Orange Crush Calf

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
We had a orange crush heifer today that weighed about 70 lbs. The mother is a grade Angus and it was born unassisted but I think it was a hard birth because the calf is kind of slow in the head. Found it this morning and it couldn't stand so we got it in milked the mother and tubed it and it is doing better but still not great. Tonight we do the same thing and it starts to suck from the mother when we went to milk her. So now we wait till morning and hope for the best. I am not going to take pics until she is going good because it will probably jinx me lol. This makes me feel a little better  (lol) 


Apr 1, 2009
Yes, i know what you are saying by big calf. I had a smoky heifer calf. She was big at birth, 120 lbs but was smart and strong.She nursed shortly after bring born. Her mother was a Angus/Dry Ice female. I am going to use Orange Crush again this year. This one is thick, deep and lots of hair.