Questions regarding Milkman and Alias...

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Sep 4, 2008
Has anyone out there in the club calf business bred the Milk Man (Martin's/Lautner's) bull and/or the Alias bull to Shorthorn cows?
If so what where the results?
I have heard a great deal on Milk Man's birth weights...
I know a great deal depends upon the type of cows that he is bred too, as well as nutritional factors that the cow is exposed to during the later part of her pregnancy.
These cows are going to be bred and calved out in South Texas, where typically the calves tend to be a little lighter at birth than some of the Northern born calves that are bred the same way.
(And before a thousand threads erupt from that statement, that is my observation... The summer tends to help me out on those calves bred to be bigger, more terminal type cattle. The calves tend to be a little smaller coming out of my cows that are just on pasture and mineral tubs...)
I am curious as to the phenotype that came from using these bulls on Shorthorn cows. It would be great to get white Shorthorn appearing calves from the Alias mating and a Shorthorn marked calves from that of Milk Man.
So my fellow steerplaneters, tell me what you have gotten, seen or experienced with cattle being bred this way...
THX :) 


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
We just bred a Alias heifer to Captain ( red shorthorn). She is not real sound -
I can let you know next spring? I used Troubador on a Red ShorthornXRed Angus and might go with Alias on another? My club calf friends are helping me with  the matings- they said to use Alias on super sound mamas. I am shooting for the golden or butterscotch color.