My take on the PHA topic

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Woke up one morning to find that a post on a controversial subject, which many had taken a great deal of thought to write about, was gone. Also found I had been de-moderated. It was a cool hand Luke moment.

Many of you are aware that I have been intimately involved with the PHA gene hunt almost since it first reared its ugly head in a public way. This effort involved not only education and writing articles, but also obtaining samples, encouraging people to submit ears from PHA calves & pedigrees, talking with veterinarians across the US etc. This experience provided me with some of the best and the worst in our breed, as far as people and behavior goes, and what follows is my interpretation of the ride.

As you may be aware the first step in identifying the gene that carries the defect is developing an informed pedigree. An informed pedigree is developed by obtaining samples from many generations surrounding a known affected animal. Since Draft Pick had the best pedigree and was the most used of the 3 “original in recent history” identified PHA carriers, Draft Pick’s pedigree was used. The more members of the pedigree you have the easier it is to identify the gene (in theory) – so it was crucial to obtain as many DP daughters and sons as possible. Many people provided samples in an expeditious fashion – however, 2 AMAA board members failed to provide requested samples in a timely fashion, in some cases resulting in Dr B proceeding without the samples because the wait was already long.  Now clearly only the people who were slow to provide samples can provide an explanation, and clearly people have reinvented themselves since the PHA test is now available, so maybe even they don’t know why, but my interpretation of their behavior does not suggest that at that moment they had the best interests of the breed at heart. If they did they would have provided those samples ASAP – after all how hard is it to send a straw of semen or ask someone to bleed the your cow that is at an ET facility?

However, many people at their own expense provided samples, raided their semen tanks, drove hundreds of miles to take PHA calves for necropsy and did whatever they could to provide Dr B with necessary information to create an informed pedigree. Many people spent countless hours looking for specific semen, on the phone, on the internet, contacting all sorts of people who might provide a clue – IMHO these people had the best interest of the breed in mind.

Griswold was the first person to publicly acknowledge that his bull Irish Whiskey was a PHA carrier – while I don’t much personally like his philosophy (at least he has one) and I applaud him for coming clean way way before anyone even thought about admitting publically that the bull they syndicated or the bull they were promoting was a carrier. At the time there was much concern from breeders about what bull to use and there was much denial from owners of now known carriers that they had ever had a PHA calf. Now of course if you only used your PHAC bull on Angus cows that actually could be true. But the number of people who told me they had a PHA calf and dumped it boggles the mind.  As it became clear that the gene had been identified and a test was on the horizon other bull owners (IMHO) reluctantly identified their bulls as carriers.

Don Coover was the first person to publicly print in his catalog the TH and PHA results of bull he sold semen on. He took a lot of flack from bull owners and probably lost some money, but he did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. His decision was based on an incident where a child lost both her heifer and her heifer’s first calf to PHA. You can’t tell me one incident can’t have an impact.

Many people, Gypsy and Jay Crull to name a few, ended up with a bunch of high dollar carriers when all they wanted to do was improve their herd. Their experiences, and those of others, lead us to better understand the pathogenesis of PHA. We now know that PHA very often leads to early abortion, that the calves are often born weeks early and assumed to be AI sired, when in fact they are bull bred, that the fluid accumulation begins somewhere around 5 or 6 months gestation, and Gypsy’s recent experience suggests that fertility may indeed be affected. Unlike TH, where the affected gene is known to be involved in hind limb development (and probably hair) and there appears to be a TH carrier phenotype, there does not appear to be a PHA phenotype. The gene and it’s function are known but not yet public knowledge, and the relationship between PHA and the known function of the gene is not readily apparent. The complete pathogenesis of the defect is not yet understood, but there are wide and varied histopathological abnormalities.

There were of course many reports of many bulls siring PHA calves, and many people across the country provided calf samples and semen samples. Dr Coover provided many samples, including some from a highly promoted Angus bull said to have sired several PHA calves. Because the breeders and the vet cared enough to submit samples from the calf and the dam, and Don provided semen on the bull in question, Dr B was able to exonerate this Angus bull because he did not parentally verify. It was a concerted effort on the part of concerned breeders and their veterinarians that allowed Dr B to get the info he needed.

I have to applaud Lautner for his latest catalog – not only is it nicely designed but he has included both PHA and TH results. Do I think he should/could have done it sooner – sure, but he has made the effort and the information is available. I also have to applaud Jirl Buck – he is castrating all his carrier bulls – this is a step in the right direction (again IMHO).

I must take issue with the Rowe sale catalog opinion that “it is undeniably also true….the percentage of carrier calves among the best calves – the most desirable ….is consistently higher than the percentage of carriers in the general population”. They are certainly entitled to their opinion, but in my opinion that is a self-serving statement by a group that has a high percentage of carrier genetics. It is unclear to me how carrying a recessive gene for a lethal defect makes you the best. 

Many of us went thru many agonizing times prior to identification of the gene and developing the test. After a little research (where I discovered that a cow taken to a major U for a c-section a mere 4 years ago had a fetal monster that we now know as PHA) I found that the “free semen” I had used on the cows with the last chance had a 50% chance of being a PHA carrier – I had to do a lot of soul searching and decided I couldn’t sell the fabulous heifer I was sure was a carrier to the kid who was willing to pay me more than I had ever gotten for a heifer. It didn’t seem right. It was my decision so I could sleep at night. Once the test was available turns out the fabulous heifer is clean but her ugly duckling relative is a carrier. After again much soul searching I realized that I couldn’t sell her either and made her a recip – she is currently carrying an egg. If and when she no longer takes an egg she will go directly to the kill floor. I will not sell carriers to other breeders or to kids. I couldn’t sleep at night if I did. You can chose to do what you want, but I have made my decision.

With the exception of the recip, I have the luxury of having a totally clean herd of both PHA and TH – therefore my approach is likely different than others. I will not use carrier genetics – I think it is bad for the breed. I think the fastest way to clean up the mess is to not use carrier genetics – this is not feasible for many with carrier cows. But using and selling carrier bulls is certainly a great way to propagate the defect. I doubt that breeders are interested in that, multipliers might be, but not breeders.

I think testing and reporting the results is certainly one step in the right direction, but I also think a large number of people don’t get it and end up buying problems they didn’t expect. Many people still don’t understand – one of my favorite examples of not getting it is the question of how could this animal have a PHA calf her sire is clean (well how about her crossbred dam??) or the recent question is Draft Pick a known carrier of PHA? Although we have done a lot to educate people, there are many who are unaware. As a breeder and a veterinarian I feel compelled not to propagate genetic defects – it is my approach, what you do is your business.

I did not begin posting to make friends or have a substitute for life – I did find some interesting perspectives and some interesting people. As with all controversial topics if people felt uncomfortable or thought about a different view then we were successful.

I have ultimately enjoyed the ride – recently I received an email about a potential PHA calf in a totally other breed – this resulted from my interaction with a vet in another state who had a student when he c-sectioned their first PHA calf. The student was doing a rotation in another state when they c-sectioned a registered cow carring a registerable (if it had lived) calf. The word is getting out. It would be genetically fascinating if this calf proves to have the defect and there is a third PHA mutation. 

I have lost a job over this issue (is it a job if you aren't paid?), I have been threatened, intimidated (well they tried), and lost some acquaintances - but I have not lost a single friend, in fact I have gained a few. I have helped 4Hers with projects, 4H dads with breeding, breeders with breeding, and people too numerous to count with information on testing, sires etc. I have no regrets and I believe that eventually honest breeders with the best interests of the breed will prevail - one only has to look historically at dwarfism in cattle -  My email is [email protected]

PS 1: RE the Red Angus post - red is a mutant gene but not a defect. Polled is a mutant gene but not a defect – there is a big difference between mutations that are good or neutral and those that are lethal.

PS 2: # of vets CA- 7691; TX – 5783; NY- 3878; KS – 1500;DE –200; AK – 219; RI – 239; Hawaii – 268; WY – 288



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
"The words of a Prophet are least welcome in His own Community"--Jesus Christ.
Quoted in red letters, from the NIV Men's Study Bible. His words can be, at times ( all the time), applied to our daily lives.

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
I thank you and all those who have worked so hard to find the gene and to get education before people.

Education is a great too.

Sometimes what we learn conflicts with what we want.  I want to graze wheat but it is too dry to plant.

Calling an Ace and Ace or a carrier a carrier is not contradictory.  It is fact.

Someone who tells a lie is a liar!  They may base their decision on financial troubles but to lie in order to avoid loss of money is still a lie....  I traded a pickup a few years ago and told the automotive dealer all the problems my pickup had.  His son said, "Dad, how could he drive it with all those problems?"  His dad said, "He is honest!"  I did not make a wise deal financially, but I slept at night knowing I told the truth and gained friends.  They have told the tale over and over.

Name calling is judgmental in most situations.  However, a skunk is a skunk even if you call him a civic cat or some cute French name.

Every day in business I hear harsh things, but people remain on speaking terms.  Maturity keeps us from becoming passionate about our opinion to the point that we slander others.  Maturity also is shown when we can honest evaluate personal criticism of ourselves, family or friends.  I know for a fact that Dr. Beevers and barrel rider, and DL took more than their share of constant criticism in the barns and in breeding circles.  My local vet has held me up as an example to those who have chosen to continue to breed for the good one using carrier bulls.  He is the one who has to perform the unsightly operations.  These same people, when we meet to fill semen tanks will not speak to me.  I don't let that bother me.  They have made a bad choice and know it.  I have never told them they have, as I do not have to.

I have found this board very civil.  I do not agree with all that is written or said.  I might agree with half of what a person says, but the other half does not offend me.  I simply ignore it.  I do not want to have a verbal fight with people.

On this chat channel I have learned a great deal and respect many people.  So much so, when I have a personal goal I have even called people I have never met.  I am most-likely going to buy a bull from a fellow that I have seen his post here.  I have not agreed with everything he says, but I have a deep respect for him.

When people hurt our feelings we have some choices.  We can quit.  We can ignore it.  We can be honest and tell them we disagree, while still being civil, understanding and peaceable.  Life is filled with challenges without our losing friends along the way due to misspeaking or taking comments personal.  Tolerance today is a part of our politically correct society.  I do not agree with it.  I think I should be able to say what I want as long as I use wisdom in my speech, without making myself an enemy to those who disagree.  I do not have to say it just like everyone else wants me to.  For example, there are people who hate you if you oppose the sale of alcohol to those under 21.  They will not speak to you or will belittle you.  I want the law supported and they want the law changed.  If that were to be changed by law tomorrow.  How am I to react?  I can be peaceable but still be live I am correct.  You can apply this to abortion, or gay marriages or any other topic, even PHA and how to deal with it.  You are not my enemy and I am not going to hate you if you agree with me or not.  Neither am I your enemy if I disagree with you.  Sometimes disagreements can cause us to think and make some changes.  That is why I have been married to the same woman for 41 years and we do have disagreements but we do not quit.....sometimes we learn we were wrong and changes are made after heated discussions.

I am very sorry for what has happened here lately.  All of you have contributed to my betterment as a cattle producer.  The sun comes up tomorrow for another day with more opportunities to enrich the lives of others.

May God bless all!


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Joe Boy.... well said!!  I could not agree more. We all see issues somewhat differently. That does not mean that we cannot learn from others even if we disagree with something they have said. Seeing things from all sides helps us all become more tolerant and understanding. This does not mean that we have to not respond to an opinion we do not agree with. By respectful debate, hopefully we all can learn,


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think the whole country needs a shot of patience and respect for each other. DL I have learned more on these boards than anywhere else. I thank you for your service and integrity to the industry. The thing about th and pha is that the young 4-H type buyers are from 8 to 18 in age, and are really at a disadvantage of understanding the issues at hand. We can agree to disagree inthis democracy(representitve republic actually). Usually most who-ha's come about because something is taken out of context. Bumper sticker type slogans and 15 second news reports are the latest trend.  ;D

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
DL said:

PS 1: RE the Red Angus post - red is a mutant gene but not a defect. Polled is a mutant gene but not a defect – there is a big difference between mutations that are good or neutral and those that are lethal.

Oh come on DL! We're mutants! CF65 didn't need any more ammo. :p ;D :D Hmm, maybe they'll make a movie.

Missed you and excellent post. I echo what is already said by others. God be with you.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Silver tongue awards to DL and Joe Boy!!! (clapping) (clapping)

Seriously...those two post say it all.  An  "atta boy (and girl)" to both!!!

Amen, and pass the gravy!!! ;D


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
West Central Wisconsin ( Mondovi )
I've got to agree. Without this board and it's associated posts, I would not know much if anything about TH or PHA. It really changed how I look at cattle and the people associated to them. Thanks all for the education.

dutch pride

Well-known member
Sep 17, 2007
SW Michigan
I have been watching this site with interest for the last month or so. I find all the comments to be very informative. DL, I have appreciated your comments all all topics. Most or at least a lot of the topics or comments are opinions of those posting. it is then the job of those reading these posts to take those opinions and do with them what the want. I find that those who's opinions are hard to back up with facts or logic or common sense often then attack the person who made comments that dissagree with their own. I can repect someone who disagrees with my opinions but supports me as an induvidual alowed to have opinions.


Well-known member
Jul 29, 2007
Central Lower Michigan
<<Woke up one morning to find that a post on a controversial subject, which many had taken a great deal of thought to write about, was gone. Also found I had been de-moderated. It was a cool hand Luke moment.>>

I agree with the other comments and also appreciate your work and ethics on the PHA issue!  One thing I don't understand, when  you got "de-moderated" - is the "owner" of the board different than the moderators?  Who, in general terms, de-moderated you?  And, now, is it a non-moderated board?  Thanks!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17&#039; 11.73 N 81deg 35&#039;59.94&q
dl.......i cant thank you enough for the the straight forward information, advice, and personal opinions, youi have shared with me and all others i have read on the sp site.  i came here with pha questons...and you provided me with the information that i was looking for.  not only was your clinical explaniation of the genitcs  involved with pha made understandable to me, but your( and many others) reasearch and commitment to its origin and the identification of carriers, seems to be the best resource avaliable for all those that are interested in acheiving a healthy stock herd. for all those who arent concerned with  the deadly odds involved with pha...i applaude your diplomatic approach and sharp comments to those who choose to justify pha as a casual side affect of a healthly cattle business.  not sure exactualy what i missed the last week or so.....but i recall a post i had "relocated" / pulled/ even reposted under the same topic heading...not sure of all the politics involved with that....but the topic was concidentely pha.....i didnt come to this site to make monetary gains,  impress my opinions on others, or even make friends......just good sound information.  that i got ...and thank all who participated in my questions, and commments. my main concern was the lack of direction/  and timeliness  the association had decided to/not to take, concerning this issue, and why  a certain amount of members were doing all the reasearch, leg work, information sharing, and spreading the concerns for the need to edit the breed registery to reflect/ control/ and monitor this gentic issue . one thing for sure ........clean breeders will prosper 2 or 3 years from now when the dust settles on this isssue,  and those who continue to ignore the math and ethics  involved with any gentic issue will be left with high percentage birth deaths/  cow complications / high cost herd management issues/ and a wholsale priced commercial product........maybe there logo could be...." we're not very good...but we're slow"...........not my idea of a good business plan in my book.........buyer beware..........thanks for all the info needed for this guy to make his "futures" direction.               jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i thought only little kids did this.  pretty funny, but just goes to show what can happen if your entire life (sale catalog) is recorded.  let it be said again, that i support the judicious use of phac genetics, but agree buyers should be aware.  also let it be said my life couldn't withstand this sort of scrutiny.,23599,22623976-5007146,00.html


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
Rice TX

We had this same discussion with TH a few years back when I had 2 TH calves born on my place within 1 week. It was amazing the number of non returned emails and phone calls to association board members and staff trying to get information. Big breeders would not comment on it because they were afraid that word would get out about their genetics. I got rid of those females that were carriers (they went to the slaughter sale). I kept one for a while because she was a great mother. I tried using her as a recip with no success and then tried rebreeding her to THF bulls and wasted 2 1/2 years on her. I guess something messed her up having the TH defective calf which is for the better in the long run. I now have a complete TH and PHA free herd and am proud of it.

Its amazing how some people in the industry will treat you after you make a stance against something like this. You will get some people who criticize you for being to hardline and then you will get others that applaud you for making a change for the better. I applaud you DL for taking a stand and I applaud all others who have taken the same stand against the TH and PHA mess.

(clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping)


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Well this could have been posted in any of multiple places, but I decided to put it here.

Let me try to answer some of the questions
1) What is going on? I have absolutely no idea (insightful eh?)
2) Who is in charge? I have absolutely no idea
3) What happens now? I have absolutely no idea

I do know that almost a year ago we (red, cowz and I) were asked to moderate this board – we did. I think we thought it would be fun, and for the most part it was. I also know that red and cowz decided to resign from moderating – I was sorry that they decided to do that but understood and respected their decision. I also know that I was de-moderated (that word has now be used 3 times and therefore will find itself in the OED – farmboy your job is to find out what the OED is J).

I don’t know who de-moderated me and I don’t know why. No one communicated with me in any way – so I am clueless. It could be that it was discovered I was a toad and that the SP board rules say no toads can moderate, so there was toad dismissal. It could be that I hadn’t joined the moderator union. It could be that I was too controversial and not nice enough, it could be cyber space  – I have no idea. It is however IMHO a very shabby way to treat people, and this is actually my primary complaint.

The board is owned (if that is the proper term) by Jason and Austin – we really don’t know who they are or where they are – it could be that their first names aren’t really Jason and Austin – Dragon isn’t my first name, and Road is RWs first name, and Show is SH first name, but Dori is dori and Jill is Jill – so it is really unclear who they are – they do seem to be MIA. Now maybe the planet is really outsourced to a developing country and they are being held hostage – or maybe they are dried and shriveled in the GA drought or running from the CA fires – we just don’t know.

What does a moderator do – we make it up as we go along – we all had different approaches and styles and passions – but the idea was to keep ideas and fun and thoughts coming – we resized pictures, combined topics, moved things to the right place, etc and we also remove all the 4 letter word posts, the people who try to sell the Brooklyn Bridge get a PM, people who get a little testy get a PM or the topic locked – we all had different times to be on the computer (not formal just happened) so I removed my share of late night spam.

What will happen now? Beats me – as I sit here I think about the perspectives I’ve gained from DLD and chambero and gary bob, JIT, RW, stick and Show Heifer, shortdawg (go dawgs!), NHR, CAB, OH Breeder, AAOK, SRU, the preacher and a whole host of others; the good breed conversations from Telos, and xxcc, knabe, and TJ, dori, all the shorthorn gang (TNTM), the RA gang, the fact that afhm and I finally agreed about something (WOW), and all the interesting topics created by the young planet dwellers – farmboy, maine12 and sj89 (any omission was the result of rain affecting my memory)

I appreciate a good debate and critical thinking – I appreciate the input from you planet dwellers – but I have to add I will not apologize for my stand on TH and PHA –

I don’t know what I am going to do (in regards to this board) – I think the admin need to provide some sort of explanation – clearly neither of them has the time or the interest to keep the board going, although the word association does seem to have taken on a life of its own

So to all – keep on truckin’, if I get a moderator union card or pink slip in the mail I’ll let you know


Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
DL, without your stand and forthrightness we would not have the knowledge we have today or even perhaps the samples for Dr. B to have used in his research.  I like your integrity and how you stand for what you believe.  I appreciate you and Red inviting me to this board.  I have learned a great deal and even when I could not type, I came on line to read and learn.  I love this board and the people who write in...... especially the kids who want to learn.  Kids have to be protected from business people who want dollars and care not about being honest.  So do the novice.

As I look for a new bull I have been amazed at the breeders who are not testing their bulls, especially those from carrier sires.  I also have been told that they cannot sell me the bull in question prior to a test.  This is the attitude and ONLY attitude a breeder can really have.  If that offends people, I am sorry that they cannot see the potential problem down the line.  I do not want it nor want my neighbor to have it.  Years ago people were required to have blood test prior to marriage and personally I think that would still be a good idea with HIV.  In cattle PHA and TH are lethal to the baby affected and PHA can be to the cow, plus many cows fertility is affected.

Had this test not been developed, I would have either Red Angus bulls today or Braunveh.

Thank you for all you have done and I really hope to learn so much more from you over the next several years.

joe dale wilson

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
Your first name isn't Dragon. Awe, crap! I was thinking of renaming my daughter. I suppose next you're going to say Justme isn't her real name either. I'm so confussed.

I nominate DL (or whatever her name is) for Administrator!


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
DL - glad to see you make this post and "clear" the air a little. Keep up the good fight, leaders are not always liked by all, but are respected by most. When the "powers that be" resurface, I hope they realize the mistake that they have made and correct it ASAP. The one thing that I liked about this board was the ability to exchange/debate ideas and philosophies with others on here without any undo restrictions - UNLIKE MOST OF THE OTHER BOARDS! Stay hooked DL - it's kind of like starting a new colt- the ride may be rough at times, but it smooths out if you stay on.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
DL. I had a headache when I read your post, and know after laughing so hard (I needed that) my head hurts worse, but in a good way!!!!

I am seconding that vote for DL for administrator, and/or that is 2 votes DL, 0 votes for anyone else!!