Nothing is Sacred Anymore-- ISF Butter Cow

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
My point that just because you deem it acceptable, doesn't make it right.

Insensitive to the butter cow!?  (lol)  O let bow down before thee o graven image. Get real dude.

Can't beat them where? In a real production scenario?  Ill put Vanguard's calves next year in the great state feedout up against anyone's.  are you a taker? Or do you even own any cows?



Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
Hmmmmm. Is silence violence? Or just deafening???

Still waiting for some evidence.....

State legislations have banned marijuana use also... And we all know your views there.  You can't continue with your wishy washy ways son.  Legislation is not data.
In case you forgot (its a short term memory loss consequence issue of the herb with no consequence...), you're losing the debate son...  Chop, chop.  Where is the data?

"This boy’s more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind"


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
commercialfarmer said:
Hmmmmm. Is silence violence? Or just deafening???

Still waiting for some evidence.....

State legislations have banned marijuana use also... And we all know your views there.  You can't continue with your wishy washy ways son.  Legislation is not data.
In case you forgot (its a short term memory loss consequence issue of the herb with no consequence...), you're losing the debate son...  Chop, chop.  Where is the data?

"This boy’s more mixed up than a feather in a whirlwind"

Evidence of what?  I disagreed with your initial premise of it being quantifiable.  It's a matter of public opinion. Yet you dont recognize the vote or any poll.  The public continues to speak out against g crates, and now that you brought it up- for the legalization of mj.  Just wait till Jan 1. Your state will be flooded with the sensi.  You call it wushy washy?  I call it having enough capacity to evaluate everything on a case by case basis.



Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
Son, you can't see.  I've never used legislation as a basis for my point.  You did.  Grounding your logic in legislation, you automatically lose.

Secondly, so now you wish to replace sound science by public opinion.  Take that back a few years and see where that gets you....  good luck with that flat earth thing! ;)

You right, you won't accept facts because you see that by doing so, you can't win.  I don't need you to accept it, there are mountains of published references listing the correlation.  Your opinion, doesn't matter.  You started with emotion, and can't win with emotion.

What is so silly, is that you jump on here and yell at others about being objective and the need for numbers, numbers, numbers.  It is so past hypocritical, I'll need to come up with a new word.  I'll work on that.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
commercialfarmer said:
Son, you can't see.  I've never used legislation as a basis for my point.  You did.  Grounding your logic in legislation, you automatically lose.

Secondly, so now you wish to replace sound science by public opinion.  Take that back a few years and see where that gets you....  good luck with that flat earth thing! ;)

You right, you won't accept facts because you see that by doing so, you can't win.  I don't need you to accept it, there are mountains of published references listing the correlation.  Your opinion, doesn't matter.  You started with emotion, and can't win with emotion.

What is so silly, is that you jump on here and yell at others about being objective and the need for numbers, numbers, numbers.  It is so past hypocritical, I'll need to come up with a new word.  I'll work on that.

How about....

HONORABLE  <beer> (thumbsup) (lol)

That's the word of the day, aside from the vulgar language and terroristic threats that little buddy showed earlier- how unfortunate

What an honorable day for xanex


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
knabe said:
Can the stress that d&r cause each other be measured?

Missed this earlier....  Yes, it is reflected negatively in my pocket book and hope for the country, wait.... That's when they generally agree.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
commercialfarmer said:
-XBAR- said:
commercialfarmer said:
-XBAR- said:
If the ag industry as a whole would separate themselves from some of the more unjust ag practices such as gestation crates and propagating animals with genetic defects, the distinction between animal abusers and those that care a great deal about the general well being of their animals would become much more apparent. I feel as long as the industry as a whole defends these practices, both will continue to be judged as one in the same. And that's unfortunate.

Gestation crates being inhumane, is there data to support that?

You must be disconnected from the definition of 'inhumane' as I don't know that a feeling can be quantified through your suggestion of formal data.  One must simply ask themself, "if it weren't for the love of money, (again, compromising the soul of man) would these practices continue to slide by our moral compass and be deemed acceptable?  Just pray about it- perhaps that's what's needed. 

Outside of a cpl swine practices, SOME veal operations, and some indoor feedlots- I'm the biggest proponent of the ag industry.  Fortunately, the consumers are speaking up and the more exposure those practices get ==> the more the producers will then listen==> the sooner the ag industry as a whole will rid themselves of the stereotypes associated with those practices. 

The domino effect has to stop being used as a defense.

I do not doubt that there is much.... you do not know know or understand young grasshopper.  The world is large and full of many wondrous things.  There is much order in nature, and order stacked on order.  It has existed since creation, but we are slow to unlock its keys.  But understand this, all emotions have physical manifestations, and these are measurable.  The brains emotions and the physical body are not disconnected, but instead tightly woven.

Inhumane treatment will cause emotional and/or physical stress.  This stress will cause increased cortisol production, increased blood pressure, alterations in heart rhythm, and respiration, alteration in weight, changes in protein synthesis.  Animals that are stressed do not perform as efficiently as animals that are not stressed.
Anything that truly has an effect can be measured, otherwise, how do you know it is having an effect? 

Where is the data to support the claim?  Maybe it is true... if it is, it can be measured.
Its all relative to what you are accustomed to prior.  If I put you in a 3 x 5 cage for a month and then release you into a 20 x 20, I'm sure your vitals will show tremendous improvements.  That doesn' t mean that your current situation would not be stressful.  What inflicts pain in suffering in one individual might be regarding as considerable improvement in way of life for another.  I used to manage a moving company.  I can recall a moving a lady out of 12000 sq ft house into a 5500 sq ft.  Throughout the entire movin process, she was just beside herself at the compromise she was going to have to make.  She just didn't know if she could (mentally) handle it.  Undoubtedly there was increased cortisol production, increased blood pressure, alterations in heart rhythm, and respiration, and so on.  As for me, I would have rolled in that place with the biggest shit eatin grin imaginable and would have been swinging from the chandeliers. 

To suggest that because these animals aren't exhibiting the classic signs of "stress", that they aren't being treated poorly in fraudulent..  Dogs in a pound for example.  Walk in and you will see many dogs just happy as hell to see someone.  Others laying down in the back because its a huge downgrade from the living room couch their accustomed to. 

Just because an animal can tolerate an environment and cope without exhibiting noticeable stress doesn't mean they're in a just position or that they're being treated adequately. 


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Man is correct for you to address me as

Try 5 foot 8


I was 5 foot 5 in the 8th grade, back when I argued like you


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Iowa
Wow-- didn't realize I'd get this much conversation going with this thread, but that is ok.

X-Bar:  I don't want to fight with you, but I still believe that G-crates are one of the best inventions developed in animal husbandry.  Now let me tell you where that comes from:  I grew up on a pretty standard Iowa farm in the late 70's and 80's-- and dad had a farrow to finish operation the old way-- old facilities, old fence, old equipment and it was miserable to try to raise hogs.  Now I do think that those hogs in the dirt lots were pretty happy being pigs and getting into mud and doing all that pig stuff, but having an old outdated farrowing house was awful.  We had old wood stalls-- with a corner boarded off for the piglets with the heat lamp.  Those sows were awful to get in the stall-- then risk your life reaching in to feed and water and then when they farrowed-- they would lay on those pigs, or eat them, or just be totally grumps and try to crawl over and eat you.  So our wean ratio wasn't great with some litters.  Then there were the sows that built the nest out in the lot in the hog shelter and pigged out there-- then they were at the mercy of the pen mates-- laying on the pigs, eating the pigs, etc.  As the 80's went along and we were broke and finally my dad could see that if you can't advance to update your hog buildings, he finally exited farrowing. I have even more "Farming with Hogs" stories, but moving on...
We had a feeding floor next to the barn that we feed the pigs out on-- they weren't confinement, but they weren't open range-- those hogs all seemed pretty happy to me the several months they were there before they went to IBP or Farmland.  Part of this is also knowing animal nature-- hogs are smart- hogs are curious, but hogs are also lazy-- I don't think they care where they are as long as they are fed, safe and have a place to laze about.  Just look at the big boar at the ISF-- He doesn't care he only has 8X8 to live in-- all he wants to do is sleep.



Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
-XBAR- said:
commercialfarmer said:
-XBAR- said:
commercialfarmer said:
-XBAR- said:
If the ag industry as a whole would separate themselves from some of the more unjust ag practices such as gestation crates and propagating animals with genetic defects, the distinction between animal abusers and those that care a great deal about the general well being of their animals would become much more apparent. I feel as long as the industry as a whole defends these practices, both will continue to be judged as one in the same. And that's unfortunate.

Gestation crates being inhumane, is there data to support that?

You must be disconnected from the definition of 'inhumane' as I don't know that a feeling can be quantified through your suggestion of formal data.  One must simply ask themself, "if it weren't for the love of money, (again, compromising the soul of man) would these practices continue to slide by our moral compass and be deemed acceptable?  Just pray about it- perhaps that's what's needed. 

Outside of a cpl swine practices, SOME veal operations, and some indoor feedlots- I'm the biggest proponent of the ag industry.  Fortunately, the consumers are speaking up and the more exposure those practices get ==> the more the producers will then listen==> the sooner the ag industry as a whole will rid themselves of the stereotypes associated with those practices. 

The domino effect has to stop being used as a defense.

I do not doubt that there is much.... you do not know know or understand young grasshopper.  The world is large and full of many wondrous things.  There is much order in nature, and order stacked on order.  It has existed since creation, but we are slow to unlock its keys.  But understand this, all emotions have physical manifestations, and these are measurable.  The brains emotions and the physical body are not disconnected, but instead tightly woven.

Inhumane treatment will cause emotional and/or physical stress.  This stress will cause increased cortisol production, increased blood pressure, alterations in heart rhythm, and respiration, alteration in weight, changes in protein synthesis.  Animals that are stressed do not perform as efficiently as animals that are not stressed.
Anything that truly has an effect can be measured, otherwise, how do you know it is having an effect? 

Where is the data to support the claim?  Maybe it is true... if it is, it can be measured.
Its all relative to what you are accustomed to prior.  If I put you in a 3 x 5 cage for a month and then release you into a 20 x 20, I'm sure your vitals will show tremendous improvements.  That doesn' t mean that your current situation would not be stressful.  What inflicts pain in suffering in one individual might be regarding as considerable improvement in way of life for another.  I used to manage a moving company.  I can recall a moving a lady out of 12000 sq ft house into a 5500 sq ft.  Throughout the entire movin process, she was just beside herself at the compromise she was going to have to make.  She just didn't know if she could (mentally) handle it.  Undoubtedly there was increased cortisol production, increased blood pressure, alterations in heart rhythm, and respiration, and so on.  As for me, I would have rolled in that place with the biggest **** eatin grin imaginable and would have been swinging from the chandeliers. 

To suggest that because these animals aren't exhibiting the classic signs of "stress", that they aren't being treated poorly in fraudulent..  Dogs in a pound for example.  Walk in and you will see many dogs just happy as hell to see someone.  Others laying down in the back because its a huge downgrade from the living room couch their accustomed to. 

Just because an animal can tolerate an environment and cope without exhibiting noticeable stress doesn't mean they're in a just position or that they're being treated adequately.

Not admitting being wrong, is not the same as being correct.  Look into animal behavior science, how do you think dogs are diagnosed with anxiety disorders in need of medical attention?  How is it known, when they are adequately controlled or other avenues are needed?  There is information gained from the animal....  It is measurable.  By the way, if you knew as much about behavior as you think, you would realize that your scenario may not be completely inaccurate.  The dog overly excited to see you may actually have separation anxiety and has been going nuts for the past 8 hrs, the dog in the back may be pretty happy staying completely away from you, as he doesn't like people in general (unsocialized) and may be totally at peace with the other dogs. 

Becareful stating uneducated opinions as facts. 

I was saving the death rate of all the piglets until I pushed this lack of objectiveness further. 

If just one life could be saved, wouldn't limited mobility be worth it?  ;D

Seriously, the carnage and death loss saved by crates far outways any potential (yet you haven't proven) mild disruption to the mother.  Do you argue that the preventabledeath of one or more piglets is not inhumane?

And just to round out the topic.... if gest. creates are inhumane, then you are in full support and lobbying against the unethical treatment of women being put on bed rest as well correct?

Baby killer! :mad:


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
-XBAR- said:
My point that just because you deem it acceptable, doesn't make it right.

Insensitive to the butter cow!?  (lol)  O let bow down before thee o graven image. Get real dude.

Can't beat them where? In a real production scenario?  Ill put Vanguard's calves next year in the great state feedout up against anyone's.  are you a taker? Or do you even own any cows?

Insensitive to the people that want to vent their frustrations about the incident and not have to listen to your almighty political speeches. 

You can't beat Sullivans where it really counts to most on this forum and that's the showring.  Put your OWN cattle up against the only Shorthorn breeder that most of us on here know about and that's Sullivan's.  They show at every single major show in the country.  I'm sure you can find them. 

Believe it or not, most on this forum are not Shorthorn breeders and I really could care less if you breed productive Shorthorns or not.  I am getting sick of every single thread being hijacked by you though. 


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2012
SW. Iowa
Xbar,    Nine states......  Yep NINE, and the reason they went after nine, was because they were states with very very little pork production.  They knew there would not be much opposition, because there were not many pork producers in Florida, or Maine, word is pork mega states like Rhode Island are next.    You are buying into their plan.  See these states did it so should we.......  Go work two months in a crate free pig farm and if a sow doesn't rip you to shreds and then eat you, then come talk about it.  Sows are the most dangerous animals on the farm.    Inhumane is letting a sow rip another sows ear off, or eating another sows pigs, or laying on her own....... Seriously pull your head out.  They want crate free because crate free would increase the cost of productin and put swine farming out of business.    We get a record number of pigs per litter now, get rid of crates that plummets and the price of pork goes up, demand goes down, and the AR nuts win.    I can not believe you have anything to do with animal ag and you side with a group that is opposed to all animal ag


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2012
SW. Iowa
Shorthorns4us said:
Wow-- didn't realize I'd get this much conversation going with this thread, but that is ok.

X-Bar:  I don't want to fight with you, but I still believe that G-crates are one of the best inventions developed in animal husbandry.  Now let me tell you where that comes from:  I grew up on a pretty standard Iowa farm in the late 70's and 80's-- and dad had a farrow to finish operation the old way-- old facilities, old fence, old equipment and it was miserable to try to raise hogs.  Now I do think that those hogs in the dirt lots were pretty happy being pigs and getting into mud and doing all that pig stuff, but having an old outdated farrowing house was awful.  We had old wood stalls-- with a corner boarded off for the piglets with the heat lamp.  Those sows were awful to get in the stall-- then risk your life reaching in to feed and water and then when they farrowed-- they would lay on those pigs, or eat them, or just be totally grumps and try to crawl over and eat you.  So our wean ratio wasn't great with some litters.  Then there were the sows that built the nest out in the lot in the hog shelter and pigged out there-- then they were at the mercy of the pen mates-- laying on the pigs, eating the pigs, etc.  As the 80's went along and we were broke and finally my dad could see that if you can't advance to update your hog buildings, he finally exited farrowing. I have even more "Farming with Hogs" stories, but moving on...
We had a feeding floor next to the barn that we feed the pigs out on-- they weren't confinement, but they weren't open range-- those hogs all seemed pretty happy to me the several months they were there before they went to IBP or Farmland.  Part of this is also knowing animal nature-- hogs are smart- hogs are curious, but hogs are also lazy-- I don't think they care where they are as long as they are fed, safe and have a place to laze about.  Just look at the big boar at the ISF-- He doesn't care he only has 8X8 to live in-- all he wants to do is sleep.


So far this is by far the most informed opinion on here...,.,.  Those with the most informed opinion has the one that carries the most weight......    Xbar, go read more propaganda!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i still haven't heard a sound argument to why we can outlaw g-crates but not abortion is not inconsistent.

i haven't seen very many people volunteer to be aborted, especially the one's that are strongly for it.

i only see violence solving differences as each side wildly seeks to legislate morality or lack of it on each other.