Opinions about feeding silage?

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Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
Is there any benefit to feeding some silage if it is available in your area? We don't have any available to us but we could get it by the barrel full from one of the local feedlots. Where it is packed in the pit once you take it out it could mold so using the barrel would limit the amount you would have at any time and your loss would be minimal.

Is there any advantage to it and how would you adjust your feed ration to utilize it best?

Glorifying Pastures

Well-known member
May 1, 2012
Pine River, WI
We have been feeding silage all winter now. We get it through my uncle and get it a ton at a time, we go every week put it on a trailer and cover it up with a tarp. The silage will last and not spoil as long as the temperature works with you. The cattle will eat it as long as it stays fresh, once the silage starts to spoil they will push it aside, that is why we get a ton at a time, you may have to adjust as the temps raise. We have been feeding 50 lbs/day/head and watch how much corn is in the silage as the corn around here this year was not so high producing, if there is not much corn in the silage we will top dress or mix it in. We also top dress our mineral . I will let you know more as my nutritionist is coming on Monday to reevaluate what we set up as if it working towards our target.