Meyer 735? (sadly shake head)

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New member
Mar 22, 2011
We need to state immediately that we are not Lautner haters. The man is a marketing machine, and if you make money we tip our hats.
Secondly 3C Macho.... great bull. Great for making F1 SimAngus cows. Have no problem with macho whatsoever.
But then it gets, well interesting.
Macho x Irish Whiskey....... whiskey hmmmm. in our experience not the greatest milkers. so labeling this bull as maternal is sketchy.
and then here's the sad sad part:
Lets name him Meyer 735! Blasphemy, unacceptable, disgusted and saddened. WTF man? You pretty much took and iconic name, changed a number and insulted all of us with Meyer influenced cattle. We havent even seen this bull, but i speak for myself and my sibling, he will never be used here. Not even on an angus cow. I will use macho himself and other meyer SONS before that.
But hey I'm sure he'd be a great bull to breed your THC females to! or all those awesome milking HW and Monopoly daughters. cause that will really make some awesome cows. (in case you dont pick up on it there is sarcasm here). Please stick to your terminal bulls you offer us in Heatwave (and his bazillion clones), monopoly, etc. I'm sure some semen will get used by somebody but i hope its for making terminal cattle.
I'm sure we will get a onslaught of messages saying we are retarded or we dont know a thing but ask me if i care. Its an opinion. Bring on the hate mail!

B n B Bella

P.S. We dont care how much you spent on the bull.

Still Tryin

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
Not a Lautner hater either and agree that marketing machine is a good term. Also agree that Meyer 735 should not be used. Then again, I thought Ground Zero was absolutely the worst thing you could name a bull. Never used him because of that. Plenty of other fish in the sea.


Active member
Mar 2, 2011
where is the "Like" button that which we find on facebook?? Awesome post.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
I gotta agree.  I certainly don't hate Lautners either, but they must be running short on bull names.  I notice they're promoting a Jakes Proud Jazz son (out of a Maine cow) and calling him "Proud Jazz" - which is what a whole lot of people call his sire... 


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
I went to look him up but can't find him in the Lautner online catalogue. ???


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
myerscattle said:
have Lautners actually ever Raised a bull  they promote?   (lol)

seems like a valuable service.  how many people ever promote a bull as well as they do?

they help support this website with their ads.

i wish they'd offer something else, but that's ok.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
You can say you're not a hater but your words say otherwise.  The fact is they are absolutely the best at promoting bulls let them make their money and leave em alone.  Don't use their bulls if you don't like them but it just seems there are a lot of people on here who are jealous.


New member
Mar 22, 2011
rlrlks said:
You can say you're not a hater but your words say otherwise.  The fact is they are absolutely the best at promoting bulls let them make their money and leave em alone.  Don't use their bulls if you don't like them but it just seems there are a lot of people on here who are jealous.

Our post was not in any way meant to be jealous.  We utilize Lautner bulls every year, and the calves sell and win. 

Our problem is with the name.  You take an iconic name and even more legendary bull's name, change a number and suddenly he is supposed to be on the same level as Meyer 734 himself.  There is only one Meyer.  There are sons that make some awesome cows, but we use these sons because they are Meyer 734 sons which produce cattle like he did. 

Market him as a new bull with a new name.  Maybe he will be a refreshing new bloodline to produce great cows, but don't put him on level with a legend right out of the boards!


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2011
Names are used as marketing devices if people remember your bulls name that is a good thing.  The only way this bull will stick around is if he throws good calves if not he won't be remembered in a couple years.  The name is for publicity and guess what it's working.  People will use this bull if they like what they see a name means nothing.

Still Tryin

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2010
Totally agree. Don't know the folks at all and that's ok. I will continue to use their bulls if they fit what I need.

seems like a valuable service.  how many people ever promote a bull as well as they do?

they help support this website with their ads.

i wish they'd offer something else, but that's ok.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I'm just glad to see a little variety from the standard names taken from movies/tv shows.

What's wrong with using the number "735"?  How many Angus bulls are know by merely by numbers?  If you want to nitpick, the name Meyer was from the ranch, not a bloodline.  That's the only part thats "copycat".

For all of the other griping about Lautners and their bulls, the biggest mistake any business (whatever industry) makes is by trying to do too many things.  Their success doesn't have that much to do with marketing - These folks are just really good at one niche.  Most of us would be better off following that model - whichever niche we want.  They shouldn't be criticized for not being all things to all people - that is an impossiblity.

As far as griping about them not having raised their own bulls.......  If you have enough cows to amount to anything, you don't have time to do anything else but take care of them.  Lautners focus on selling semen on bulls and trading/fitting calves.  I don't know if they have any cows or not, but frankly I commend them for not biting off more than they can chew and not being able to do anything great.  Large corporations that make and sell things don't make their own parts.  Breeders are essentially subcontractors for Lautners.

This really is a business for them.  They aren't pretenders, they don't make their money somewhere else so they can spend it on this.  True outside investors (those that know nothing about the cattle industry) would be much more interested in spending money on their business model vs. those of the rest of us.  They have a very sound, fuctional business model.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
The reason one the posters (myerscattle) comments were deleted was because he is a duplicate account and his sole purpose was to run down the lautners.

Message to All

Furthermore, the forum rules state no duplicate accounts.  I am not actively removing these accounts, but when you use this duplicate account to make statements based upon another individual, good or bad, I do have a problem with it.
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