new asa secretary

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Whats the latest rumour on asa replacement. At the Colorado State fair I heard Alan Sears would be the new asa. He was the judge there one day. In alot of ways he kinda make sense.I remember he was with the assc clear back in the 70's and has done several things since. He may be buddies with Cagwin I don't know. Or will it be Marsten? How about Nick Wells or Don Woodburn?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
  From what I understand, it's down to 2 people. Alan Sears & the guy from Morehead Univ. in KY(can't think of his name). Between those 2 , I'm leaning towards Sears. He has an association with Shorthorns &  I think he believes in the breed , I'm scared with the other guy who is a lot younger that he may just be using this as a stepping stone. I geuss I'm not wanting to get too far outside my comfort zone with an unknown guy vs someone I know. Some people will say that Sears is polictical, but I think that most people will say that someone is polictical if that person doesn't do things that they agree with.JMO ;D


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
this may be naive, but i thought associations are run by members who elect board members who help distill productivity.  what's the average contact of board members to member numbers?  i'm pretty clueless, but i find the maine association staff and board extremely helpful, as they answer all my questions, do custom database searches, track down pedigree conflicts, aid and coordinate with getting PHA/TH, genotyping and bovigen testing done all off one sample.  i gotta say i don't have one complaint.  well ok one, not enough fullbloods pub.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think I would be happy with Sears. I know in about 1975 he was a field rep or something and he was out our way(he spent some time around Hubs shorthorns cause their cattle were in super demand).The breed had just discovered Hubs because the Milking Shorthorns had been allowed in the herd book.He's not really accademia and not really a Shorthorn breeder and has worked with the association and whatnot. I'm not sure we can expect our next secretary to be a messiah but to keep a even keel and be a good steady hand. He worked with the juniors well in the 70's and has a overall knowledge of the breeds development in the last 30 years. As far as finding someone to take us to the commercial industry the few breeders who want to do it are going to have to do it ourselves. I know I have heard prediction that bulls needed to supply the commercial industry is going to be down dramatically so market share is going to be real tough.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I think Alan Sears would do a good job..... providing the ASA board allow him to do the job. The executive secretary of any association is to take the decisions of the board of directors and implement them. He/she is also to manage the office and all well as be a liaison with the membership. I am looking from a long distance, but it appears from here that the ASA board have made it difficult for any one to do the job properly in recent years. If this is indeed true, then whoever becomes the next executive secretary better not unpack all their bags, and the revolving door at the office will continue to turn. No one can work properly in this setting.

Alan Sears has a long history with the breed. He has a true respect and love of the breed. He is familiar with many people associated with the breed.... and with many other people in other breeds ( which is also very important). I visited with Alan last weekend on a few occasions and we did talk briefly about the ASA office ... and he made no indication that he was considering the job, or that he ever would. If this is indeed true, the fact that he did not mention anything to us is another good indication that he may be well qualified.


Active member
Jul 21, 2008
i agree with needing a steady hand, the asa board from where i sit seem pretty enept. we need a well rounded person like allen sears. the board has a few on it that has its own hidden agenda  and want their own  little puppet in there. the president has proven he cant manage his own business  but he is really good at getting all his ill. friends to judge and the vice is so head strong  and controlling  he would run off all true is unfortunate but i doubt they end up with mr. sears like i indacated,they want a puppet not a leader..............and the puppet is supposed to sell their bulls for your board members and voice your opin.  its  about time for the good to win out over the bad.  the breed deserves it.


Well-known member
Jul 28, 2008
Pawnee Rock KS
Why is it necessary to hire someone from within the breed, given the amount of politics and corruption that are already in play with it.  It seems to me that a true outsider seems to be a better fit, someone that is objective and not been subjected to opinions of a few breeders.  The breed needs someone that administrates fairly to all facets of the breed, as well as helping to push the breed along in terms of industry acceptance.  The Ex. Sec.'s job is not to sit on certain sale blocks and preach to the congregation about why this firm and its cattle are the industries greatest assets.  

To me, it is no surprise, that since the departure of Doc Hunsley, a select few have looked for their replacement to right the ship and send it back in there direction.  A guy like Ron Bolze was run out for his inability to cater to the right personalities, despite his commitment to pushing the breed to relevance in the industry.  Also funny to me, Alan Sears judged under Hunsley at Purdue, worked for the Assn. under  Hunsley, would be the perfect fit to go back and administrate like Hunsley.  Even funnier to me, this minority has beat the bush to several members of the board that might  be swayed, that Sears is the man to do the job.  I don't know how it has been at everyone else's farm, but I have had a couple of visits to my place from ASA people, since Hunsley's departure and that is a couple more than I every had while he was there.

Why must we have this ongoing fight over showring or commercial and who gets there man in the Ex.'s chair or gets their  people on the board?  To me the breed needs this diversity to be sustainable, saying this I think  that both sides need each other to survive.  The showring keeps the breed in the public eye and the commercial end keeps relevance in the pasture, sale barn, etc.  To me, both side complement each other and need to provided for in terms of support whether by representation or finance, and this can be accomplished without taking something away from the other.

A final statement would be, that the board is a set of members elected by the body of the organization to put forth programs, policy, action, etc., and it would be the duty of the Executive Secretary to administrate, implement, and carry out these plans.  So if you have a problem with the breed or how it operaties, run for the board and help change something.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I saw the election process only once for directors. I didn't really like it but I don't know if there is a better way. I'm not sure the members really elect the directors but the state delegates do. So in theory to make your type of candidates in you need to get in on the delegate level.Most people don't know how the delegates are elected. I was always the delegates of a state all have to vote for one delegate? Or can they make different votes(split votes). Looks like to be they ought to be able to cast seperate votes if they want. I would even vouch for secret votes. I know the delegate leader will stand up and say like ...the state of Kansas votes 7 votes for joe blow or whatever. I can't remember if states can split candidates or not. If you get a dominent set of delegates or a dominate delegate leader year after year you kinda get set in power. Also delegates need to be able to ship off to Louiville or Denver every year to participate in the annual meeting or whatever. Like itk said sometimes farmer types or the working man won't schedule that in all the time.


Active member
Jul 21, 2008
the last thing we need is a ron bolze,he ran around the country and stopped to play nice guy and let the office go to heck and  bashed breeders he didnt like. worse was he about broke the asa. the exec. needs to manage are business afairs, treat everyone with respect  and have some staying power. we need stability and we may be able to get that after we re elect new officers.i like sears he has a wealth of comm. bull industry experience and understands how a breed assoc. is managed. has the perfect blend. as for the he worked for hunsley comment and will be like him .that is a very broad and unfair judgment just becouse  you work with some one doesnt mean you are him.  sears has a great personality and loves the shorthorn breed.  he would bring  a wealth of beef industry exp.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
History and past performance from the ASA says "Don't get used to spelling the name." Pretty bad when their own publications can not keep up with the board firing folks.


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2007
Southeast Ohio
tucker said:
the last thing we need is a ron bolze,he ran around the country and stopped to play nice guy and let the office go to heck and  bashed breeders he didnt like. worse was he about broke the asa. the exec. needs to manage are business afairs, treat everyone with respect  and have some staying power. we need stability and we may be able to get that after we re elect new officers.i like sears he has a wealth of comm. bull industry experience and understands how a breed assoc. is managed. has the perfect blend. as for the he worked for hunsley comment and will be like him .that is a very broad and unfair judgment just becouse  you work with some one doesnt mean you are him.  sears has a great personality and loves the shorthorn breed.  he would bring  a wealth of beef industry exp.

Tucker.. I don't know  you from Adam but Bolze is a cattleman! not an office manager.....All the problems stemmed from one employee who thought that they were irreplaceable and did not do their freakin job!  The only fault that I can lay at Bolze's feet was that he trusted the employee to carry their weight and the  so called Quarterback of the office fumbled the ball! The Jr. program exploded when Carrie Rhodes walked in!  Her strong FFA background was a definite plus!!! Hammett is as talented a "youngster" as you could hope for....
Langman ehhhhh whatever..... I am sure he served some purpose....  Anyway  Have to disagree with that call about Bloze....  As far as a new guy I am for new blood! and new ideas and someone with vision and someone who does not worry about the feed and lead crowd!


Active member
Jul 21, 2008
allen sears has sold more comm. bulls for beef production then  all the recent asa execs. combined. he brings such a wealth of exp. sure hoping commen sense prevails and the controlling puppet show at the top of the asa  could  open their eyes ,give up the personel agenda 's  and hire the most qualified . as far as bolze he has had more jobs then cows he has ever owned. hard for me to respect a man who took his family to fifteen locations in 18 years. he was neither a office  manager or a real  cattlemen. he was running from job to job as he was about or was fired. he came off as a nice guy on a farm visit that was his strength, he left the office in shambles.  to sjc nothing personel as iam not a shower of shorthorn cattle but i must mention ,the shorthorns showed today  that u called the feed and lead crowd are easier fleshing ,sounder structered  and deeper bodied then the  red comm. bull lines being  promoted. the breeders  of the red lines of cattle need to breed some fleshing and soundness into their cattle.

M Bar

Well-known member
May 21, 2008
Ease up there everyone.  We don't hire an exectutive secretary to sell commercial bulls.  That would be my job, to sell my own genetics if so desired.  Let's all play nice since this is a disscussion forum and there is a word called "libel".  I printed this off of wikpedia for all to look at.  Keep it clean kids.

In law, defamation (also called calumny, libel, slander, and vilification) is the communication of a statement that makes a false claim, expressly stated or implied to be factual, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government or nation a negative image. Slander refers to a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report, while libel refers to any other form of communication such as written words or images. Most jurisdictions allow legal actions, civil and/or criminal, to deter various kinds of defamation and retaliate against groundless criticism. Related to defamation is public disclosure of private facts which arises where one person reveals information which is not of public concern, and the release of which would offend a reasonable person.[1] "Unlike libel or slander, truth is not a defence for invasion of privacy."[2]



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Tucker..I don't know who you are or where you are from(I would like to know) but you may be right on the roans being easier keeping than the reds. I know the Doublestuff cattle are easier keeping than say the rodeo drives.You may be right about sears about commercial bulls. I would be interested in knowing more about Sear's firm he is envolved in. I think you are walking a thin line on the smear highway to where ever you are going about Bolz.It would a take a page to respond to your attacks.I would be interested in sitting down with you and sharing a bottle of wine in a backwoods bar someplace and discuss the worlds problems sometime. ;D


Active member
Jul 21, 2008
sorry for getting heated up. i guess i have sit back  been  been quiet and watched so much turmoil in the shorthorn  breed the past 4 years that my frustration has boiled over. at a certain point u lose confidence in the leadership . i have lost alot of respect for our current pres. and vice pres. they have been the source of some very questionable decis. i am disgusted with what i believe ,is..... are they intrested in what is best for the breed or what is best for them? at a certain point we should be able to voice are opin. and based on their past performence ,this is my opin. they want a puppet that is available to them to micro manage so they can run the show.  what is everyone elses opin. on our current leadership ??????????

Jeremy Hahn

New member
Sep 15, 2008
The conversation and disparaging comments in regards to my father, and others serving the ASA, being written on this forum and others have unfortunately been brought to my attention this weekend and, against my family’s wishes, I feel it is necessary to respond.

In response to the most egregious accusations and lie, my father has never filed for bankruptcy and has no reason to or any aspirations to do so.  Bankruptcy is a public record and if you really need to know, simply look it up.  The implication he is an inept cattleman or farmer is baseless and slanderous.  Private family matters that have no business being discussed on this or any public forum have affected our lives and are ours to deal with.  He is a “customer comes first” beef producer like so many of you and his most blatant flaw is he has a hard time saying no when asked a favor.  These accusations not only attack him personally, but also professionally.  In that light, legal steps will be taken to determine the source(s) of these damaging comments and to take appropriate actions.

The discussion on the hiring of the American Shorthorn Association executive secretary is a whole different matter.  Dad doesn’t discuss these meetings and interviews with me, but from the standpoint that he is only thinking of himself in these proceedings, I would like to know how he is doing this and how our small set of 60 cows has that big of an influence on everyone else.  My father chose and was elected to serve and has done so with pride even when dealing with the extreme changes in the office, the wide ranging viewpoints of the membership, and the huge concerns from commercial customers with genetic defects and calving ease.  As with any conglomeration of people and their personalities, there will always be conflicts and disagreements but these elected board members will do what they feel is right and will hire the person most qualified and best for the directing the breed.

As a final rant, the continuous rift between the different production methods within the Shorthorn breed has become overwhelmingly stupid.  Producers that produce the “feed and fluff” junior projects are just as important as the “common red bull” producers in that they both offer the potential for profitability for Shorthorn cattle.  Each segment or clique within this breed needs to have the ability to glean the positives from each other in order to achieve the greater goals of increased registrations, wider industry acceptance, and ultimately a better steak.

I have been frustrated and embarrassed over the divides within this breed of cattle and the problems associated with each.  If this small breed of cattle is to have even the slightest influence on this century’s beef industry, there needs to be a concerted and unified effort on the part of each producer to offer the best beef animal with the greatest customer service possible.  The insistence on cowardly defaming and slander behind the protection of an anonymous internet connection does nothing but damage the breed and its membership in general.  If anyone would like to discuss these matters, simply talk cows(my favorite pastime just ask my wife), the state of Illini athletics, or the greatest Cub team ever (like it matters), my information is included.

Jeremy Hahn
[email protected]


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
tucker said:
sorry for getting heated up. i guess i have sit back  been  been quiet and watched so much turmoil in the shorthorn  breed the past 4 years that my frustration has boiled over. at a certain point u lose confidence in the leadership . i have lost alot of respect for our current pres. and vice pres. they have been the source of some very questionable decis. i am disgusted with what i believe ,is..... are they intrested in what is best for the breed or what is best for them? at a certain point we should be able to voice are opin. and based on their past performence ,this is my opin. they want a puppet that is available to them to micro manage so they can run the show.  what is everyone elses opin. on our current leadership ??????????

why not run for the board, or president?


Active member
Jul 21, 2008
i dont have the name or reputation to gather enough support to get elected to the asa board but i have served with the state asoc., i have been to  asa commitee meetings but they seem fruitless as the last 4 years  the board never responds back to the commitee 's request. u do not know if they discuss the commitee request or vote on it or what,like i said u get no official feedback after the commitee makes it's recom.  the shorthorn asa has been in a sad state for the last 4 or 5 years at a certain point the people making the decisions  at the top must be held acountable. it is what it is. we are all judged by the decisions we make.