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the angus111

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2007
cotullaguy,your entitled to your opinion as I am.I am calling bullcrap on what you said.I am sick of people that hate this country.9/11 truthers have about as much validityas PETA.LENDERS GOT GREEDY,BARNEY FRANK WAS IN THE SACK WITH FREDDIE MAC(LITERALLY) AND TRAFCANT WAS AS CROOKED AS THE REST.AFGANISTAN COULD TURN INTO A MINI VIETNAM.but i am supporting our troops!Rusty


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:
i have told you over and over (listening is not in you quiver?)

back it up with some facts.    maybe you could start with some of your own straw man.

it's a fact that if you can't pay for the loan, you shouldn't get a loan.  it drove the price of houses up, government wanted it to drive property tax revenue so they could pay for more liberal agenda.

i will bet you you will never read a book that doesn't support your point of view.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
the angus111 said:
cotullaguy,your entitled to your opinion as I am.I am calling bullcrap on what you said.I am sick of people that hate this country.9/11 truthers have about as much validityas PETA.LENDERS GOT GREEDY,BARNEY FRANK WAS IN THE SACK WITH FREDDIE MAC(LITERALLY) AND TRAFCANT WAS AS CROOKED AS THE REST.AFGANISTAN COULD TURN INTO A MINI VIETNAM.but i am supporting our troops!Rusty

I am tired of people that blindly listen to Fox News and take it as fact.  9/11 needs a new investigation.  Just because I am upset 3000 of my fellow Americans were murdered and I see no evidence of Bin Laden involvement (Sibel Edmonds, FBI translator that was gagged for years says Bin Laden worked for the CIA up to 9/11)  and we have now murdered 1.3 million Iraqis  whom never attacked our country, I am somehow a bad American for wanting to know what the hell is going on. 

Bring the evidence that supports your beliefs.  I think you just want to blindly believe our troops are doing the right thing by murdering innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan.  You cannot simply deal with the facts so just get pissed when faced with any. 

Answer these questions since you trust this govt so much:

1) Oklahoma City 1995 bombing:  How did bombs get inside the building that housed the ATF when YOUR govt says it was only McVeigh and his truck bomb?

Start with that one and then we will move on.  You are just believing what you can handle.  The truth is no part of it.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
why do you shave your chest?

that is what I thought, faced with facts you will put your head back in the sand. lol

I would appreciate an honest explanation on how the bombs got inside the Murrah Building when the media and govt you love and trust says it was only McVeigh's fertilizer bomb?  I am waiting...


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
cotullaguy, you just lost me  on the conspiracy stuff, but you are entitled to your opinion.  Knabe, you need to explain the worldwide industrial housing bubble and the commercial real estate bubble, other countries had bubbles but didn't implode, and I find it hard to believe that all industrial countries got behind this bubble to increase taxes.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
cotullaguy said:
the angus111 said:
cotullaguy,your entitled to your opinion as I am.I am calling bullcrap on what you said.I am sick of people that hate this country.9/11 truthers have about as much validityas PETA.LENDERS GOT GREEDY,BARNEY FRANK WAS IN THE SACK WITH FREDDIE MAC(LITERALLY) AND TRAFCANT WAS AS CROOKED AS THE REST.AFGANISTAN COULD TURN INTO A MINI VIETNAM.but i am supporting our troops!Rusty

I am tired of people that blindly listen to Fox News and take it as fact.  9/11 needs a new investigation.  Just because I am upset 3000 of my fellow Americans were murdered and I see no evidence of Bin Laden involvement (Sibel Edmonds, FBI translator that was gagged for years says Bin Laden worked for the CIA up to 9/11)  and we have now murdered 1.3 million Iraqis  whom never attacked our country, I am somehow a bad American for wanting to know what the hell is going on.  

Bring the evidence that supports your beliefs.  I think you just want to blindly believe our troops are doing the right thing by murdering innocent people in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Pakistan.  You cannot simply deal with the facts so just get pissed when faced with any.  

Answer these questions since you trust this govt so much:

1) Oklahoma City 1995 bombing:  How did bombs get inside the building that housed the ATF when YOUR govt says it was only McVeigh and his truck bomb?

Start with that one and then we will move on.  You are just believing what you can handle.  The truth is no part of it.

OMG... cotullaguy, I think you need to get your Kool Aid tested, or at least limit how much that you drink of it. I cannot even imagine how screwed up your brain waves must be if you truly think that Bin Laden was not responsible for what happened on 9-11. I suppose you also think the CIA is responsible for the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile?  I bet you also check under your bed before you go to sleep just to make sure the government hasn't bugged your house.

I know there are lots of conspriracy theorists out there, but I never really ever thought we would have one on them on this site. Come to think about it, I bet the CIA is responsible for these defects that are showing up in every breed. Now it makes sense! They are trying to keep American farmers on their knees. How did I not figure this out before now. .... Give me a break!
For God's sake wake up and smell the coffee.  

In regards to your comments about the troops in Irag, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, just what do you think should have been done when the towers were destroyed and the thousands of innocent lives were lost. War is never pretty and it is never fair, but from time to time, it is justified. The US and it's allies  have taken a stand for freedom and against anarchy. All I can say is " Good Bless America" and thank God we have some who will give their lives to defend the freedoms we enjoy. Your comments about the "banksters" causing the collapse of the economy simply because they wanted to own homes and property, is so bizarre, I hate to waste time commenting on it. Totally absurd thinking my friend. Totally........


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010

OMG... cotullaguy, I think you need to get your Kool Aid tested, or at least limit how much that you drink of it. I cannot even imagine how screwed up your brain waves must be if you truly think that Bin Laden was not responsible for what happened on 9-11. I suppose you also think the CIA is responsible for the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile?  I bet you also check under your bed before you go to sleep just to make sure the government hasn't bugged your house.

I know there are lots of conspriracy theorists out there, but I never really ever thought we would have one on them on this site. Come to think about it, I bet the CIA is responsible for these defects that are showing up in every breed. Now it makes sense! They are trying to keep American farmers on their knees. How did I not figure this out before now. .... Give me a break!
For God's sake wake up and smell the coffee.  

In regards to your comments about the troops in Irag, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, just what do you think should have been done when the towers were destroyed and the thousands of innocent lives were lost. War is never pretty and it is never fair, but from time to time, it is justified. The US and it's allies  have taken a stand for freedom and against anarchy. All I can say is " Good Bless America" and thank God we have some who will give their lives to defend the freedoms we enjoy. Your comments about the "banksters" causing the collapse of the economy simply because they wanted to own homes and property, is so bizarre, I hate to waste time commenting on it. Totally absurd thinking my friend. Totally........

it is bizarre to you as you have no idea what is going on.  i said nothing about haiti or did...i asked a simple questions about OKC.  why is it wrong for Americans that have family that has died defending their country question the government?  I thought that is what Thomas jefferson wanted us to on the other hand, think it is un patriotic to question anything our government does...

1060 architects and engineers know less about the WTC collapses than you?  they have put their names on a petition for a new investigation here:

80 firefighters have now signed a petition for a new investigation into 9/11:

100 plus pilots from around the world want a new investigation see here:

Military members that want a new investigation:

and you attack me.  questions these guys and why you never hear about it on the nightly news. 

just because I am a rancher does not mean I cannot think on my own.  I am sorry it bothers your comfort zone. 



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
what is friction?

read a lot of the biographies.  lots of words like "believe" etc.  very little if any FACTS you claim you have in excess.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
quote author=knabe link=topic=16770.msg178923#msg178923 date=1267738538]
what is friction?

read a lot of the biographies.  lots of words like "believe" etc.  very little if any FACTS you claim you have in excess.

dispute these facts:

1) in OKC bombing in 1995, bombs were found inside the buildings and had to be defused.  these bombs had to be wired inside the building and this building housed the ATF.

2) Military Grade Nano Thermate has been proven to have been in the debris of the WTC towers.  How did it get there and why was it there?  A paper has been published if you care to read it.

3) WTC building 7 was not hit by an airplane, yet it fell at partial freefall speed which is a fact admitted by NIST. How did this occur unless the under infrastructure was removed.  This building housed CIA, FBI, Secret Service and on and on of government agencies including NYC emergency response headquarters.  It also housed the files for Enron.

4) the anthrax, that John McCain said on the Dave Letterman show probably came from Iraq prior to the war, was traced back to FT. Detrick Maryland and was the Ames strain.  How did it get out of Ft. Detrick military base?

5) the government is withholding 84 cameras footage from the Pentagon and released 2 which show no plane.

6) the building which housed the Inquirer Magazine which was hit with the Anthrax was later purchased by Rudy Giuliani.

7) Fact: Under oath, FBI translator Sibel Edmonds says Osama Bin Laden worked for the USA up till 9/11. His code name was Tim Osman.

I did not want to have to get into this but when challenge someone on this and call them unpatriotic you need to have your shit together.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
cotullaguy said:
hamburgman said:
cotullaguy I like some of your style.  Wondering what you think of all of our military spending?

it is all a scam for the military industrial complex...the "war on terrorism" is a complete scam.  same as Vietnam was....
All this conspiracy talk reminds me of a movie, any takers?

You know how many helicopters  have been lost in Vietnam?  About three thousand so far.  Who makes them?  Bell Helicopter.  Who owns Bell?  Bell was near bankruptcy when the First National Bank of Boston        approached the CIA about developing the helicopter for Indochina usage.  How 'bout the f-111 fighters?  General Dynamics in Fort Worth.  Who owns that?  Find out the defense budget  since the war began.  $75 going on a  hundred billion ... $200 billion'll  be spent before it ends.  In 1950 it  was $13 billion.  No war, no money.  Sometimes I think the organizing  principle of any society is for war. The authority of the state over it's people resides in it's war powers.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
so what about the third man?  why is it the government?  why not radical islam?

what if the government heard chatter, but didn't know where it would be?

i haven't ever voted for a democrat or republican office in my entire life.

don't start reading me the knabe's with the government ****

lot of what if's to start calling people names.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010

I am not calling anyone names.  You wanted some facts and I gave them out.  I care enough about my fellow Americans that were slaughtered to try understand why it was done and who could have done it.  I think I know that now.  I am not alone in my beliefs though.  I did vote for Bush twice before I began to figure out their shell game.  A person does not have to believe what I have proposed here but I think it is worth seeing if I am right or not before you point fingers.  I am just as much of a Patriotic American for wanting to know how this happened and exposing them for it than one that refuses to look at the evidence and ignore facts.  3000 of your and my fellow Americans cannot speak for themselves as they were murdered.  Islam had nothing to do with it.  I am not a skinhead either but the only people arrested on 9/11 with bombs were members of Mossad. Now you can call me a anti semite I guess.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
knabe said:
cotullaguy said:

Islam had nothing to do with it. 


well, other than your tv saying it did 30 minutes after the second plane hit, there is absolutely no proof of any islamic terrorists taking over any planes...ask yourself this question: WHY ISN'T OBL WANTED BY THE FBI FOR 9/11 9 YEARS LATER?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
cotullaguy said:

because obama (oops, i meant osama) hasn't done anything.  just like stalin didn't, hitler didn't, jim jones didn't, pol pot didn't.

many tyrants are simply too chicken to do the dirty work themselves.  KSM apparently wasn't ashamed to behead daniel pearl.  though it was pretty funny to see KSM try and handle a machine gun, ie he couldn't do it.

bottom line, it doesn't matter.  people refuse to vote for someone besides the entrenched crowd.  you yourself voted for bush.

vote for someone different locally, heck, run for office yourself.  support a candidate yourself.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
I think it is important for each of us to contribute to our communities.  I try to do my small part here locally.  I enjoyed our conversation and appreciate your open mind.  I really believe in the end that we all want what is best for our country.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
cotullaguy said:
I think it is important for each of us to contribute to our communities.  I try to do my small part here locally.  I enjoyed our conversation and appreciate your open mind.  I really believe in the end that we all want what is best for our country.
How did you like the texas primary, that was shaping up into something awesome.