Just a little rant

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Well-known member
Sep 24, 2009
So I am going to rant just a little. First off I think this is a great information website for people to use and ask questions on. But I am beyond frustrated with the classified section of this website. I have posted a steer in the classifieds, and asked for serious call/text only. I am upfront with people and give my honest opinion on the cattle I raise and trade. But last week I get a call from someone intrested in a steer. There only hang up was getting him a ride somewhere close to them. So I took the time to find a ride for the steer. Send potential buyer a text stating I had found a ride for the steer. No response then I call no response. Finally a text back saying great thanks. Then asked please let me know if he needs to go on the trailer.... This was last Wednesday still no response. So what I am getting at is if you are not serious about a calf don't call or text the breeders and have them think you are intrested in the calf and take the time to set up transportion for you. This is not how I do business! It just gets old after awhile having people call and say I will let you know and then never get back to you. Just be upfront and say no or yes I will take the calf. Are there other people on here that have the same problem? If this was only a one time thing it would not bother me as much but this happens everytime I post in the classifieds. That is why I stopped doing. I like the new set up because you are able to state the price and the location. I was thinking it would weed out the tire kickers but it hasint. This is just my rant for the day not trying to start a negative post. But if you are a tire kicker stop being one, only call/text if you are serious about a calf.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
That is part of the business of selling, you as the seller can only do your best to keep customers and potential customers happy. Sometimes you get the shortend of the stick, sometimes your efforts get you a customer for their entire show carrier. Tire kickers are just a part of the deal, as long as they don't keep you from making a sell to someone else on the same animal, your out sometime and get a little frustration in your life but that's about it.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
I never considered anything sold until I had the money in the bank. Regardless of what anyone said to me.  I answered every special request with "I'd be happy to do that once I get the check."

A car salesman friend of mine always said "You ain't got nothing until you get the money"


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
It is frustrating but happens unfortunately. Happened to a friend of mine twice already on in heifer. Spoken for and paid for are two totally different things!!


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2012
Know the feeling well, money talks and everything else walks. Deposit hold for 2 weeks full amount a month as long as I am still feeding it.the kick the tire people or I will let you know miss out if serious buyers show up 1/2 hour later. Just remember in the end you only see you in the mirror. So as long as you do your part to assist costumers then you done your job. Good luck and as I tell myself to just breathe in and out.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
Possibly take a somewhat substantial down payment and let them line up their own transportation then you won't get burnt as easily.


Active member
Jul 4, 2013
Beverly, OH
When I get "I'll Let you know". I take that as not interested. I don't think I have ever had someone come back to buy one after they say that.


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
I feel bad for you, and I certainly understand your frustration.

I am a car dealer, and could write a book on this.  It is amazing how inconsiderate people can be. 

I have had people call me to tell me that they are on their way to get the car, will be there in 15 minutes, and they go buy something else.  I have had people submit credit applications asking us to arrange financing for the vehicle that they are wanting...and they just never come back.  This list goes on and on.

It hurt me to do it, but I had to adopt a policy that clearly states that the only thing that will keep a vehicle off the market is money.  If someone is driving 4 hours, I tell them that the only guarantee I can give regarding the vehicle being here when they arrive comes in the form of a deposit. 

I will invest ZERO time toward arranging delivery, transportation, accessories, etc., until the vehicle is sold.
