Monopoly x Heatwave matings...

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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
I have seen several impressive champion steers of this mating combination and was wondering if this is going to be a new trend for producing show steers in the future. Are some breeders just using clean HW cows to get these good ones? Would this be a more consistant mating then, say something like Irish Whiskey? Just curious on what some of you think.



Well-known member
Aug 31, 2008
Several but not all have been E.T matings due to the amount of milk produced by cows that aren't really maternal.I have seen a few that milked had a few that didn't.I have seen some very impressive calves in the winners circle bred this way.IrishWhiskey is more maternal but there can be a PHA problem and H.W. has TH and both can be  a problem if mated to carriers.I have seen both and neither is something to ignore.I have seen many people who are showring blind and their cowherd has more than one generation of clubby breeding that have one great one and many unsaleable due to structure.Monopoly and Heatwave are legends in the steer and heifer showrings.The showring is fun and the cattle look great and can add many dollars over market price but there also can be some problems

DCC show cattle

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2010
Caldwell, Tx
Telos not sure if Cowpoke understood your question... However everything I have seen has been one of two things. 1) guys are just flushing and honestly don't care about the TH deal (25%) will be lethal. To justify this a TH positive calf isn't supposed to affect the cow you just lose the calf. 2) People that I know that are breeding this way have a TH free heatwave cow that is a touch harder or growthier and have bred them back to monopoly to line breed and try to get some consistency. Every cow is different and passes on their own traits. So what I mean by saying that is some heatwave cows are great cows and some Holstein don't make it in the milking parlor... haha Just had to put that before someone comes at me saying heatwave cows are gods worse creation because they aren't. They just aren't as consistently good.

Hope this answer your question a little more accurately