New Guy

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Nov 30, 2014
Hi, I'm new here. My google searches on Shorthorn bloodlines kept leading me here so I finally decided I would join. Lot's to learn here. I'm just a small time commercial cattlemen, multigenerational, not much on the show scene, but my wife did some 4-H back in the day. I was drawn to the shorthorn breed from memories of our old brockle faced cows that raised such nice calves. For years we went Hereford/Angus back and forth, tried Limousin for a bit, and finally got a Shorty bull to make some brood cows out of. Got tired of cows that have to have grain to make it through the winter without turning into a rack of bones. Like the looks of him so much I am considering a purebred heifer to jump into the purebred world. I'm in western VA, and it seems like there is a shortage of commercial style shorthorns around here. Everything seems to be heavy on the Trump and Double Stuff, my plan is to go more toward the Canadian style of Shorthorns. Thanks for the great site.