Move Obama out of the WHITE HOUSE

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Active member
Feb 6, 2012
good for you - as a note the information in the movie is absolutely factual or the documentary would not have been allowed  - give us your thoughts after viewing it - my thinking is that everyone should see it and then choose the direction of the country - the movie is very well done -


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2011
I have always felt like I am one of those people that can look openly at most situations and see both sides of the story.  When Obama was elected at first I cried, because I think right then I realized it could get bad, but then I thought you know what lets give this man and his ideas a chance to work.... The state of our country right now makes me long for the olden days when abortion and other similar issues were big ticket items.  Our country is in such shambles and the only way out of our current situation is to vote Romney.  Some may say that it is a vote for the "lesser of two evils" and they may be right, but we cannot financially or otherwise afford any other option.  If people don't realize what kind of a mess we are in they ( A). need to read a bible and  (B). pull their heads out of the rear ends of the main stream media and (C). look past what is happening in our country under our noses and look at what is going on with our current leaders foreign policies. If that doesn't open your eyes I suppose you were a loss cause anyway.  Don't listen to all of these fools in Holywood that back our current president because it is the popular thing to do.  Don't listen to the main stream media that only speaks partial truths.  Get educated folks.    


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
-XBAR- said:
For all the folks crying about unemployment - learn a trade and/or RELOCATE!  There's a 2%- that's right TWO PERCENT- unemployment in the Construction industry.  

By who's math?

I will concede construction industry and having a trade is a great way of life but it is not 2%. Take away all the government funded projects (road work,wind mills and other projects that this country can't afford) and put back in the  millions of people that hasn't had work for over a year that Obama administration labels as "not looking anymore" then tell me what the # is. If the housing market is down, factory's are leaving the county due to current administration policies and retail is stale, who my good man is building and what? <hero> Let's get rid of Obama and his policies and then go to work on congress.  TERM LIMITS FOR EVERYBODY, balanced budget amendment, reform tax code, more power to states.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
willow said:
I have always felt like I am one of those people that can look openly at most situations and see both sides of the story.  When Obama was elected at first I cried, because I think right then I realized it could get bad, but then I thought you know what lets give this man and his ideas a chance to work.... The state of our country right now makes me long for the olden days when abortion and other similar issues were big ticket items.  Our country is in such shambles and the only way out of our current situation is to vote Romney.  Some may say that it is a vote for the "lesser of two evils" and they may be right, but we cannot financially or otherwise afford any other option.  If people don't realize what kind of a mess we are in they ( A). need to read a bible and  (B). pull their heads out of the rear ends of the main stream media and (C). look past what is happening in our country under our noses and look at what is going on with our current leaders foreign policies. If that doesn't open your eyes I suppose you were a loss cause anyway.  Don't listen to all of these fools in Holywood that back our current president because it is the popular thing to do.  Don't listen to the main stream media that only speaks partial truths.  Get educated folks.    



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
J2F said:
-XBAR- said:
For all the folks crying about unemployment - learn a trade and/or RELOCATE!  There's a 2%- that's right TWO PERCENT- unemployment in the Construction industry.  

By who's math?

I will concede construction industry and having a trade is a great way of life but it is not 2%. Take away all the government funded projects (road work,wind mills and other projects that this country can't afford) and put back in the  millions of people that hasn't had work for over a year that Obama administration labels as "not looking anymore" then tell me what the # is. If the housing market is down, factory's are leaving the county due to current administration policies and retail is stale, who my good man is building and what? <hero> Let's get rid of Obama and his policies and then go to work on congress.  TERM LIMITS FOR EVERYBODY, balanced budget amendment, reform tax code, more power to states.

Every major developer in the state.. Trammell Crow, CF Jordan, TDI, Beck... and on and on- specifically multifamily housing developers.  The only thing I hear that's slowing the contractors down is a "labor shortage" as a result of reduced work visas.  Excuses we're getting for delayed concrete deliveries are that there aren't enough CDL drivers to deliver it.  We've been trying to recruit field staff from all over and all we're doing is getting people raises.  Field Engineers / Asst Superintendents / Superintendents / Project Managers / Construction Managers  - theres a HUGE shortage of qualified people to fill these positions.  There offering kids  w/ degrees in Construction Mgmt, Construction Engineering, Engineering Tech.. etc that haven't even graduated yet 60-65 grand.  CDL drivers, heavy machine operators, REAL carpenters, - these guys are making +$20/hr.  If you want to work - there's work out there... but you're gonna have to leave the farm.

TERM LIMITS FOR EVERYBODY, balanced budget amendment, reform tax code, more power to states  (clapping)


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
JimF said:
good for you - as a note the information in the movie is absolutely factual or the documentary would not have been allowed  - give us your thoughts after viewing it - my thinking is that everyone should see it and then choose the direction of the country - the movie is very well done -


Easily persuaded to believe something; credulous



Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
-XBAR- said:
J2F said:
-XBAR- said:
For all the folks crying about unemployment - learn a trade and/or RELOCATE!  There's a 2%- that's right TWO PERCENT- unemployment in the Construction industry.  

By who's math?

I will concede construction industry and having a trade is a great way of life but it is not 2%. Take away all the government funded projects (road work,wind mills and other projects that this country can't afford) and put back in the  millions of people that hasn't had work for over a year that Obama administration labels as "not looking anymore" then tell me what the # is. If the housing market is down, factory's are leaving the county due to current administration policies and retail is stale, who my good man is building and what? <hero> Let's get rid of Obama and his policies and then go to work on congress.  TERM LIMITS FOR EVERYBODY, balanced budget amendment, reform tax code, more power to states.

Every major developer in the state.. Trammell Crow, CF Jordan, TDI, Beck... and on and on- specifically multifamily housing developers.  The only thing I hear that's slowing the contractors down is a "labor shortage" as a result of reduced work visas.   Excuses we're getting for delayed concrete deliveries are that there aren't enough CDL drivers to deliver it.  We've been trying to recruit field staff from all over and all we're doing is getting people raises.  Field Engineers / Asst Superintendents / Superintendents / Project Managers / Construction Managers  - theres a HUGE shortage of qualified people to fill these positions.  There offering kids  w/ degrees in Construction Mgmt, Construction Engineering, Engineering Tech.. etc that haven't even graduated yet 60-65 grand.   CDL drivers, heavy machine operators, REAL carpenters, - these guys are making +$20/hr.  If you want to work - there's work out there... but you're gonna have to leave the farm.

TERM LIMITS FOR EVERYBODY, balanced budget amendment, reform tax code, more power to states  (clapping)

I have to ask when I see multi-family dwelling, how much government money is involved in these projects?
I don't disagree that there is work out there that many people think they are too good for and won't do for one reason or another but IMO extended unemployment benefits is adding to this problem. But having work in one area is not the whole county and 2% is not a realistic number IMO. After the first 100,000 unemployed workers show up for a job in your state (after their unemployment is finished) what does the other 400,000 do for work? 



Active member
Feb 6, 2012
XBAR - just so you will know the Obama 2016 movie is not a positive view of Obama compiled and produced by his supporters- it is a documentary of his life and how his view of America and the world was shaped by his very liberal family, the actions of his absent father, and his mentors, which were communist party members and other socialist radicals that he gravitated toward (one must include the so-called Rev. Wright in this group as well) - and by plan, how he is gradually moving us in the direction of not being a world power, to a great extent by crippling us economically and diminishing our international presence - I would not tell anyone how to vote but consider all the facts - gullible is a nice word but does not fit me - oh and another modest proposal I would suggest that only those who actually pay taxes are allowed to vote ;)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JimF said:
I would suggest that only those who actually pay taxes are allowed to vote ;)

what kind of taxes.  many non-citizens pay taxes.

should non-property owners be allowed to vote on a change in property taxes?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
JimF said:
XBAR - just so you will know the Obama 2016 movie is not a positive view of Obama compiled and produced by his supporters- it is a documentary of his life and how his view of America and the world was shaped by his very liberal family, the actions of his absent father, and his mentors, which were communist party members and other socialist radicals that he gravitated toward (one must include the so-called Rev. Wright in this group as well) - and by plan, how he is gradually moving us in the direction of not being a world power, to a great extent by crippling us economically and diminishing our international presence - I would not tell anyone how to vote but consider all the facts - gullible is a nice word but does not fit me - oh and another modest proposal I would suggest that only those who actually pay taxes are allowed to vote ;)

I've seen the movie.  Your statement that "if it weren't true "THEY" wouldn't have been allowed to release it" is more outlandish than anything I saw in the movie.  For starters, who is they? and what power would "they" have to restrict its release?

Taxes? Taxes? (In a Allen Iverson "practice" voice)  You don't worry bout me- I more than pay my "fair share."


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
-XBAR- said:
JimF said:
good for you - as a note the information in the movie is absolutely factual or the documentary would not have been allowed  - give us your thoughts after viewing it - my thinking is that everyone should see it and then choose the direction of the country - the movie is very well done -


Easily persuaded to believe something; credulous
sounds like  reverse mike moore propaganda bs to me. far right or left people are not helping this country. please pull your head out of your respected parties a** and think for your self PLEASE.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
-XBAR- said:
For all the folks crying about unemployment - learn a trade and/or RELOCATE!  There's a 2%- thats right TWO PERCENT- unemployment in the Construction industry.  

I thought the unemployment rate in Mexico was much higher than 2%????  Here in Texas, very few whites work construction.  Just a fact.  The work is too hard, and the pay is too low for whites to work these jobs.

Maybe we should all live in Mexico to get a better perspective on what is bad and what is not.  Americans have become spoiled.  It's time to just go work hard, pay your dues (taxes) that come along with your freedom, be happy that you actually have good hospitals, safe food, clean drinking water, and a roof over your heads.  

I read an article the other day.  I would provide the link, but I don't have it.  It was a "small business" owner that sent an email to all of his employees that said if they don't vote for Romney, he will be forced to lay employees off.  This is the same employer that was building a 90,000 sf mansion in Florida.  He had to stop construction during the recession, but has begun construction again, but may have to halt construction again and lay off employees if Obama is re-elected.  2 things strike me funny.  First, the economy did turn around enough that he was able to hire back employees and resume construction on one of the biggest mansions in America.  And secondly, he has the audacity to say that the first thing he will do is sacrifice employees before ever sacrificing an ounce of his lifestyle, and that lifestyle includes 90,000 sf mansions.  

You can take it for what every it's worth, but I would have very little respect for any employer that would choose sacrificing my job vs. getting that 4th luxury car, or that second home in the Carribean.  

This country is being run from the top down, not from the working class.  And the top is being driven by greed, not by the appreciation for America and what it really stands for.

Stepping down from my soap box now.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
-XBAR- said:
For all the folks crying about unemployment - learn a trade and/or RELOCATE!  There's a 2%- thats right TWO PERCENT- unemployment in the Construction industry.  

Obviously since your buddy has been banned you have taken his place as the resident court jester/moron.

Why on God's green earth should someone be forced to pack up their family and relocate leaving the land that in some cases has been in their families since the 1700's, leaving family and friends, culture behind because of stupidity in government policy???????? And all in the name of survival. The government should have policies that allow for such an economy that people have the opportunity to live where ever they choose and thrive there. Actually the government doesn't need policies to enable that, it just needs to stop restricting the economy and that would take care of itself like it has for that last 70 years....until the last 5. To say that people need to uproot their lives just to survive because of government policy is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard you say and that list is long and distinguished.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
ZNT said:
-XBAR- said:
For all the folks crying about unemployment - learn a trade and/or RELOCATE!  There's a 2%- thats right TWO PERCENT- unemployment in the Construction industry.  

I thought the unemployment rate in Mexico was much higher than 2%????  Here in Texas, very few whites work construction.  Just a fact.  The work is too hard, and the pay is too low for whites to work these jobs.

Maybe we should all live in Mexico to get a better perspective on what is bad and what is not.  Americans have become spoiled.  It's time to just go work hard, pay your dues (taxes) that come along with your freedom, be happy that you actually have good hospitals, safe food, clean drinking water, and a roof over your heads.  

I read an article the other day.  I would provide the link, but I don't have it.  It was a "small business" owner that sent an email to all of his employees that said if they don't vote for Romney, he will be forced to lay employees off.  This is the same employer that was building a 90,000 sf mansion in Florida.  He had to stop construction during the recession, but has begun construction again, but may have to halt construction again and lay off employees if Obama is re-elected.  2 things strike me funny.  First, the economy did turn around enough that he was able to hire back employees and resume construction on one of the biggest mansions in America.  And secondly, he has the audacity to say that the first thing he will do is sacrifice employees before ever sacrificing an ounce of his lifestyle, and that lifestyle includes 90,000 sf mansions.  

You can take it for what every it's worth, but I would have very little respect for any employer that would choose sacrificing my job vs. getting that 4th luxury car, or that second home in the Carribean.  

This country is being run from the top down, not from the working class.  And the top is being driven by greed, not by the appreciation for America and what it really stands for.

Stepping down from my soap box now.

Here ya go . This is the letter that was sent to this mans employees. It boggles my mind that anyone who considers themselves to be reasonable could disagree with this mans position.

    Subject: Message from David Siegel
    Date:Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:58:05 -0400 (EDT)
    From: [David Siegel]
    To: [All employees]

    To All My Valued Employees,

    As most of you know our company, Westgate Resorts, has continued to succeed in spite of a very dismal economy. There is no question that the economy has changed for the worse and we have not seen any improvement over the past four years. In spite of all of the challenges we have faced, the good news is this: The economy doesn't currently pose a threat to your job. What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can't tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn't interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best.

    However, let me share a few facts that might help you decide what is in your best interest.The current administration and members of the press have perpetuated an environment that casts employers against employees. They want you to believe that we live in a class system where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. They label us the "1%" and imply that we are somehow immune to the challenges that face our country. This could not be further from the truth. Sure, you may have heard about the big home that I'm building. I'm sure many people think that I live a privileged life. However, what you don't see or hear is the true story behind any success that I have achieved.

    I started this company over 42 years ago. At that time, I lived in a very modest home. I converted my garage into an office so I could put forth 100% effort into building a company, which by the way, would eventually employ you. We didn't eat in fancy restaurants or take expensive vacations because every dollar I made went back into this company. I drove an old used car, and often times, I stayed home on weekends, while my friends went out drinking and partying. In fact, I was married to my business — hard work, discipline, and sacrifice. Meanwhile, many of my friends got regular jobs. They worked 40 hours a week and made a nice income, and they spent every dime they earned. They drove flashy cars and lived in expensive homes and wore fancy designer clothes. My friends refinanced their mortgages and lived a life of luxury. I, however, did not. I put my time, my money, and my life into this business —-with a vision that eventually, some day, I too, will be able to afford to buy whatever I wanted. Even to this day, every dime I earn goes back into this company. Over the past four years I have had to stop building my dream house, cut back on all of my expenses, and take my kids out of private schools simply to keep this company strong and to keep you employed.

    Just think about this – most of you arrive at work in the morning and leave that afternoon and the rest of your time is yours to do as you please. But not me- there is no "off" button for me. When you leave the office, you are done and you have a weekend all to yourself. I unfortunately do not have that freedom. I eat, live, and breathe this company every minute of the day, every day of the week. There is no rest. There is no weekend. There is no happy hour. I know many of you work hard and do a great job, but I'm the one who has to sign every check, pay every expense, and make sure that this company continues to succeed. Unfortunately, what most people see is the nice house and the lavish lifestyle. What the press certainly does not want you to see, is the true story of the hard work and sacrifices I've made.

    Now, the economy is falling apart and people like me who made all the right decisions and invested in themselves are being forced to bail out all the people who didn't. The people that overspent their paychecks suddenly feel entitled to the same luxuries that I earned and sacrificed 42 years of my life for. Yes, business ownership has its benefits, but the price I've paid is steep and not without wounds. Unfortunately, the costs of running a business have gotten out of control, and let me tell you why: We are being taxed to death and the government thinks we don't pay enough. We pay state taxes, federal taxes, property taxes, sales and use taxes, payroll taxes, workers compensation taxes and unemployment taxes. I even have to hire an entire department to manage all these taxes. The question I have is this: Who is really stimulating the economy? Is it the Government that wants to take money from those who have earned it and give it to those who have not, or is it people like me who built a company out of his garage and directly employs over 7000 people and hosts over 3 million people per year with a great vacation?

    Obviously, our present government believes that taking my money is the right economic stimulus for this country. The fact is, if I deducted 50% of your paycheck you'd quit and you wouldn't work here. I mean, why should you? Who wants to get rewarded only 50% of their hard work? Well, that's what happens to me.

    Here is what most people don't understand and the press and our Government has chosen to ignore – to stimulate the economy you need to stimulate what runs the economy. Instead of raising my taxes and depositing that money into the Washington black-hole, let me spend it on growing the company, hire more employees, and generate substantial economic growth. My employees will enjoy the wealth of that tax cut in the form of promotions and better salaries. But that is not what our current Government wants you to believe. They want you to believe that it somehow makes sense to take more from those who create wealth and give it to those who do not, and somehow our economy will improve. They don't want you to know that the "1%", as they like to label us, pay more than 31% of all the taxes in this country. Thomas Jefferson, the author of our great Constitution, once said, "democracy" will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

    Business is at the heart of America and always has been. To restart it, you must stimulate business, not kill it. However, the power brokers in Washington believe redistributing wealth is the essential driver of the American economic engine. Nothing could be further from the truth and this is the type of change they want.

    So where am I going with all this? It's quite simple. If any new taxes are levied on me, or my company, as our current President plans, I will have no choice but to reduce the size of this company. Rather than grow this company I will be forced to cut back. This means fewer jobs, less benefits and certainly less opportunity for everyone.

    So, when you make your decision to vote, ask yourself, which candidate understands the economics of business ownership and who doesn't? Whose policies will endanger your job? Answer those questions and you should know who might be the one capable of protecting and saving your job. While the media wants to tell you to believe the "1 percenters" are bad, I'm telling you they are not. They create most of the jobs. If you lose your job, it won't be at the hands of the "1%"; it will be at the hands of a political hurricane that swept through this country.

    You see, I can no longer support a system that penalizes the productive and gives to the unproductive. My motivation to work and to provide jobs will be destroyed, and with it, so will your opportunities. If that happens, you can find me in the Caribbean sitting on the beach, under a palm tree, retired, and with no employees to worry about.

    Signed, your boss,

    David Siegel


New member
Oct 1, 2012
Are you better off then you were 4 years ago because I am not so to me it is simple I did not vote for him 4 years ago and I will not again. 


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Gone West......where do I start.......I listened to a progressive liberal radio station out of Denver all day long yesterday. You guys also come up with antedotal evidence for your arguements. One business owner out of 300 million people did something wrong. On the Rommney son owning a voting machine company......Tom the talk show liberal out of Denver even said this was a stretch. Romney owns a mutual fund who owns a company who own a company who owns a company that owns a share in a voting machine company. Dammit......thats a stretch. Obama's portfolio owns 3 % of its holdings in China through some foreign investment mutual fund. You guys need to come up with something better than some antedotal evidence.......imo......


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Well at least Obama has the guts to he will  bankrupt industries.

Perhaps he should give back the money the banks gave him.

Perhaps he should have asked the auto unions to give up the same that investors did.

Dont really understand why the left hates equality.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Here ya go . This is the letter that was sent to this mans employees. It boggles my mind that anyone who considers themselves to be reasonable could disagree with this mans position.

I think threatening employees by sending them such letters is wrong. It boggles my mind that many people think this is right. Are you so naive to think that things will automatically get better (i.e. With this man's business) when Romney is in the White House.