Lance Armstrong

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
It's really about the power of government and not lance. These emerging governing bodies are starting to get pervasive.

No one will vote against them.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
knabe said:
The whole sport cheated. Why pick on one guy. Just dissolve the sport.

It's boring. Its not even a real sport. No one understands it. The last day is a formality.

No one has a concept of where the riders are. It's a joke.

The best cheat in cycling is... It's a great sport. Just clean it up.  There is something spectacular in watching these guys race in the Pyrenees.  I like looking at the landscape the best.  

Seriously, Armstrong is a product of circumstances. There is no question that he is a very gifted/hard working athlete.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
I can't stop thinking about how much time and coverage we give this crap everytime a new cheat is uncovered. If our governing bodies would spend half of the time that they seem to spend on sports issues on say the economy maybe, just maybe they could get some meaningful work accomplished. I'm sick of the stupidity!!!


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
nate53 said:
My opinion:  Is he passed all the drug test when he was competing (a lot of test).  Why go after him all these years later and ruin him and his legacy?  What evidence do they have now that they didn't have when he was competing and if they do have something (which nothing has been shown outside of accusations) how could they possibly say it was 100% tamper free.  It seems some are just out to ruin him at all cost.  Winning 7 Tour France titles, he probably made some furious.   
Roger Clemens gets off but not Lance?  Why are we so focused on the past, don't we have enough problems now?  I just don't get it I guess. ???

if he was using something that didn't test, then obviously the ethice commity doesn't think it is worth testing or doesn't know it exists, and therefore is NOT against the rules


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
CAB said:
I can't stop thinking about how much time and coverage we give this crap everytime a new cheat is uncovered. If our governing bodies would spend half of the time that they seem to spend on sports issues on say the economy maybe, just maybe they could get some meaningful work accomplished. I'm sick of the stupidity!!!

Amen to the stupidity, CAB.  I'm disappointed in how so many people still think he was anything but a creep. Oprah had a field day with this pathetic guy. And no trevorgreycattleco, I still think he is a liar and a cheat.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i still think the same.

it doesn't bother me as bicycling isn't a sport.

if people go across the finish line taking pictures of themselves and they are all doping, with oxygen enhancers and optimized muscle repair molecules, i don't really see the harm.  to me, it's like better and better equipment escalation.  i don't think lance was the kingpin at all.

like telos said, the best part is the scenery, the bicycling really doesn't matter, maybe it's just a means to look at the scenery.

i remember a better day for cycling with greg lemond winning and helping introducing clipless pedals, aero glasses.  sort of the last era probably of probably mostly clean racing.  ever since then, it's been sort of a joke.

Part Timer

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2009
I can deal with Armstrong cheating, but he thought he was invincible and if anybody tried to say that they seen him doping he sued and bankrupted them. Thats when you cross over from trying to win at all cost to being a egotistic @$$hole. I hope it made him feel better about himself because at the end of the day he is still a piece of crap.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
chambero said:
Im quite sure he used "stuff" - There are likely precious few athletes of that era that didnt in any sport.  If he passed the tests, he wasnt cheating.

Now come on, Chambero. That's like saying if if you don't get caught, you didn't commit the crime.  When I was in college, we had guys cooking Finaplex H (trenbolone) in the oven as at the time it wasn't a tested substance.  There are designer manufacturers that are always manipulating the compound to make it undetectable.  Kitchen chemist and labs far less known than Balco constantly try to stay one step ahead.  As long as winning is glorified (and it should be), there will be those that stretch the boundaries. 