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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2011
American Falls, ID
So i have a calf with contracted tendons and i have a cow with a ripped vaginal wall.

1. Has anyone ever had a cow with a ripped vaginal wall? Do they recover or should i sell her?

2. I know were supposed to stretch his legs as much as possible other then that is there anything else we can do? He has already had 3 cc of BO SE. He is about 36 hours old and hasnt stood up, the vet called it contracted tendons so were sure of that.

First Monopoly Calf = train wreck but i suppose it could be worse.  :-\ Any Advice, tips, personal expeirences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance.


Well-known member
Jun 17, 2010
We have had two calves with contracted tendons, and in both cases the vet gave Bio-mycin IV and they cleared up in a few days. It really works! Ask your vet. He found out about it because they use it i horses for the same reason... but you have to get them done early. The older they are the less effective it is.

Pleasant Grove Farms

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2011
we had a cow once with a ripped vaginal wall; the hole never healed closed, but the edges did heal. The rip was on
the top so the skin that divides the vaginal area and rectum had a big hole in it;
permanently; so when she calved, the calf's foot would always go up into this rip and so into the rectum and be caught there; so the you always had to assist her in calving after that.....and she also bred always AI.
other than that, I would give your cow penn for a week or so; it will take some time for her to heal, but unless infection sets in, she should still be able to produce for you if you watch her and assist if needed.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2011
Okay, putting this out here first! Every calf I have gotten has something wrong...all but 2 were from contracted tendons. So...I have experience here

Every single time that calf eats(I assume bottle baby) make it get up and walk around for the bottle. This may take a couple people if they are bad and some strenuous work as it grows. If you have to hold it up by its tail to keep it on its feet do it! We never have given the shots mentioned above, but I think we have given dex to a couple. This is hard work and requires patience. Until he gets to where he can get up and walking on his own, make sure you lay him down on different sides when you stop messing with him. The key for us has been to get them up and make them walk! They might not be able to do much for a while, but that is where help is handy to hold them up.  We have only lost one with our system, but she was pretty far gone when we got her.  If he stays bad for a few weeks I would think about hanging him up in a sling. The getting them up and switching sides that he is laying on will help keep his spine from growing in a curve.  The stretching and massaging will help too, but you have to get him up when he's eating-no bottles laying down.
Don't be surprised if he doesn't get some scalded spots from his per staying under him-getting up moving to a different spot in. he pen will help this too. we walk them as much as they can strength wise and they have turned out pretty good.
good luck and keep working this kid! it can be tough but a lot of them can get better to through point you would never tell!