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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2010
I'm planning on building a mister system over the winter, I've done searches but can't seem to find pictures of any. If someone has some of their system can you please pm them to me? Thanks


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
SE Oregon
OK I built one last summer and did a lot of "trial and errors".  I just went to hardware store and start looking at the garden / lawn / irrigation section.  You can buy tiny mister's for flower beds, etc.  You can buy the 1/2 in black flexible pipe and then all kinds of attachments for them. 
But here is the key that I found.  You have to find a mister with the least amount of Gallons per hour as you can.  The smallest I could find was 4 gallons per hour, but I bet they get even smaller.  The second issue is you have to buy some type of inline filter that goes on between the water source and misters.  These things are so fine, that a speck of sand will clog them up.  It was cheap! Like under $20. - Even though I had to screw with it 10 different times.  I kept the misters about 2-3 feet above the animal and had a fan helpling blow it around.
Important!  If you have heavier gallons per hour misters, your steer will get wet.  The fan helps blow it around.  Remember the idea is to get he water mist to evaporate before it hits the ground.  In my 10x20 lean to, I was able to drop the temp between 15-20 degrees with the mister.  The steers would stand under them with their noses facing the fan. 


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
If you look on line for some of the patio mister systems you can find heads that are as low as .006 gpm or .36 gph. I used the kit for livestock, can't tell you what brand it was, I did have problems with the heads but not from debris the kit comes with a filter, my problem was more from hard water. I would have to soak the heads in vinegar at the end of each season. HomeDepot sells the stuff only it is seasonal. I found heads that were directional helped get them aimed for coverage.

We did take a cooler, plumed it with copper tubing, left all the extra coils in the cooler and filled with ice and water each morning, trying to get even more cooling from the misters.

We also had a swamp cooler running on them, picked it up on Craigs List. Built a stand for it so it was at the right level.