Race Horses

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i consider bleeding to be a defect.  i think new york bans the drug that suppresses that, which is why some horses don't run at the belmont i think.  i think the drug is banned in england and europe, though i could be wrong on that.

perhaps it is tightly linked to the big heart gene? barrelracer, any info on that?

Barrel Racer

Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
knabe said:
i consider bleeding to be a defect.  i think new york bans the drug that suppresses that, which is why some horses don't run at the belmont i think.  i think the drug is banned in england and europe, though i could be wrong on that.

perhaps it is tightly linked to the big heart gene? barrelracer, any info on that?

No idea if there is a link, biologically it could...large heart..blood pumping faster harder...blood vessels in lungs rupture...,  I know that it affects a lot of TBs, some QH but not as many.  I didn't know that they banned Lasix at Belmont.  I know that we went to the tracks in Indy for a tour as new owners and the vet must administer it and it has to be noted, etc..  No one is allowed in the barn without a license and they test for it after the race. 
I think there are problems with genetic defects in horses, I'd say with race horses though breeding for speed is so difficult and I actually did the calculations to see if SI in QH was inheirited and it was not, statistically speaking.  I have heard a few of the top QH sires colts have a tendency to chip in the knees.  I guess maybe too many factors and genes involved. 