Need some SP suggestions

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2010
So we get our feed from a long ways away because we can get it real cheap. We usually save some of the old feed to mix with the new to get them started on the new batch. This time we ran out and had not an ounce left when we got the new stuff here. To top it off they had to change and ingredient. We had been getting DDG and corn gluten and they didn't have corn gluten this time so they used cracked corn which is fine. So now one of my daughters 3 calves (heifer and 2 steers) won't eat it. For 3 meals now he has flat out left it. We took his hay away. Should we wait him out or what does anyone suggest. I bought some cottonseed meal to put just a tiny scoop in to maybe give a sweeter taste/aroma (the DDG can have a bitter smell) the other 2 seem to like it. But this one if having none of it. I know it was poor planning to run out and then to have to change an ingredient but im here now so what do you guys suggest?