Is this true?

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Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
I'm starting to think it is a hoax, I just noticed that it is dated on 02-19-2013 which is almost 5 months ago, so I think it is a hoax, damn the bad luck, oh well. Sorry if I got anyone excited.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
About the only part that is true is that Obama tried to use an illegal procedure to appoint NLRB Board members and he got shot down.  The rest is just some sensationalized crap and Lyndon LaRouche is kind of a nutter.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Yup saw him impeached.

It was awesome.

Xbsr was crying and republicans won all 3 branches.

Xbar moved to Cuba.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Haha- only thing that upsets me is the loss of check and balances that are going to occur because of the GOPs resistance to dropping their social policy platform.  As a result, they'll never see the White House again... Or at least until their done bitting off their noses.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
where's the check and balances on your dream?

your hypocrisy nose know bounds.

the GOP will drop their social agenda and let the free market decide how to deal with their issues.  hopefully some of this involves lowered regulation of adoption that has an equal amount of funding and limitations removed that choice does.  but of course the left will want to make sure to so restrict it that it will never fly as they view the state as owning the kids through language and policy.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
Big M Show Cattle said:
This is something that I seen on Facebook so I don't know if it is a hoax or not, wanted to see if anyone heard about this, it talks about Obama is facing 3 charges which will start the impeachment process. Could be a hoax, don't know so I'm not getting excited yet.

You may have seen it!


Well-known member
May 25, 2010
Spring Creek , Iowa
We could only hope !!!! He look wonderful riding a camel in Kenya !!!! And P.S. XBAR quit being a smart _ _ _ please !!! Big M stands about 6 ' 4" and is a lawman from the great state of Wyoming , much larger than you both in stature and brains !!!!!


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
ALTSIMMY 79 said:
We could only hope !!!! He look wonderful riding a camel in Kenya !!!! And P.S. XBAR quit being a smart _ _ _ please !!! Big M stands about 6 ' 4" and is a lawman from the great state of Wyoming , much larger than you both in stature and brains !!!!!

Let me guess... he's smarter than the President too!?  (lol)

Lawman... what a misnomer.... Let me get this straight... he holds a govt funded occupation, lives in a state w/ mandated socialized auto insurance, and receives government-subsidized socialized healthcare but opposes any type of socialism?  goooooood one!

I can't wait to hear the rationalization for cherry picking the socialized services provided by government. 

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
funny how George 2 and a surprising array of (Republicans) are supporting the most communist -fascist platform of all-Immigration Reform-Ill bet hes even taking Spanish lessons :Si voto para el Georgio_One of many reasons you wont see the Whitehouse soon is that you want to step on the new majority of voters-DUH-when dat happen-dey aint gonna vote fer U. Every 8 months to a year Lyndon Larouches secret army membors come to the Berryville post office and attempt to recruit people into thier MASSIVE MOVEMENT.Mr Larouche:puportedley an immenent presidential candidate hasnt been seen in years due to security concerns (his importance evades me) He also ran his dominions from the Loudoun County jail-about 20 miles from us. Any how-I was coming out of the post office and saw these rather feminine high voiced boys sashaying up to the bottom of the stairs asking to speak to me. I didnt notice any posters-didnt know who they were-and told them I didnt really care about GAY marriage-I wasnt trying to make them mad-I just thought they were Fruits and that was why they were there. Another true story about my incidental brush with the SHOCK TROOPS OF DESTINY:and they aint gonna vote republican either (lol) O0

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
I have just been sitting back and reading, I see Xbar as the typical smarta__. No I'm not an English major and don't clame to be. Xbar is over 10 years younger than me and college educated, so he still has some maturing to do, it is understandable. I am 6' 3 1/2 or over 6' 4 in my boots and pushing 240 (not fat), Matt can't believe you judged my height that well from meeting you, several people from SP have met me as I do have a love for cattle like most on this site does, but have not had the honor to meet Xbar. I do go to Denver every year and have been to Fort Worth and plan on going again soon. So if you would like to chat in person, I would be happy to meet you at a show so we could get an understanding of each other in person. I do take a little offense to your talking or bashing of Police Officers, we just do jobs that are more physically challenging then other jobs that some do, but I will just tally it up to immaturity which will get better with age. I am proud to be a Police Officer, there is a very true statement "we (cops) run towards gun fire and violence while others run away". I worked in St. Louis Missouri in the north side of the city where the projects are and have seen pretty much everything from fresh homicides to very brutal crime scenes. But from just reading your posts I have a good idea that I'm sure you could not handle being a Police Officer physically or mentally. I don't know how big you are but lets just say I'm bigger than most and know how to defend myself well from martial arts, wrestling and Police training, but I know when to keep my mouth shut even as an Officer, your mouth can get you in a lot of trouble when there are a lot of angry people around you. Have you ever herd the saying "Your mouth keeps writing checks that your ass can't cash"? I see that it in you. Just saying and of course my own opinion. But I will leave it at that cause I do see this as a family website for people of all ages and I may have crossed the line a little and for that I do apologize but I do take a little offense to people bashing Police in general as I have worked really hard in this career and with honor.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Agree repubs are racists too. But to me, they both allow corporations to write laws who's only intention is to make it difficult for small companies to compete.

To me their difference is the scale of taking and giving. Which in the end may be minimal.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
I realize you're a cop and the only form of persuasion you're capable of is intimidation, but if you ever talk to me face to face like that- with those insulation and undertones- I assure you I'll take you up on your offer. You take that for what it's worth. 
