Need help with the new Shorthorn DNA test ??

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2015
GGP= Geneseek Genomic Plate.  LD= low Density (50k) HD= High Density  (150k).  The HD is not worth the money yet but may in five to ten years. 


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
Thanks mbigelow ! You would think that if the ASA was making something mandatory that they would have given an explanation of what it was and the benefits having to spend extra money on any donors and AI sires. Maybe they have and I just have overlooked it in the Country. 


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2015
No, there lack of explanation is disappointing as well as the the lack of offering other tests. Such as, polled/ (homo/hetero), myostantin, A1/A2 (milk type) etc.. i also wish the website was more user friendly.  If you have further questions give me a call or pm me.

Medium Rare

Well-known member
Aug 18, 2013
It's the future Doc!

Just write the check, we promise it'll be great! No, it's not like that stuff we sold you in the past, this one actually works! Everyone's doing it, so don't ask silly questions and just get the samples turned in! You don't want to get left behind! No, we can't explain it to you in a way you'll understand, but your new GE-Epds will be awesome! ...when we get them to you. Well, when IGS finally gets them to us. Did we mention it works! Or, it will... someday. Maybe. But not tomorrow. Probably not next month. Maybe, next year?

From what I'm told, the asa is holding the new epds now and hoping they will be able to release the first stages of BOLT with them in the update soon. Genetically Enhanced epds will roll out from there on. There's quite a few people who have grown frustrated with the delays, but if you think you'll care about the numbers you probably want to get a few of your core cows into the HD population. If you don't really care about the numbers, you'll probably care even less about them after the sort starts developing. Assuming it ever does.

I've listened to several Red Angus conference calls and presentations on Bolt/IGS/Plate tests and how it all correlates to the new roll out. It's actually very interesting, but with everything new it's coming with issues and their being ahead of us on this has probably been a good thing. I guess we have to join a committee to hear any information from the shorthorn side? Did IGS bite off more than they could chew? Are the little dogs barking on the porch getting ignored while they sort through the mess? I'm not sure, the information seems top secret, so I just wrote the check. Because it works!  ;)