James H Leachman Please read

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2009
Flintoft,Saskatchewan, Canada
Sounds like everyone involved is playing the blame game and pointing the finger at someone else.  In the end the animals are suffering and no one wants to step up and accept any responsibility - pitiful.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
North Carolina
Hard one to read, hard to look at that picture.  Leachman must have thought that his horses would be better off fending for themselves instead of keeping them on his place which is or was falling apart.  Certainly not the right answer, animals need us, thats why we do what we do....

I am with you here, hard to read, hard to think about it being done by someone who has run a cattle outfit in MT for many years.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
"I am with you here, hard to read, hard to think about it being done by someone who has run a cattle outfit in MT for many years"

We are all stewards of the land we live on and the livestock we tend.  It is so hard to understand when a person, who has been successful doing something in an animal industry, just turns their back on the very stock in their care.  Those animals belong to him and it appears he has or had no intention of assuming responsiblity for the matter.  How many times has the "LEACHMAN" name been used to suggest quality in this industry?  To let his ego get him to this point is a real reflection of the man he has become.  I tell our son, no matter what you do in life, good or bad, own what you do because that is how you will be remembered.  Will he step up and be a man and own his neglect?  Probably not.  Sure seems he is looking to point a finger.
How will people remember him?  It is not my place to judge but sure seems he will have a long list to attend to on his reckoning day.  So sad to see this happen.  Joan


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2007
This is a good character lesson to take to heart.  My father would often remind us kids "The eyes of man are never full."  If you havent looked at the Good Book for awhile, please look at Proverbs 27:20.

Sometimes ego, pride, ambition and greed take us from a good place down a sad road of no return.  Look around you and appreciate all the good in your life you have now.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
That is so sad, we had talked about going up to his horse sale a couple of years back and just couldn't get it arranged, looked like a great set of horses.

I picked up a bag in Denver from Leachman Cattle of Colorado, is this the same Leachman?


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Leachman of CO is Lee Leachman, Jim's son.  Sounds to me that its a power struggle between those two men, I think the guy that bought the ground might have some responsibility as well, IF he moved the horses away from water and feed, SHAME ON THEM!!!


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
jbw said:
Leachman of CO is Lee Leachman, Jim's son.  Sounds to me that its a power struggle between those two men, I think the guy that bought the ground might have some responsibility as well, IF he moved the horses away from water and feed, SHAME ON THEM!!!

Mr Stovall bought land not horses.  He bears no responsibilty to the horses at all. He was using his land for his purposes.  He paid over 2 million for the land.  Mr Leachman knew these horses were on land that didn't belong to him.  Neighbors or enemies, the horses were Mr Leachmans property.  Mr Stovall moved the horses off of ground his mother cows needed.  He was looking after himself and in todays world that is commonplace.  Not right by any means but he had his own responsibilities to attend to.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
sounds like the horses were on welfare and the cattle that paid the bills are the bad guy.

sounds familiar


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
knabe said:
sounds like the horses were on welfare and the cattle that paid the bills are the bad guy.

sounds familiar

I wouldn't mind getting a bunch of free horses on land that I were to purchase.. Wait, aren't those considered wild mustangs? and aren't they considered a nuisance?  Around where we are from, you can kill anything that is a "nuisance"- ie coyotes, bears, wild cats.  In georgia, they shoot the wild hogs due to nuisance, and they don't need a permit..

food for thought


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
If you read the article, Leachman's mortgage was foreclosed on.  Stovall purchased the land in the foreclosure sale.  Most states have a statutory redemption period where the person who was foreclosed on (Leachman) has the right to redeem the property within a certain amount of time.  The right of possession during the redemption period can be a contentious issue.  Usually the purchaser has to evict the sticky ex-owner to use the property during the redemption period.  According to the article, Leachman is trying to obtain financing to redeem the property and Stovall is trying to use the ranch with Leachman's horses on it.  This was a wreck coming from a mile away and they all share a responsibility in it.  Unfortunately, the taxpayers will probably get stuck with it.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2010
North Carolina
GoWyo said:
If you read the article, Leachman's mortgage was foreclosed on.  Stovall purchased the land in the foreclosure sale.  Most states have a statutory redemption period where the person who was foreclosed on (Leachman) has the right to redeem the property within a certain amount of time.  The right of possession during the redemption period can be a contentious issue.  Usually the purchaser has to evict the sticky ex-owner to use the property during the redemption period.  According to the article, Leachman is trying to obtain financing to redeem the property and Stovall is trying to use the ranch with Leachman's horses on it.  This was a wreck coming from a mile away and they all share a responsibility in it.  Unfortunately, the taxpayers will probably get stuck with it.

I read this article as well.  Does seem to be a tough situation.  From the two or three articles I read, it seems that Leachman was trying to keep his stock where they have thrived for many years, but circumstances after the foreclosure sale caused the horses to be moved off the ranch.  It doesn't directly say that Leachman was the one who moved his horses....I did read that he was trying to obtain financing to get the ranch back and get back in business.  If that were the case I don't think he would consider neglecting his animals because since 2002 he has faced a battle to work through foreclosure and bankruptcy and still tried to run his business with quality stock.

If Leachman neglected the horses, shame on him.  From what I have seen on Leachman of CO, they run a top notch outfit with Co op herds across the west, and also have a big part in the Seedstock Merchandising Team at Colorado State University. 


Active member
Dec 8, 2010
Is this the way you run a top notch outfit! Leachman lost this property back in July, so IMO he doesn't own the land anymore and should have moved his horses. They said some of those horses have been injured for a long time so I would have to guess that some of these problems started before he even lost the land. What does this say about Leachman and his passion for animals, not much! Its seems to be all about the all mighty dollar that the tax payer will end up coming up with. This guy shouldn't even be allowed to ever own a animal again. Just my two cents!  ???


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
Jive Turkey said:

Here are few more undates for those that are following


"Jim Glenn of Sidney, Iowa, who has been friends with Leachman for 30 years, said he repeatedly offered to finance a horse sale last year to reduce the herd size, but Leachman refused. Despite being owed more than $30,000 for a previous Leachman sale, Glenn said he's willing to try again.

"I offered to help him put on sales in May, in September and October. And, basically, I would do it now, today. I would buy the horses and sell them all today just to keep him out of jail," Glenn said.

If there is a sale, Glenn said he would handle the money, so he could pay the sale expenses and himself first.

Exerpt taken from the links above.  Too bad the horses are being used as pawns between 2 guys that don't seem to get along.  Now, there are mares due to foal with yearling on their sides yet out of who knows which stud so thus these good breed ranch horses are now worth next to nothing.  Wow.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Call me bad but...why doesn't the HSUS with all there $ step in and help these poor horses.  This guy is pathetic, and I think the rancher that bought his place is pathetic too for not reporting these horses earlier.  I just can't imagine, moving those horses and saying "Oh well..."

HSUS would be better to use there $ to help these animals instead of charging in states like MO and barking up a tree with no squirrel in it.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
I am not a lawyer first.
BUT, when you buy a property at Sheriff's sale there is a period of time the person who lost the property can take it back. The courts give them a period of time to pay the debt. Techinically the guy had no right to move the horses an til that time had past. I am not sure of any of the time lines etc with this case. This doesn't excuse Leachman at all of his lack of attention. If you read the article the new buyer locked the gates and moved the horses. The whole situation is SAD. And yes where is PETA with their money saving animals?