Joe Pa out

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
What's everyone think about the firing of Joe Paterno at Penn State???
He was retiring at the end of the season anyways...


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
Hay Springs, Nebraska
I think it is sad that an 84 year old coach who has accomplished as much as Joe Pa gets fired, but I think it is much more sad that numerous children got abused in whatever way and adults were aware of what was going on and never went to the police.  I fully support the decisions of Penn State University.  Very sad situation though.  :(


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2009
aandtcattle said:
I think it is sad that an 84 year old coach who has accomplished as much as Joe Pa gets fired, but I think it is much more sad that numerous children got abused in whatever way and adults were aware of what was going on and never went to the police.  I fully support the decisions of Penn State University.  Very sad situation though.  :(

Yep, just sucks that it had to go down this way.  I have feeling he knew about this long ago hence the resignation of Sandusky in 1998.  Joepa has turned out to be the bigger story than sandusky and what about the Grad Assistant that saw the act and told his dad and eventually went to Paterno.  Isn't he culpable to for not going to the police.  Why didn't he stop it right there.  If I see something like that going on I am going to walk back into the equipment locker grab a blunt object and stop it right in its tracks.  Lot of people dropped the ball on this.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Right decision with the board of trustees. Paterno should have taken command of this and called authorities as well. Not my idea of a great leader but perhaps money, power and prestige in a culture where sports is so important overrides grotesque abuse.


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
Some talking head said it best.

Sometime in ten to twenty years those kids out there protesting will look down at their kids.  They’ll allow the thought to creep into their heads for just a few seconds about what they would if their kid were the victim and they’ll realize what a terrible mistake they made back in 2011.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Another example of the tail wagging the dog.  A major college president, athletic director, the winningest football coach in history, plus who knows who else, all losing their jobs over what they did to protect a football team.  The football team?  Again, just when was it decided that the athletic program was such an integral part of the central mission of a college, most of whom are owned by us through our tax dollars?  Ohio State, USC, now Penn State, the list goes on and on.  I'm sad that the football coach has become the highest paid, most influential person on campus in far too many cases.  Perhaps the Penn State crew did nothing illegal, but it is a sorry situation when the football team is placed above ALL other concerns.  Perhaps it is too bad that Paterno had to go out like this, but it pales in comparison to what too many young boys had to endure.  It could have and should have been stopped.


Well-known member
May 27, 2009
Apalling that nothing was done 10 plus years ago to stop this.  I always saw JoePa as a man of integrity that everyone could look up to.  Now I see him as trash.  The fact that he knew about this and essentially "allowed" it to continue by not going to the law is unbelievable.

The Regents certainly did the right thing by showing him the door. 

I also think it is a huge mistake if they don't get rid of the former "grad assistant" as well...the one that actually witnessed this and did nothing to stop it immediately...and is now on staff.  Though I'm not the brawler-type, I would've got myself something to swing and went in their flailing away...and got the kid to safety.  How did this coach just walk out of the rooom? 
So many people to blame that could've helped, but did nothing.  Unreal.

Everyone crucified Tressel for his coverup, but that was trading jerseys for tattoos...this situation is not even comparable.  Talk about lack of institutional control!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
You create your image as a paragon of virtue

You create your football program as above reproach

You get a report about child abuse by your assistant coach in your locker room

You pass the information up the food chain, you have done your (legal)  duty, and then you  "forget about it" for years

You have the power and ability to get anything you want done on the Penn State campus - you could have stopped the abuse - yet you allow your assistant coach to continue to abuse children

Now you say in retrospect you "should have done more" where was your morality when it counted?

You and all the members of the Penn State food chain are paragons of slime and greed and complicit in the abuse of children

You should not escape legal punishment and should be punished to the full extent of the law and  the court of public opinion

Your reputation as a paragon of virtue is in the manure pit where it belongs


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2009
Don't get me wrong-I am completely against this kind of behavior...but why are the "mainstream" media and pundits so appauled and bothered by the rioting by Penn State students? This has become the supported norm of behavior for this generation....Occupy(pillage, rape, destroy, disrespect) America.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
the 409 wins, the 95 first-team All-Americans, the five perfect season and the two national championships.......those accomplishments mean nothing.  His greatest moment could have been making a phone call to the police and putting a young man first.  Tthinking about his job...thinking about the game... thinking about his coaches and thinking about the reputation of Penn State cost him how much?  If we don't have intergrity in EVERYTHING we live and do we have nothing.

So next question, who will pay him to get the inside scoop?  If that does happen I hope he donates everything and then some to an organization that helps victims recover.

As for Sandusky, anyone have a bander handy?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
::) It could get a lot worse.

****BE forewarned this is a rumor, however, the person who posted it was the person who reported the the possible initial fallout back in April of this year.*****

Penn State Scandal: Rumor Claims Sandusky “Pimped Out” Boys to Rich Donors
Zac Wassink

By Zac Wassink, Yahoo! Contributor Network 2 hours, 20 minutes ago

Just when you thought the Penn State child sex-abuse scandal couldn't possibly get any worse, we may have just scratched the surface. Joe Paterno being fired could be just the start of arguably the biggest downfall in the history of college athletics.

Pittsburgh radio personality Mark Madden, who penned a column for the Beaver County Times back in April of this year named "Sandusky a State secret," a column which foreshadowed the recent scandal which has absolutely gutted those of us in the Penn State family, was a guest on the Dennis & Callahan Morning Show on WEEI sports talk radio out of Boston on Thursday morning. During his appearance, Madden, who has been mostly right regarding this issue from the very start, dropped what can only be called a bombshell, an announcement which could mean far more than the end of Joe Paterno's career.

Madden stated that two "prominent columnists" are currently investigating a rumor that Jerry Sandusky's Second Mile Foundation, a non-profit organization aimed to serve underprivileged youths, was "pimping out young boys to rich (Penn State) donors." Madden went on to say that Jerry Sandusky was told by those running the show at Penn State football that Sandusky had to retire after allegations made in 1998 that the defensive coordinator was guilty of "improper conduct with an underage male." Sandusky, thought by some to be Joe Paterno's successor at the time, abruptly and somewhat shockingly retired from coaching in 1999.

It actually gets worse. Madden went on to say "When Sandusky quit, everybody knew; not just at Penn State. It was a very poorly kept secret around college football, in general. That is why he never coached in college football again and retired at the relatively young age of 55, young for a coach." Madden also called the Second Mile Foundation "the perfect cover" for Sandusky's scheme.

I want to be absolutely clear about a few things. These reports, as of the writing of this piece, are coming only from Mark Madden, and they are currently only rumors and speculation. With that said, Mark Madden has been mostly correct about a grand jury investigation which was sealed until very recently. I'm not suggesting that I 100 percent believe Madden to be correct. I'm certainly not ignoring a word he's saying regarding the Sandusky case at this point.

Late Wednesday evening after Joe Paterno was fired by Penn State, an "in the know" individual told me that this story was going to get uglier, and that there were, at the very least, "dozens of more victims." My absolute worst fear regarding the issue is what Mark Madden spoke on Thursday morning. It's been widely reported that the US Department of Education is currently investigating Penn State. Are they going to find that Jerry Sandusky was running a multimillion-dollar criminal organization, one which resulted in dozens, possibly hundreds (or even more), of youths being sexually abused? Will they find that higher-ups at Penn State, including now former football coach Joe Paterno, covered-up Sandusky's heinous crimes? All I know this morning is that, after the worst week of my Penn State life, I don't know if anything would shock me.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
What bothers me most is an adult who abuses their power over children. These were children a child who are born without prejudice and are the innocent in this world. It is absolutely disgusting. Unfortunately there is not rehabilitation for child molesters they can only hope to control their impulse. Just made me sick when I heard this. If this is all true quiet a few of those folks should be held accountable.
Why are they rioting at the college? I am with you total lack of respect on the students part. I am with the board of trustees - Joe's OUT!


Well-known member
Sep 13, 2010
Sorry to see him leave on such bad terms/circumstances, but all the alegations that have been made cannot and should not be taken lightly by the university. I think they made the right and respectful move.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it's not yet clear if charges were ever taken to the DA as he killed himself in 2005.  it's also not clear if there was enough evidence to actually prosecute sandusky even though there was a direct eyewitness other than the boys.  it's not yet clear if all the boys/parents were available and willing to testify way back in the day.  i think maybe one parent wouldn't.  we are eager to hang people thinking that we could never do anything wrong in similar circumstances.  people tend to not want to get involved in things especially if it will ruin someone even in extreme circumstances.

think about it, bill clinton was just as much a sleaze and the libs loved him.  bet you never had a friend that was pursued by bill clinton.  if joe pa goes down for this, jfk and mlk certainly go down as well.  release the mlk tapes. maybe his monument should be torn down like reagan's.  both sides have selective outrage and rightousness.



Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
"think about it, bill clinton was just as much a sleaze and the libs loved him.  bet you never had a friend that was pursued by bill clinton.  if joe pa goes down for this, jfk and mlk certainly go down as well.  release the mlk tapes. maybe his monument should be torn down like reagan's.  both sides have selective outrage and rightousness."

Doen't even compare....those crimes were not against CHILDREN!  EVERYONE involved had the duty to make sure this is did not go on further and many many dropped the ball all because they did want to "shame" the establishment.  SHame on you for comparing the above people. What they did was with ADULTS.


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
think about it, bill clinton was just as much a sleaze and the libs loved him.

You've tripped over that line you are so good at balancing and fell flat into the trolling side.  Based on your posts I refuse to believe you don't know the difference between sex with ten year old boys vs consenting adults.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
we don't have all the facts.  my only comment is society is too eager to crucify.  remember john adams and the boston massacre (yeah it's not boys, but gather the facts, get them in line and prosecute, legislate and base trade on a consistent moral).  what's probably worse in this situation is that the kids were probably pimped out.  remember, nancy pelosi marched with a member of nambla.  the outrage here is a little too selective and more focused on taking someone down than any sympathy for the children.  i am pointing out that the left is drifting towards consenting sex with anyone of any age, just as they are for murder, ie abortion.  i am saying that wrong is wrong regardless of the age.  i am also saying that not everyone knows exactly what they would do when they are in the situation didn't say what they should have when they should have and then made it even worse.  why the selective outrage with underage boys and women predators?  and less outrage if they are not university football assistant coaches.  where is the outrage with the UN, the taliban and cultures within the muslim cultures where it has always been culturally normal to pimp out little boys and girls.  where is the outrage for the little girls from india and elsewhere that are kidnapped and sent to the arabian penisula with a guarantee of chasitity with an operation?  the issue is power, no matter what the age, sex, orientation. also, with clinton, i don't mean in the white house.
