mosque on hallowed ground

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cowz said:
Why this special category?

special categories are necessary to perpetuate a two party system (essentially a one party system).

americans are too ignorant of the principles that founded america, and soon after it was founded, the two party system emerged with jefferson and adams, with jefferson, then labeled a republican, but really the founder of the democrat/progressive party.  Jefferson detested women, especially in politics (read about dolly madison).  jefferson seemed to have more in common with sharia law than any founding father.

adams and jefferson dying on the same day, 50 years after the declaration.  adams had an estate valued then at $100,000, and jefferson was in debt then $100,000.  a very stark contrast in beliefs, which to me, illustrates clearly who lived off the government, taxpayers, and of others, jefferson had slaves, adams did not.

by the way, i think the only time america has had 3 2-term presidents in a row was jefferson, madison, monroe.  essentially the party that wanted slavery took advantage of the overreaching of the whigs and buried them forever, probably to the benefit, but we suffered with overreaching, just as we are now.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
If you've been watching and listening more and more protests in NY over the mosque.... I'm glad but we'll see if it makes any difference. 
I'm amazed (on here) how many of you are so tolerant.  They call us ignorant... I want to know what happened to common sense?
Here's another good youtube... a little long but right on.  IMO

"What shall I render unto Jehovah For all his benefits toward me?"
Psalm 116:12


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
kobo_ranch said:
I'm amazed (on here) how many of you are so tolerant.  They call us ignorant... I want to know what happened to common sense?

i guess i can't get around why i need to be tolerant of a society and belief system that seeks our elimination.



Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
knabe said:
kobo_ranch said:
I'm amazed (on here) how many of you are so tolerant.  They call us ignorant... I want to know what happened to common sense?

i guess i can't get around why i need to be tolerant of a society and belief system that seeks our elimination.

Unfortunately common sense passed away a few years ago, followed shortly by his cousin, work ethic. His brother apathy is still alive and doing well.

I am still haunted by the comments of a extremist Muslim leader I heard interviewed in the months following 911. To paraphrase what he said , was.... " we will win this war one birth at a time. We are in no hurry, but we will win. That is a certainty"  Bin Laden has made similar remarks.  The birth rate in Muslim countries at the present times is 8 times that of the Western free world. I know there are many many wonderful Muslim and Arabic people and many are coming into our countries and becoming good citizens. It is the others that concern me. If there is even one radical in every 100, or every 1000 Muslim immigrants, we better wake up and smell the coffee soon. We had better start protecting ourselves or they could win this war by default.
I am a pretty tolerant guy, but this is one issue where I think a line must be drawn in the sand... and soon.


Well-known member
Jul 3, 2010
Yes, our country allows for a freedom most countries cannot or will not tolerate BUT....

how about a Japanese restaurant at Pearl Harbor?

maybe a furnace factory at Auswitz?

what about a gun factory in war raveged Somalia?

This is no different.  It rubs salt in a wound.  Could you imagine if you lost a loved one in the Towers and you decided to stay downtown and your daily commute would take you by there every work day?  This country is so worried about keeping everyone happy and within thier 'freedoms' that is has forgotten some things are just in bad taste and just plain  degrading to all the men and women who have and are still fighting for freedom around this globe. 

There is something that goes hand in hand with freedom.  It's called RESPECT!  OUT OF RESPECT for the people who lost thier lives and for all who were deeply wounded by the losses they endured because of a TERRORIST act, we should not put a Mosque this close to ground zero.

I don't much care what religion the President is.  He has shown himself in many colors and not all have been in our best interest.  I would ask him, out of RESPECT for the ones lost, to ask that the mosque not be built.

Now I've zipped up my flame suit and this is my opinion.  I am entitled to that because I live in a free country where I RESPECT the people who keep it that way.  So how about the President grow a pair and stand up for the USA.  Joni

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
vet tech said:
having no remorse for the death of inocent lives is sick

relax knabe

How about all of the innocent lives taken at the hands of Sadam???  It was the right thing to do going into Iraq and taking down Sadam!!!  With or without WMD's or if he was harboring terrorists or anything else.  He was just as evil as Stalin, Hitler, etc...  Did you have a problem going into Samalia, Cosovo, Germany, Poland, France, Africa, Kuwate??? Did you IT WAS THE SAME THING!!!!!  WAKE UP WE SAVED INNOCENT LIVES!!!  As for some people saying that we didn't have the right to go in there and stop it I say to you do I have the right to stop someone that is about to rape a neighbor, friend, absolute stranger?  Answer that and tell me we didn't have the right to go into Iraq.  It was the right thing the only moral thing we could do. 

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
As for the Mosque at ground zero.  I think that it is wrong to stop any religous group from worshiping any thing they want to.  Let the Muslim people worship anywhere else in NYC they want to.  Should the Govt. step in, no.  I do think there is a time and a place for everything and ground zero is never the place for a Mosque.  Sorry

vet tech

Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Davis Shorthorns said:
vet tech said:
having no remorse for the death of inocent lives is sick

relax knabe

How about all of the innocent lives taken at the hands of Sadam???  It was the right thing to do going into Iraq and taking down Sadam!!!  With or without WMD's or if he was harboring terrorists or anything else.  He was just as evil as Stalin, Hitler, etc...  Did you have a problem going into Samalia, Cosovo, Germany, Poland, France, Africa, Kuwate??? Did you IT WAS THE SAME THING!!!!!  WAKE UP WE SAVED INNOCENT LIVES!!!  As for some people saying that we didn't have the right to go in there and stop it I say to you do I have the right to stop someone that is about to rape a neighbor, friend, absolute stranger?  Answer that and tell me we didn't have the right to go into Iraq.  It was the right thing the only moral thing we could do. 

vet tech

Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Davis Shorthorns said:
vet tech said:
having no remorse for the death of inocent lives is sick

relax knabe

How about all of the innocent lives taken at the hands of Sadam???  It was the right thing to do going into Iraq and taking down Sadam!!!  With or without WMD's or if he was harboring terrorists or anything else.  He was just as evil as Stalin, Hitler, etc...  Did you have a problem going into Samalia, Cosovo, Germany, Poland, France, Africa, Kuwate??? Did you IT WAS THE SAME THING!!!!!  WAKE UP WE SAVED INNOCENT LIVES!!!  As for some people saying that we didn't have the right to go in there and stop it I say to you do I have the right to stop someone that is about to rape a neighbor, friend, absolute stranger?  Answer that and tell me we didn't have the right to go into Iraq.  It was the right thing the only moral thing we could do. 
What are you talking about?  He said he was glad we killed so many CHILDREN, INOCENT CHILDREN. If the slaughter of children doesnt make you ill you are evil. I never said anything about Hitler or Sadam. Sadam was evil, yes. I never said it wasn't a good thing. If he would have said taking out Sadam was good, I would agree. That doesn't mean we cant have remorse for the children who have died. Know your song before you start singing...

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
What are you talking about?  He said he was glad we killed so many CHILDREN, INOCENT CHILDREN. If the slaughter of children doesnt make you ill you are evil. I never said anything about Hitler or Sadam. Sadam was evil, yes. I never said it wasn't a good thing. If he would have said taking out Sadam was good, I would agree. That doesn't mean we cant have remorse for the children who have died. Know your song before you start singing...

I was taking his statement as sarcastic. I assumed that no one would really be happy about killing children atleast no one that isn't a terrorist.  I know my song very well thank you very much.  I have and will sing it again many times.  I talk often to people about the war we are in and the ignorance of some people.  I do have some remorse for the children, but at the same time I wont be suckered into believing that we are in the wrong with this war or with what I believe in.  We as Americans need to remember that we are at war and if we dont fight this war that way more and more innocent people will die.  Also ask the people we are fighting how concerned they are about the innocent children they are killing.  I bet not one of them believes that all the children they kill is worth it to kill one of us.  Think about it.  I do feel bad for the children as most of us do, but remember what we are fighting right now and to what extent they will go to not just kill some of us but to elliminate our way of life. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the president of iran said he doesn't mind how many of his OWN people it takes to kill to destroy israel and the west, which in millions of muslim's mind, is required for the kid who fell down the well to return. 

heck, he even made a road in iran for him to return on.

also, did anyone see the cover of time magazine with the lady's nose cut off, and she also had her ears cut off?

still, in many progressive's mind, america is more evil.

in my mind, the president of iran's allah is NOT the same as God, and is not even a religion.  not tolerating my skepticism is intolerance.

keep in mind, under sharia law, there is NO separation between church and state.  No liberal or progressive seems conflicted about this, in fact they welcome it as long as it isn't christianity.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2008
I am still haunted by the comments of a extremist Muslim leader I heard interviewed in the months following 911. To paraphrase what he said , was.... " we will win this war one birth at a time. We are in no hurry, but we will win. That is a certainty"   Bin Laden has made similar remarks.  The birth rate in Muslim countries at the present times is 8 times that of the Western free world. I know there are many many wonderful Muslim and Arabic people and many are coming into our countries and becoming good citizens. It is the others that concern me. If there is even one radical in every 100, or every 1000 Muslim immigrants, we better wake up and smell the coffee soon. We had better start protecting ourselves or they could win this war by default.
I am a pretty tolerant guy, but this is one issue where I think a line must be drawn in the sand... and soon.

You are so right!  Pretty sad how quickly people forget... and how quickly things can change... FOR THE WORSE!  Not only this subject but many others including the immigration and much more!  I'm hoping those of you that voted for CHANGE are really wondering what exactly that might mean?  Wake up and smell the coffee is putting it nicely...


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
I heard over 200 mossad agents got arrested on 9/11 and no muslims.
So after we kill muslims lets kill some jews.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
or a church and synagogue two blocks from the haj in mecca?

afterall, chrisitians and jews also supposedly visited there before discrimination was imposed by mohammed so that only muslims could go.

anything else is hypocrisy.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
What amazes me is every time I am at the airport, theres always little old ladies or men getting the serious security checks when there are many "non safe looking" muslims or other creepers just walking right on through to the gates....


Active member
Aug 10, 2010
I like the Brooklyn construction worker who says "Fugedaboutit!"  (I may not be spelling that right.)


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
I am a believer in freedom of religion and what not but I also believe that due to the tragedy of 911 and out of the respect for the victims and their families that they built further away from the site. 