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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2011
Mt. Pleasant, Texas
I use it, a Handful, just enough to fit inside a closed fist once a day for 30 days, then off for 30 days until the show, the way I was told to use it was to where you are feeding it on the last 42  days at show time. Example: our county show is in late September, so right now I am NOT feeding it, but will start feeding again on July 1st. Hope this helps, My son just started showing calves last yr, I used it last yr but calf was geneticly challenged, lol. So it didn't help. Plus I am learning as well. This yr is different, I started it as soon as we got the calf and I can really tell its benefits. Don't overuse from what I've heard, it will make them stiff. I haven't seen that in this calf tho. Good luck, hope this helps.