Rain, Rain go Away!

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Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Iowa
The weather in the US is definitely following that goofy trend again this year.

SW Iowa-- after last night's 3 inches at my house-- (with hay down of course- and now it will be days before we can rake)
we are definitely saturated and beyond again!! June has been wet, wet, wet.
I am getting tired of trying to fix water ways in fields that don't have a chance because  we get heavy rains, I am tired of the mud holes everywhere to get any work done.  I need to move dirt around to some places in the farm yard, but my dirt pile is all mud!!  Fortunately though-- we have missed the Severe Weather!  My prayers to those that haven't missed it.

How is everyone else fairing?

I know I shouldn't be cussing it because we may get cut off later, but where is the moderation anymore???


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Send the rain to Texas - we'll take it!!  You are right - it seems like the last few years it's either all or nothing.


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I never complain about too much rain.  For two years in a row, I've fed up almost all of my winter's supply of hay in the summer time getting the cows feed due to drought.  No rain, no pasture!  I lived through 1977 when we got no rain, no pasture, no crops.  Our best soybeans made 6 bushels per acre.  We combined no corn, put up some useless "silage."  A very small area in central Iowa really got hit that year.  I don't think anybody had great yields, but at least most people got something.  In our small area there was just nothing.  It's still easy to get depressed when I think about it.  I feel bad for your hay, but at least with the rain you'll get another crop.  Enjoy the mud!  Take your shoes off and relax. 


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Iowa
hey Oakview-- you are right we should never cuss a rain-- yes this hay isn't going to be good, but it will be better than a snowdrift in the winter and yes we definitely have enough moisture in the ground now to get us another crop or 2! 
I wish I could send some rain to Texas-- or Arizona-- AZ-they are having wildfires!

I have not been running the farm during an all out drought that takes all the crops-- that would be disastrous and a real hit to your moral-  I don't know how you guys that have been through a total wipe out do it!    2012 was bad enough here with pastures burned up, but we had CRP to fall back on and did still get some corn and beans.  I was little in 1977 and don't remember that drought here.  I do remember 1988 around here was bad-- days and days of hot and just everything was dust.  My boyfriend at the time (who is now my husband) lost his job that summer working for a lawnmower repair shop!  No grass to mow-- so no lawnmowers!  I remember we had nothing to do that summer and basically went out every night and just partied with friends-- you can about guess what a bunch of bored 17 and 18 year olds do-- LOL <beer>.  I don't remember what dad got for a crop that year, but I remember no grass for cows and I think he even sold some to save feed- and I think they released CRP here for feed. 
