Ohioans, Iowans - What do you think? - Non-Cattle

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Top Knot

Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
The electoral college gives the midwest more clout! If your state has less than 10 electoral votes, you're getting more bang for your vote. In South Dakota, our 3 electoral votes have 212% clout compared to California's 84%. It's more about a state's voice than an individual's. You can make your voice heard in your state easier than you can be heard in the entire country.

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
How many new coal mines or power plants have been built or are being built since Obama got in? The fact is iyou can build a new plant but the govt regulations and process will break you. I'm kinda of a odd ball in politics. Don't take my guns, legalize pot, eliminate the fed, people should marry whoever they want. End the war on drugs. Smaller govt. develop energy here in the USA.

Obama nor Romney can really pass the stink test but my god is Obama an idiot IMO. He tried his way it didn't work. The economy sucks. Time for a new quarterback.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
Top Knot said:
The electoral college gives the midwest more clout! If your state has less than 10 electoral votes, you're getting more bang for your vote. In South Dakota, our 3 electoral votes have 212% clout compared to California's 84%. It's more about a state's voice than an individual's. You can make your voice heard in your state easier than you can be heard in the entire country.

Interseting link:


Ok, maybe I back to electoral college.  (lol)

I don't demean anyone for who they vote, especially if you took the time to research and decide who is the best candidate for you.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
The system is largely needs reform anyway - super pac funding, lack of choice in candidates, and no recourse for not following through on campaign promises.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Redwine Cattle said:
buckeye said:
Bottom line I am voting Obama which may not be a popular choice with most on this forum but its America and we are each entitled to our vote.  (clapping)

Ok, i'll bite. It doesn't really matter to me, just curious. But could you explain why you are voting for Obama? I would consider myself a moderate republican, and i'm not a Romeny fan, but I just can't fathom how anyone could look at the last 4 years and think it has been a success. Obama had both houses in a super majority and still did nothing. I got so fired up during the last 2 debates woke my wife up talking to the tv, how can Obama talk about his "plan" for the next 4 years and people buy into it, when we have acutally watched his "plan" for the last 4 years fail?

My mother always said you do'nt discuss sex, religion and politics with strangers. These topics cause people to have strong feelings and to me are very personal. I probably shouldn't have replied at all. But the way I look at it is there ISN"T a viable candidate on either side. I do'nt care what either say neither are going to be able to fix what has taken 10-15 years to get to this situation. It wasn't ONE administration that brought it to this point it was a cumulative mismanagement. Of the two idiots I tried to pick the less of the two evils. IF people think a new president is going to make this all go away they are sadly mistaken. Someone posting repetitively to vote one way or another- its private and personal what i vote. It doesn't sway me it just annoys me.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Iowa interview with the messiah to be kept off record.

I bet the newspaper still endorses him.

I bet he said all kinds of importatant stuff like free contraceptives, tax people more kill coal, more handouts , print more money, corn good for green jobs and a plethora of other big governmrnment dependency programs and that business and rich people are evil and the way to grow the economy is more teachers. 


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
mooch said:
We in Iowa are flooded with Obama visits at colleges and universitys. Everytime they have a rally, they can now set up voter registration and early voter stations.I would assume that a large number of the early returns filed are from these events. Basically they brain wash the college kids and get their votes at that time.I guess it's legal but hate to think those people and the vast life experience they have, dictate how our country is ran. Voting used to be a privelage and a duty that required some thought , now its a thumbs up for how did you like the Bon Jovi or Springsteen concert brought to you by the Dem party. We are screwed.

And these people that you spit on as they try to change their worlds are immune to your consultations. They're quite aware of what they're going through.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
Jason said:
The system is largely needs reform anyway - super pac funding, lack of choice in candidates, and no recourse for not following through on campaign promises.

There is recourse...Don't vote them back in!!!


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
J2F said:
Jason said:
The system is largely needs reform anyway - super pac funding, lack of choice in candidates, and no recourse for not following through on campaign promises.

There is recourse...Don't vote them back in!!!

That is true, but I have little faith that any politician regardless of party is not heavily influenced by the ultimate agenda of their party, lobbyist, and big time donors.  Things get swayed a bit once they actually get the nomination.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
Top Knot said:
The electoral college gives the midwest more clout! If your state has less than 10 electoral votes, you're getting more bang for your vote. In South Dakota, our 3 electoral votes have 212% clout compared to California's 84%. It's more about a state's voice than an individual's. You can make your voice heard in your state easier than you can be heard in the entire country.

Interseting link:


Isn't the real reason for electoral college money! It would cost too much to campaign for popular vote? Supposedly this is the only way a so called third party could compete.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Jason said:
J2F said:
Jason said:
The system is largely needs reform anyway - super pac funding, lack of choice in candidates, and no recourse for not following through on campaign promises.

There is recourse...Don't vote them back in!!!

That is true, but I have little faith that any politician regardless of party is not heavily influenced by the ultimate agenda of their party, lobbyist, and big time donors.  Things get swayed a bit once they actually get the nomination.

The reason I will always vote straight ticket!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
Jason said:
J2F said:
Jason said:
The system is largely needs reform anyway - super pac funding, lack of choice in candidates, and no recourse for not following through on campaign promises.

There is recourse...Don't vote them back in!!!

That is true, but I have little faith that any politician regardless of party is not heavily influenced by the ultimate agenda of their party, lobbyist, and big time donors.  Things get swayed a bit once they actually get the nomination.

I won't disagree with you but I'm much more frustrated with the voters than the system. When you ask these college kids that are voting what does the person stand for on any issue that they just voted for and they don't know and it is more than just the college kids.
I have had several people who thought they should vote Democrat(i guess cause their parents did)  take an online test to see where their values and beliefs put them on the political spectrum and they almost always lean more conservative  to their own surprise (including my lovely wife). Now their has been a few that didn't and I gave up on those people. IMO The hard core party line voters are just as detrimental to our government as the kids that don't know IMO.
.Americans need to pull their heads out until they hear the pop, quite watching dancing with the stars and maybe flip on the news every now and again.  If we act like scared lost little sheep they will treat us like them and try and be our shepherd! 


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
 To all the G.W. bush apologists out there that preach that romney is the saviour of coal, apple pie, guns and Jesus.apparently no one has seen the video of romney in front of that good ole coal burner outside Boston saying that that plant kills people and he was going to shut it down,or maybe his countless different opinions of abortion skewed to what crowd he is speaking to in what state.or the millions he's raked off the backs of hard working people that had to train their Chinese replacements as bain closed their factory to move to China.Willard was against for alot of your hot button issues before he was for them.maybe he wont flip-flop again if he wins, doubt it but maybe. He is as much of a liberal as the next massechusetts politician. At least Ted Kennedy had the stones to take a side and stick with it.And as far as President Obama is concerned yep maybe if obstructionist mitch mcconnell R-KY didnt try to gum up the whole legislative process  based entirely on who put forth the bill instead of who is helped by it,maybe we not he would be sitting a little prettier.Vote how you want, I did last week.No matter who wins we will get by. This is America the greatest country on earth.people are trying to come here every day by the thousands because here we can all have our own opinion and this is mine,researched but an opinion just the same. I will leave you with one more and then wish you a good day. "I'd rather have a sister working in a brothel than I would a brother that voted a straight republican ticket".Enjoy your week and God Bless us all.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011

As a business man, If your government is shoving regulations, taxes and health care expenses down your throat, consumers are buying the cheap imports and not American made, and it is either adapt or go out of business what are they suppose to do? Open more factory's in the US? It cracks me up when the businesses or the CEO's get blamed for moving out of the country. IMO it is our (America's) fault, our government, consumers and uneducated VOTERS.  :mad:


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
  Vote how you like neighbor. I'll cast my democrat vote in republican adams co and you can cast your republican vote in  democratic brown co. We are in the same boat, just rowing in opposite directions. Maybe this is just karma biting us in the rear for 8 years of bush.it will be your turn again soon enough.Life is like a ferris wheel sometimes you are on top sometimes the bottom.but never either for very long :-*


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
People have the power not the govt. It is in the govt best interest to keep us all divided.

What would happen in nobody voted? What if we organized new tickets? Internet is a useful tool.

Evil thrives when good men stand by and do nothing.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
J2F said:

As a business man, If your government is shoving regulations, taxes and health care expenses down your throat, consumers are buying the cheap imports and not American made, and it is either adapt or go out of business what are they suppose to do? Open more factory's in the US? It cracks me up when the businesses or the CEO's get blamed for moving out of the country. IMO it is our (America's) fault, our government, consumers and uneducated VOTERS.  :mad:

American minds are far too valuable to be enslaved in a factory.  IF you've HAD to work a factory job to support your family then you're doing what you can 'at the timie', but in 2012, as Americans who invest billions in education every year, surely we can expect more.  The reason these jobs are shipped overseas is because they don't require any real skill set! A task that someone with ZERO prior experience can accomplish shouldn't be labeled as a "head of household" job.    AMERICA'S FUTURE IS IN SERVICE AND TECHNOLOGY. Specialize, embrace these fields, and be successful. 



Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
-XBAR- said:
J2F said:

As a business man, If your government is shoving regulations, taxes and health care expenses down your throat, consumers are buying the cheap imports and not American made, and it is either adapt or go out of business what are they suppose to do? Open more factory's in the US? It cracks me up when the businesses or the CEO's get blamed for moving out of the country. IMO it is our (America's) fault, our government, consumers and uneducated VOTERS.  :mad:

American minds are far too valuable to be enslaved in a factory.  IF you've HAD to work a factory job to support your family then you're doing what you can 'at the timie', but in 2012, as Americans who invest billions in education every year, surely we can expect more.   The reason these jobs are shipped overseas is because they don't require any real skill set! A task that someone with ZERO prior experience can accomplish shouldn't be labeled as a "head of household" job.    AMERICA'S FUTURE IS IN SERVICE AND TECHNOLOGY. Specialize, embrace these fields, and be successful.   

We can't build an economy on serving each other.  Somebody has to grow it (ag), mine it (mining, drilling), or make it into something useful (manufacturing).  Otherwise there is no actual wealth being generated.
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