in my class) high school my whole for what it's worth. Being physical is the only way to stop it. I've been in a few fights taking up for the little guy and a few bc I didn't like being bullied. I will try to brush it off or tell a bully to stop, but there comes a point that enough is enough.

I think it has a LOT to do with the kids home life. If I got in trouble at school for bullying I'd get beat when I got home, probably lose my pickup, my cell phone and computer for sure, and I definitely wouldn't be going out with my friends on the weekend any time soon. I guess you could say I've been raised to do the right thing. I can think of the bullies in my school and none of them have a very good home life or a lot of guidance in their lives.

ISS(In School Suspension) where you get basically "quarantined" from the rest of the school is a joke. I know kids that enjoy ISS and bullies don't care if their in it or not. I got sent to ISS for 3 days this year for beating up a bully. If I was in the same situation again I would've still hit the kid. A good @$$ whopping or two or ten will fix bullying. I've never gotten one for bullying, but looking back I know I deserved every single one I have ever gotten.


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2007
Carthage MO
As far as your question Show Heifer on dealing with teachers that are bullies or just plain lazy and ineffective in the classroom is to do away with Tenure.  In this day and age tenure just protects those teachers that are poor performers.  About the only way a teacher in our school system is going to get dismissed after attaining tenure is for sexual misconduct with a minor.



New member
Nov 15, 2010
Show Heifer said:
To all high school students:
What would you suggest to stop bullying?

Punishment is the best option if they or you want to stop bullying in your school. Or either conduct a meeting for parents for the purpose of teaching the kids in good manners. These two actions will I think enlighten the kids.


Well-known member
May 16, 2010
Dietrich, ID
What I hate is when you see two kids joking around and you can obviously tell that they are both just having fun and being kids and then some uptight teacher or principal calls them in chews them out and basically tells them to stop being kids.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
SWMO said:
As far as your question Show Heifer on dealing with teachers that are bullies or just plain lazy and ineffective in the classroom is to do away with Tenure.  In this day and age tenure just protects those teachers that are poor performers.  About the only way a teacher in our school system is going to get dismissed after attaining tenure is for sexual misconduct with a minor.
I would gladly vote to raise teacher compensation by 50% if they would get rid of tenure!

I'd raise it another 50% if they would get rid of the union.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
SWMO said:
As far as your question Show Heifer on dealing with teachers that are bullies or just plain lazy and ineffective in the classroom is to do away with Tenure. 

tenure is a form of bullying and entitlement.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2010
Knox, Pa
Dealing with this problem right now.  This is how our school handles it:

1.  It is the victims responsibility to report it.  They want the victim to turn in an incident report to the school listing the location of the altercation and the date, time and a description of what happened.  They have to go to the office to get this form, and they have to turn it into the office. Supposedly, no one is to know who turned who in unless it is taken to court then the accused will find out who the accuser is.  It don't work, the kids see the victims getting the forms, or being called to the office and figure it out.  Maybe give a copy of the form to all students at the beginning of the year or make it available online and make the form self explanatory, don't expect the kids to automatically know what they need to write, spell it out for them.  Also give them the opportunity to mail in the form, this way no one sees who is turning the form in.  

2.  My boys are trained in Judo, both are third degree white belts, but are still taking classes.  They know when to use it and when not to.  Violence isn't the answer but if someone does finally fight back, make sure the punishment fits the crime.  My oldest boy was bullied by a group of kids from the time he was in 1st grade until he was in 9th grade and we withdrew him.  If he fought back he would get a week suspended for fighting and they would get 3 days detention for bullying.  This was ridiculous.  They knew he was turning them into the school for bullying and their were multiple reports of bullying by not only him but by teachers and other students and he got the brunt of the punishment. Multiple offenses should result in suspensions or even behavior modification programs.  I think they should create a behavior modification class that is required if you get reported so many times for bullying, maybe if you have to attend a behavior modification class during a study hall and everyone see you coming and going in to that class you will understand what you put your victim through.  Also the bullies figure out the system pretty quickly.  In our school with our oldest boy what they would do is bully him by shoving him into the walls, lockers even on the floors, he would come home with bumps and bruises, bloody noses, etc and would tell us it happened in Gym class.  By the time he got done with the nurse and got to the office to fill out the incident reports, the bully's (and their was a group of about 12), would have already been their saying he started it and filling out the bully reports against him.  Pay attention, notice if you get large groups reporting the same incident and what they are saying.  They bullies will do what they have to to stay one step ahead, including getting their friends to file bogus reports.

3.  Pay attention to kids who don't want or refuse to come to school or are habitually missing or late.  We went through this this morning, our youngest got a black eye playing football over the weekend.  He has been picked on at school since the beginning of this school year, he is in 7th grade.  It took us almost an hour to get him dressed and to take him to school, he just stood in a corner and cried because he was petrified he would get picked on.  Perception is everything for these kids.  Perseaving that the likely hood they are going to get picked on is high creates anxiety and that anxiety makes them more vulnerable to bullies.  The guidance office sent my son home after all that work to get him to the school, but he was ligitametly scared of being picked on.  If a parent calls saying their kid won't come to school or doesn't want to go to school because they are afraid of being picked on, DON'T send them truancy officer, make an appointment with the kid and their parents with the guidance office and find out what is going on.  

3.  BELIEVE!!!  The kids that are being bullied, most likely were friends with the bullies at one time and the bullies know alot about the kids they are picking on.  If someone comes up to you or another staff person and says they are being bullied, or they know someone that is being bullied, believe them, don't tell them "well they need to turn the paperwork in and we will investigate."  They need to know that you care and that you believe them that they are not just a piece of paper to be turned in.  Bullies get away with alot of stuff because kids are afraid to turn in the paperwork for fear of what will happen next.  They shouldn't have to be afraid.  USE the local police force, let it be known that their are consequences and that those can be legal if it keeps up.  Fining the parents doesn't work, it has to be a consequence to the bully, assign them to tutor kids, assign them to stay after and clean the school, give them community service to work at the school, make them stay in the lime-light, don't hide what they did.  Maybe you have an after school basketball program and the bully is on the basketball team, get him/her involved, if it is a football player, assign them to work with the flag football team at the elementary or with the JR. high football team, or with the cheerleaders or on the school play building sets.  Whatever it takes to get through to the bullies the better, if they have to be outside their comfort zone it will help.  

4.  Give parents an option:  We were given 1 option with our oldest boy,  1:  take him out of school or someone was going to kill him.  We had to find another school within a week, which we did, but he was bullied so bad and so long at the public school that he failed out of the christian school.  He is now homeschooled and because of being bullied so bad, he just fights school work.  With our younger son, we have a couple options, 1: keep him in and keep after the school to protect him, 2:  pull him out and cyber school him, 3: send him to the christian school.  I just want to get my boys through school and graduated.  Bullying has been apart of our lives for 11 years now, we have had meetings wtih administration, guidance councellors, psychologists, psychiatrist and teachers.  Nothing we have come up with works.  I don't think there is any clear answer as to ways to stop the bullying problem, it is as old as school itself.  We in Pa have the NO BULLYING POLICY in every school and it doesn't work.  They do a program at our elementary that just started last year where every friday they spend time in each class going over bullying, what it is, ways of stopping it and what the kids should do if they see someone or they are bullied.  It is a pilot program, and like I said it just started last year.  I can give you their number and maybe they can give you some input, but it will be 6 years before they know they extent to which it will work.  That will be the first year that students will have been in it from 1st through 6th grade.  



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
if only we had a no bullying policy enacted in the UN before WWI and WWII.  perhaps the kurds could have used that policy as well.


PaFFA Proud

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
Bullying has always been around and will always be...no matter what people think/try. People need to quit being so sensitive and grow a backbone and stand for theirselves(not jump in front of a truck in our case recentley in PA what a neighboring county kid did). People being bullied I agree need to find a club that they fit in with soo they dont feel alone. Teachers and other staff just need to monitor the severe bulling(such as sexual harrrasment and threats) and let them deal with the police. These severe bullying will eventually get them thrown in jail. I delt with severe bullying but I pulled through it with horse back riding. And nothing agianst homosexuals being bullied, but if they cant stand up for their selves then the society will always be agianst them. Hello straight people get picked on too on whom their dating!!! But it all in a nutshell BULLYING IS NOT GOING AWAY!!!!!


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Schools can set all the policies they want, form task forces etc and bullying is not gonna go away.  It could be counter-productive to shelter the kids getting bullied so much.  At some point they will need to learn to stand up for themselves.  Bullying doesn't end with school, it just comes in different forms when you get older.  If you allow yourself to be bullied as a kid and don't ever stand up for yourself, you will get pushed around your whole life.  Sometimes you have to tell your kid "son, if whoever doesn't leave you alone, pop them right on the nose as hard as you can."  Granted you will get in trouble for fighting and have some consequences, but its worth it in the long run if the bullying stops and you gain some self confidence.  And for all the people that think "violence doesn't solve problems", it must be nice living in never-never land.  I'll stop by when i need a break from reality.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Idaho
My mom has taught 1st grade for 35 years now. She is nearing retirement now and it will be this crap that pushes her there.  The bottom line is parents are afraid of their kids.  I know that sounds silly but it is all about little Suzy or Johnny being happy.  We have a no home work policy in the schools.  That's right no homework.  Kids don't have chores.  They are taught from day one that it is what they want.  When they don't get it the fight is on.  Parents are too busy trying to be the kids friend than to parent.

The year my mom started teaching she was warned about a kindergarten class and on boy in particular.  This kid had a reputation of being a little snot.  One day the first week of school the boy was up the slippery slide peeing off the top.  Mom grabbed the kid took him to her class room.  Pulled out a HUGE clothes pin and informed the kid that he could keep his penis in this pants and turned off or she would do it for him.  The kid conformed and is now a family friend.  Another kid was always pinching and causing a ruckus.  Mom could never catch the little brat in the act but knew it was happening.  One day at the circle she brought the boy up to the front and explained that she knew what was happening.  She turned to the other kids and told them she knew and would not blame any of them if the next time he pinched the other kid stood up ripped the kids arms off and beat him with the bloody stump.  The kids bluff was called and the problem was averted.  These teaching methods would have mom fired and in prison in today's world.  The kids know that the parents, can't do anything.  A smart kid knows that the right words said to the right school official will get a teacher or parent sent away.  My wife teaches math in an alternative HS.  She has had kids even make those threats. 

As to bullying, I tell my kids that they will be teased on the playground.  It is part of life.  Grow a thick skin and get over it.  Last year my son who is not an athlete and a little slow of foot was being shown up coming in off the field.  One other kid in particular would make comments like, "I own you.  I beat you 3 times.  You can't touch me."  My son came home and said is just isn't fair.  B can brag and make me feel bad during recess and I can't say anything about it.  I asked him what he would say.  My son said I would tell him that at least I can spell my own name.  My son at 3rd grade realized that the chest thumping, bragging, and showing someone up was accepted on the playground but not in the classroom.  As JIT said life isn't fair deal with it. 

My daughter had a couple of girls write some pretty graphic sexual stuff in her planner.  But not being too smart they signed their names to it.  My daughter is a little tiny thing and a bit of a geek/nerd.  But she is a wise little cookie.  She was upset but she didn't let it show simply called my uncle who is an attorney to get advice.  She simply took the planner to the office.  Made copies and mailed a copy to each or the girls parents, the school counselor and the principal.  She then said that they had until next Monday to fix the issue or the school superintendent, and school board members along with the sheriff and the prosecuting attorney would be getting copies and she would ask for a restraining order.  She then mailed a copy to each girls pastor.  I will spare the details but there were 2 girls that lost spots on the sports teams for missing practice due to the several hours spent in community service.  Those 2 sets of parents made heads roll.  Come to find out this is not the first time this type of stuff had been done it was just the first time that they ran into someone that called their bluff.  I later asked my daughter why she handled it that way instead of coming to us.  She said it was her problem and she needed to try and solve it herself.  She told us that we had always said that figure it out on your own before asking for help.  My question is was my daughter a bully for forcing the parents and principal to do something?  Was it wrong to blackmail them to taking care of the issue?

Most the problem have been started with parents that are afraid to be parents.  LF

PaFFA Proud

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
LostFarmer said:
My mom has taught 1st grade for 35 years now. She is nearing retirement now and it will be this crap that pushes her there.  The bottom line is parents are afraid of their kids.  I know that sounds silly but it is all about little Suzy or Johnny being happy.  We have a no home work policy in the schools.  That's right no homework.  Kids don't have chores.  They are taught from day one that it is what they want.  When they don't get it the fight is on.  Parents are too busy trying to be the kids friend than to parent.

The year my mom started teaching she was warned about a kindergarten class and on boy in particular.  This kid had a reputation of being a little snot.  One day the first week of school the boy was up the slippery slide peeing off the top.  Mom grabbed the kid took him to her class room.  Pulled out a HUGE clothes pin and informed the kid that he could keep his penis in this pants and turned off or she would do it for him.  The kid conformed and is now a family friend.  Another kid was always pinching and causing a ruckus.   Mom could never catch the little brat in the act but knew it was happening.  One day at the circle she brought the boy up to the front and explained that she knew what was happening.  She turned to the other kids and told them she knew and would not blame any of them if the next time he pinched the other kid stood up ripped the kids arms off and beat him with the bloody stump.  The kids bluff was called and the problem was averted.  These teaching methods would have mom fired and in prison in today's world.  The kids know that the parents, can't do anything.  A smart kid knows that the right words said to the right school official will get a teacher or parent sent away.  My wife teaches math in an alternative HS.  She has had kids even make those threats. 

As to bullying, I tell my kids that they will be teased on the playground.  It is part of life.  Grow a thick skin and get over it.  Last year my son who is not an athlete and a little slow of foot was being shown up coming in off the field.  One other kid in particular would make comments like, "I own you.  I beat you 3 times.  You can't touch me."  My son came home and said is just isn't fair.  B can brag and make me feel bad during recess and I can't say anything about it.  I asked him what he would say.  My son said I would tell him that at least I can spell my own name.  My son at 3rd grade realized that the chest thumping, bragging, and showing someone up was accepted on the playground but not in the classroom.   As JIT said life isn't fair deal with it. 

My daughter had a couple of girls write some pretty graphic sexual stuff in her planner.  But not being too smart they signed their names to it.  My daughter is a little tiny thing and a bit of a geek/nerd.  But she is a wise little cookie.  She was upset but she didn't let it show simply called my uncle who is an attorney to get advice.  She simply took the planner to the office.  Made copies and mailed a copy to each or the girls parents, the school counselor and the principal.  She then said that they had until next Monday to fix the issue or the school superintendent, and school board members along with the sheriff and the prosecuting attorney would be getting copies and she would ask for a restraining order.   She then mailed a copy to each girls pastor.   I will spare the details but there were 2 girls that lost spots on the sports teams for missing practice due to the several hours spent in community service.  Those 2 sets of parents made heads roll.   Come to find out this is not the first time this type of stuff had been done it was just the first time that they ran into someone that called their bluff.  I later asked my daughter why she handled it that way instead of coming to us.  She said it was her problem and she needed to try and solve it herself.  She told us that we had always said that figure it out on your own before asking for help.  My question is was my daughter a bully for forcing the parents and principal to do something?  Was it wrong to blackmail them to taking care of the issue?

Most the problem have been started with parents that are afraid to be parents.  LF

Lol ur daughter sounds just like me.....these lil bimbos the school thought were angels- u know the type play sports, perfect hair... clothes... make-up, family big into church...but with a different guy everyweekend. Well anyways decided they would tear pages from my text book when i went to the restroom during  goverment class...well the idiots put luv...and all their names with messages calling me a sticking farm hick, and inbred...yall know the typical rude farm associated words. Well we live in a heavly ag community, i made copies sent it to ALL teachers and staff in the community,feed mill ;D , their parents and their churches. Lol boy was the outcome funny. Especially since their parents are well to do folks with huge houses on wasted farmland, thought well into the community. The one girls mother luvs organic food and buys from this one mennonite farm, and for her daughters comment they charged them like 3 times the normal price (lol)


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
You could never address this in school, but bullys typically have low self esteem themselves. There is "the look". After someone makes a comment to you, you look at their feet and slowly work your way up with your eyes. When you get to their face you scrunch yours like you just ate a lemon and walk away. If you are clever you can throw in some facial insult (whatever you say schnozzie, pimples, dumbo, hefty, pretty much anything that their friends will poke at them on) when you get ready to turn away. I am better at mental manipulation though so I am not sure you would want to teach your kids this, it just worked in Junior high. Ex, a jock commented on my ponytails ("nice pigtails"-snear), she had just had her hair dyed, so my comment was "nice dye job"- snear........the look on her face was priceless and she never tried that again. Again, not sure you want to teach this it just worked for me.


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2010
oakie said:
You could never address this in school, but bullys typically have low self esteem themselves. There is "the look". After someone makes a comment to you, you look at their feet and slowly work your way up with your eyes. When you get to their face you scrunch yours like you just ate a lemon and walk away. If you are clever you can throw in some facial insult (whatever you say schnozzie, pimples, dumbo, hefty, pretty much anything that their friends will poke at them on) when you get ready to turn away. I am better at mental manipulation though so I am not sure you would want to teach your kids this, it just worked in Junior high. Ex, a jock commented on my ponytails ("nice pigtails"-snear), she had just had her hair dyed, so my comment was "nice dye job"- snear........the look on her face was priceless and she never tried that again. Again, not sure you want to teach this it just worked for me.

You as a teacher can also use the "snear" face when one does something you disapprove of. Kids do not liked to be looked down on by adults, and what are they going to say, you made an ugly face? That argument is completely speculation and they can't win that battle. You can also retaliate with the "I didn't realize you were so sensitive, and will try to be more aware of your feelings in the future" speech. Noone wants to be known as a wuss especially by a girl.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2009
I think a huge eye opener for kids on bullying is rachels challenge It made a huge dif. in our HS havng them come every year. I  can say this as a fact as I was being bullied. it is hard to deal with and not something most kids like to talk about. another thing that not many people think or know about is teachers bullying kids. I had a teacher that did it to me for 3 1/2 years, my ag teacher and FFA advisor. with any bully you have to stand up to them.
We have a number we can call at my HS it works really well
little heifer (angel)

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
mooch said:
Hit em hard with a stick , repeat til problem stops. Also works against theft , swearing , and general misconduct. Should only be used at home , and should not be entrusted to liberal teachers as interpretation of directions may cause damage to performance of product.//// My Sentiments exactly-PS-Im from the old school cuz Im old-and I remember a very cool DEMOCRAT teacher paddle the S#$%^^&&*(T  out of a bigmouth redneck bully-So-sometimes fairness knows no political affiliations.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
I guess one's point of view in this instance, is based on whether or not, you have ever been the aggressor or recipient of "peer relations" in public school.

Let's quit arguing, drop it, and just get along.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I sub at our local school and am so surprised how "out there" the bullying is.  Kids today have so many more avenues to do it than we did back in the day.  I think the worst thing that happened in our society is that we took discipline away from our school staff.  The kids just aren't scared of the teachers and principals anymore.  We have ISS and OSS, none of it seems to help any.

One thing a teacher needs to do is listen to the kids that are asking for help.  Don't just tell them to suck it up.  Not every kid is thick skinned and is there right to feel safe at school.  2nd, be consistant with your punishments.  It doesn't matter if your the star quarterback or the town "hood" punishment should be the same.



Well-known member
Oct 15, 2010
United States-Illinois
my school is getting real big with the whole bulling stuff. We have all of these things said to us and it gets rather boring and they have these speech things during our study hall so nobody is actually paying attetion anyways. Bulling has been reduced i think since we had to sign some agreement thing but if you were to teach it i would try to make it entertaining.Maybe have somebody our age talk about it


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2009
Show Heifer said:
kanshow said:
Seems like some of the biggest bullys are the teachers and they have the kids terrified to turn them in.

Suggestions on how to stop that?  I would classify that as "bullying" so I am open to suggestions to stop that. I am thinking of a teacher when I was in high school. He was awful. Should have been BANNED from teaching... football players wouldn't take off their helmets, the girls bb team drew straws to see who had to sit in the front bleachers at half time.

So, how should those complaints be handled? How can we make students feel comfortable enough to speak about it?

I think the biggest thing is when something happens to a student with a teacher is to have them talk about it esp to the principal. this makes the student feel that they have a voice and listen to that student and take them seriously and have a meeting set up w/ the priciple the student the parents and the teacher(s) and talk about it. have that teacher make changes. I can say from experience cause this happeed with me, that this makes the student feel like they have a voice and that they make a dif. when they talk about it. I know thanks to this that alot of the kids are alot happier with the changes that have been made and feel safer thanks to it. I know that when a student is actually taken serious and not blown off like alot of people do, then they feel more comfortable coming forward and talking about it. We feel uncomfortable and scared when something is going on and when we say something we are blown off and at times even told we are lying and get in trouble for it.
Talk to the student, take them seriously, do a meeting of everybody involved, make changes. that is how it will stop.Call the teacher out on it. they think they can get away with it cause they are a teacher, no offense I am going to be a teacher, and think they can get away with anything cause the teacher is beleived above the student. i saw alot of people saying give the bullying kids a taste of their ow medicine. I think it would work well with teacher bullyies as well. JMO anyway.
little heifer (angel)