housing/financial crisis explained in 3 sentences.

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson under Bush ended up making $1 Billion off the collapse of the derivatives. 

Still want to blame the collapse on the average Joe?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
cotullaguy said:
Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson under Bush ended up making $1 Billion off the collapse of the derivatives. 

Still want to blame the collapse on the average Joe?

abramoff/madoff/ ken lay and enron/ paulson and bernake/ bear stearns  ...now bp.....self policed capitalism at its finest...hows that  trickle down workin for ya now?..jbarl


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
Funny.  You are blaming Barney Frank and Bill Clinton.  Both Democrats.  Yet, the collapse happened under what President?  So Predictable.  

today Capitalism is this:  First you rape the American public on Derivatives and then when all of the bets lose, you have the American people pay for it because you have friends like Bush or Obama in power.  That is capitalism.  The government can get away with Murder and about 99% of the public will be fooled by Fox or NBC News as they all lie.  Now that is Capitalism.   (lol)

Funny the current admin is blaming everything on Bush, even this oil leak. Accountability?

Who is the dumb ass that signed up for an ARM or an interest only loan?

Clinton, Reno and others relaxed the requirements and made banks give shady loans so that all Americans could buy a house," not knowing" not everyone is responsible enough to pay for one.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010

Funny the current admin is blaming everything on Bush, even this oil leak. Accountability?

Who is the dumb ass that signed up for an ARM or an interest only loan?

Clinton, Reno and others relaxed the requirements and made banks give shady loans so that all Americans could buy a house," not knowing" not everyone is responsible enough to pay for one.


the collapse happened under Bush.  Repeat after me.  The collapse happened under Bush.  It was allowed to happen by both parties.  It was designed to collapse.  You and I had no say in this. There is no right/left paradigm.  They are both working for the same people:  The banking cartel whom have bought off 99% of all Politicians.  Do not be tricked into thinking the Republicans have your back. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
the collapse happened under Bush.  Repeat after me.  The collapse happened under Bush.  It was allowed to happen by both parties.  It was designed to collapse.  You and I had no say in this. There is no right/left paradigm.  They are both working for the same people:  The banking cartel whom have bought off 99% of all Politicians.  Do not be tricked into thinking the Republicans have your back. 

you can't even follow your own logic of D&R being the same, yet it was bush's fault, even though frank and clinton changed the policy. 

you can have the last word as i will never respond to another one of your posts.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
cotullaguy said:
the collapse happened under Bush.  Repeat after me.  The collapse happened under Bush.  It was allowed to happen by both parties.  It was designed to collapse.  You and I had no say in this. There is no right/left paradigm.  They are both working for the same people:  The banking cartel whom have bought off 99% of all Politicians.  Do not be tricked into thinking the Republicans have your back. 

you can't even follow your own logic of D&R being the same, yet it was bush's fault, even though frank and clinton changed the policy.   

you can have the last word as i will never respond to another one of your posts.


sounds good.  thanks for giving me the last word.  I will take it. 

Bush was in office 8 years before the collapse and did nothing to stop it.  We also have gas prices at all time highs and he is in the oil business....hmmmmmm.....we also had our worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor and he fought an investigation for over a year.  Yet you support this guy and want to blindly give him a pass on economic collapse.  (clapping)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
would it be safe to assume then that the crash of the 30's had the same type of politics involved, with some one to blame, or some political party or a group of bankers or market gurus of the times??>... or was it just really  " hard times" ??  alot of folks didnt lose it all then....some prospered well?.....not mcuh differnce in the end result of what happend then and what is happening now....the rich get richer??  jbarl


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
It takes money to make money -- makes no difference which party is in power.  However, the Dems constantly try to increase my taxes, infringe on 2nd Amendment rights, so they just never seem to get my vote.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
would it be safe to assume then that the crash of the 30's had the same type of politics involved, with some one to blame, or some political party or a group of bankers or market gurus of the times??  jbarl

no.  look at population growth or lack of it during that time to consume goods that matched production.  3 leading factors were the flu, WWI and lots of partying (the roaring 20's), all of which contributed to a new dynamic of the family unit that the economy adjusted to.

but of course everyone loves a skapegoat other than themselves, so no one ever looks at things like that.

try guns, germs and steal by jared diamond for an introduction on such matters.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
consuming goods and matching production...theres a novel idea  jbarl

what every individual knows how to do better than the government, unless of course they are distracted by subsidies, tax breaks, bribes etc.

and if they don't, there is a quicker readjustment of assets, rather than continual bailouts which do nothing but spread the damage farther and wider, especially if one knows there will be a bailout, or changes the law so that there is one.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
GoWyo said:
It takes money to make money -- makes no difference which party is in power.  However, the Dems constantly try to increase my taxes, infringe on 2nd Amendment rights, so they just never seem to get my vote.

The Patriot Act was introduced under what Party?

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
cotullaguy said:
knabe said:
cotullaguy said:
the collapse happened under Bush.  Repeat after me.  The collapse happened under Bush.  It was allowed to happen by both parties.  It was designed to collapse.  You and I had no say in this. There is no right/left paradigm.  They are both working for the same people:  The banking cartel whom have bought off 99% of all Politicians.  Do not be tricked into thinking the Republicans have your back. 

you can't even follow your own logic of D&R being the same, yet it was bush's fault, even though frank and clinton changed the policy.   

you can have the last word as i will never respond to another one of your posts.


sounds good.  thanks for giving me the last word.  I will take it. 

Bush was in office 8 years before the collapse and did nothing to stop it.  We also have gas prices at all time highs and he is in the oil business....hmmmmmm.....we also had our worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor and he fought an investigation for over a year.  Yet you support this guy and want to blindly give him a pass on economic collapse.   (clapping)RIGHT ON COTULLA-that pretty well sums things up-What was the basis for our everyday economy- cheap OIL-(and realestate-and-then various high tech facets) trouble is the old growth lumber and things like oil have been squandered by those in power-(what business was Bush In?) WHATS NEXT-Nuclear Energy-and Obama flipped off Bush good on that one-WHATS IT REALLY GONNA Come down to-WATER,where is one of the new aquaculture intense agriculture areas proposed-the ABANDONED streets and buildings of Detroit. O0


Mar 14, 2010
I have read all of the posts so far and find this very interesting.  First of all, I am a very, very conservative cattleman politically and like to do my own research on things.  As old as I am, I don't believe a lot of things people tell me, or what I hear from TV or anywhere else because I've usually found it to be biased at best.  I"ve spent some time looking into the Federal Reserve and found out that cotullaguy is dead on in every area that he has talked about.  I don't know who this person is, and have never met him, and I think the rest of the people on here are good-hearted people.  But what I want to add to this conversation is this - there is no difference between Republican and Democrat in the upper ranks of both parties.  There are some good people in the lower levels, but they are few and far between.  I've heard this statement many times:  "I don't like any candidate, but I'm going to vote for the lesser of two evils."  I used to think that, too.  But I finally figured out that if you get the lesser of two evils, you still get evil.  Think about this:  Bush wanted to bail out the bankers, and McCain and Obama couldn't get back to Washington fast enough to vote with him.  That is a fact.  Thanks again, cotullaguy, for the time you've spent researching and accurately reporting on these subjects. 


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
walter said:
I have read all of the posts so far and find this very interesting.  First of all, I am a very, very conservative cattleman politically and like to do my own research on things.  As old as I am, I don't believe a lot of things people tell me, or what I hear from TV or anywhere else because I've usually found it to be biased at best.  I"ve spent some time looking into the Federal Reserve and found out that cotullaguy is dead on in every area that he has talked about.  I don't know who this person is, and have never met him, and I think the rest of the people on here are good-hearted people.  But what I want to add to this conversation is this - there is no difference between Republican and Democrat in the upper ranks of both parties.  There are some good people in the lower levels, but they are few and far between.  I've heard this statement many times:  "I don't like any candidate, but I'm going to vote for the lesser of two evils."  I used to think that, too.  But I finally figured out that if you get the lesser of two evils, you still get evil.  Think about this:  Bush wanted to bail out the bankers, and McCain and Obama couldn't get back to Washington fast enough to vote with him.  That is a fact.  Thanks again, cotullaguy, for the time you've spent researching and accurately reporting on these subjects. 


God Bless you and I am glad you took the time to see what I was saying were true.  I want the people on this board to know the truth about things and not be lied to or mislead.


Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
cotullaguy said:
walter said:
I have read all of the posts so far and find this very interesting.  First of all, I am a very, very conservative cattleman politically and like to do my own research on things.  As old as I am, I don't believe a lot of things people tell me, or what I hear from TV or anywhere else because I've usually found it to be biased at best.  I"ve spent some time looking into the Federal Reserve and found out that cotullaguy is dead on in every area that he has talked about.  I don't know who this person is, and have never met him, and I think the rest of the people on here are good-hearted people.  But what I want to add to this conversation is this - there is no difference between Republican and Democrat in the upper ranks of both parties.  There are some good people in the lower levels, but they are few and far between.  I've heard this statement many times:  "I don't like any candidate, but I'm going to vote for the lesser of two evils."  I used to think that, too.  But I finally figured out that if you get the lesser of two evils, you still get evil.  Think about this:  Bush wanted to bail out the bankers, and McCain and Obama couldn't get back to Washington fast enough to vote with him.  That is a fact.  Thanks again, cotullaguy, for the time you've spent researching and accurately reporting on these subjects. 


God Bless you and I am glad you took the time to see what I was saying were true.  I want the people on this board to know the truth about things and not be lied to or mislead.

It's almost like your talking to yourself. ;)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
walter said:
I have read all of the posts so far and find this very interesting.  First of all, I am a very, very conservative cattleman politically and like to do my own research on things.  As old as I am, I don't believe a lot of things people tell me, or what I hear from TV or anywhere else because I've usually found it to be biased at best.  I"ve spent some time looking into the Federal Reserve and found out that cotullaguy is dead on in every area that he has talked about.  I don't know who this person is, and have never met him, and I think the rest of the people on here are good-hearted people.  But what I want to add to this conversation is this - there is no difference between Republican and Democrat in the upper ranks of both parties.  There are some good people in the lower levels, but they are few and far between.  I've heard this statement many times:  "I don't like any candidate, but I'm going to vote for the lesser of two evils."  I used to think that, too.  But I finally figured out that if you get the lesser of two evils, you still get evil.  Think about this:  Bush wanted to bail out the bankers, and McCain and Obama couldn't get back to Washington fast enough to vote with him.  That is a fact.  Thanks again, cotullaguy, for the time you've spent researching and accurately reporting on these subjects. 


God Bless you and I am glad you took the time to see what I was saying were true.  I want the people on this board to know the truth about things and not be lied to or mislead.

It's almost like your talking to yourself. ;)

It may look that way but ask jason to confirm it is not me that wrote that. check by the IP address.  I have no idea who this man is but one that obviously does some investigation on his own.  I do not need to resort to tactics like that to keep me going.  The facts and truth will take care of that for me.    ;D