really harmless discussion

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2007
OK-  People want a new subject to talk about, that could not possibly cause anyone to get upset.    I think I have it- so while everyone is switching to decaf,  we can talk about the very harmless subject of Polotics (did I do good?).  Like who would you vote for if the election was today, and who would you NOT want to be elected Pres.

I will start like this--  If the election were today, I would vote for Fred Thompson-  and most of all, I do not want Hilary Clinton to win cause I think that she and Bill are walking felons.

This could be a great subject for everyone, cause everyone has an opinion that cannot offended anyone.

Just kidding---  come out swing and post your opinion
have a good one


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Well interesting you should mention HC - I was just perusing the archives of SS - someone had emailed me a question and I recalled saying something very witty and erudite and thought I would steal my own cleverness - but I couldn't find it

I did however find that deep (aka deep6um aka Auntie Ruthie , I think) had gone to the Halloween party last year as Hillary Clinton. A3 wore orange bell bottoms and Show Heifer went as SH because as she said she has a big butt and lots of hair - those were the days, people realized that many words began with P including politics, police, polite, proper, pursue, purpose and on and on

so in the spirit of egalitarianism I would vote for Irish Whiskey for president - he has the money, he has the machine, he has the hype, he has the presence, he draws a crowd, he was born in the US, and Lord knows we have sure had presidents before with bigger defects

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
Does it really matter? The only difference between the parties is that the Republicans just want to phase it in over 5 years. Reagan versus Carter now there was a race with a real choice!

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I am honestly not sure who I would vote for....but I would for sure VOTE!!!

Things to pounder:
If hillary is elected, the tax payers could save MILLIONS in secret service wages, as we are already paying for to be watched, if someone else is elected we would be paying for her AND the new pres.

Why is obama's up bringing such a secret?  Exactly what countries did he live in? What schools/education did he have in those countries?

Regardless of his $400 haircut....Edwards is nice looking.

Romney is a Morman...not sure if that is good or bad, but why is it of all the mormons I know, only Marie Osmond is the only DAUGHTER?

Thompson - at least being an actor he could convince other countries to do as "we" wish....maybe wouldn't be so transparent.

Dodds is a grandpa looking guy. Good or bad? He seems kinda sweet.

Pauls - getting too much support from that weird community I live by....sorry, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

McCain is a fireball....fisty and maybe would just flat tell people where to go (when needed instead of being politically correct).

Guillani - hate to have a president that I can't spell their name....think of all the young school kids trying that one!!

I have left some out....sorry.  Just some thoughts....not sure if I look forward to the next year of political crap...maybe I will vote for the one that could do less harm as president versus what they could do in the senate....


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2007
Caldwell, Idaho
As far as romney goes... i live in morman country and i have nothing against them but they really are way into their religon and i think it could cause some problems.

I really wish the first woman to run for president wasnt hillary, she really gives a new meaning to idiot.

Same for the first black man to run... shouldnt the president have a little more political and leadership experience?

Just my opinions ;D


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
You know, I have wanted to start a topic like this but was afraid it would be too sensitive.  I have very strong feelings about it  ;)  So I have no problem putting my 2 cents in.

I would NOT vote for Clinton, Obama, Edwards, or any other dem.

I would vote for Fred Thompson (but I don't think he will get the nom) Guallini(sp?) is ok, and Romney is ok too.  I really wish Huckabe (sp?) would get the nomination but I doubt that he will pull it off either.  But if I could vote today it would probably be Huckabe.  I wish we had a strong Libertarian to run.  I also wish the republicans had an agenda  :mad: .
Well now I must go find out how in the world to spell their names correctly  :)))


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I could never quite decide if people who wanted to be president were flawed (for lack of a better word) because they wanted to be president or being president brought out those flaws.

I'm still voting for Irish Whiskey - if it doesn't work out we can invite him to a state dinner

Inviting many of the other candidates could be a recipe for a toxic menu
(clapping) (clapping)


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2007
DL said:
I could never quite decide if people who wanted to be president were flawed (for lack of a better word) because they wanted to be president or being president brought out those flaws.

I think the candidates just like to point out flaws, whether they are true or not.  I have a teacher that says "Don't waste your time looking up your family history, just run for president and let your opponents do it for you."  The same could be said about trying to find out what your flaws are.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
it used to be the norm to be pushed to run, of course acting like you didn't all the time.  of course i don't really think that jefferson, adams, taft, roosevelt's, nixon, carter, first bush, clinton didn't want to be president.  i just can't imagine bush II wanted to do anything, it was always done for/to him.  never has someone failed at economics so repetitively both in school and actual business received such acclaim.  well perhaps a couple of others.  i find it interesting that when adams and jefferson died on the same day 50 years after july 4 1776, that jefferson was in debt to at least $100,000, and adams's estate was worth approx 100,000.  although, i gotta admit, jefferson must have spent several times that, so he had to be somewhat financially successful.

government has lost it's meaning.  now it's practically a citizen and can actually vote in property tax decisions, which is susceptible to whoever is in power.  what a joke.  this has happened twice in the last two elections in my county.

shorthorns r us

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
knabe said:
government has lost it's meaning.  now it's practically a citizen and can actually vote in property tax decisions, which is susceptible to whoever is in power.  what a joke.  this has happened twice in the last two elections in my county.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I think the presidential candidate of today is nothing more than a beauty contest.  Once the mass media became the controlling factor in a presidential race the non charismatic candidate lost the ability to win the popular vote.
I think this is the 1st time that I can remember that I do not like a single candidate on either side.  I will vote because I believe that hundreds of thousands have died for me to have that right, but I think it is really unfortunate that no one is running that I feel is worthy of that right.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
SRU,  this is true,  as property owners, the government is allowed to vote.  soooooo, if they are short on funds for whatever, of course they will vote for a tax increase, as they don't have to pay.  kinda disgusting.  i can't find the link from my town about it, but all you have to do is call your local government and ask them if it is legal in your town, state.

SRU said:
knabe said:
government has lost it's meaning.  now it's practically a citizen and can actually vote in property tax decisions, which is susceptible to whoever is in power.  what a joke.  this has happened twice in the last two elections in my county.


shorthorns r us

Well-known member
Apr 9, 2007
you interpretted my "what" a little differently than i had meant; but, your explanation did clear-up what was meant by your original statement

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
Jill said:
I think the presidential candidate of today is nothing more than a beauty contest.  Once the mass media became the controlling factor in a presidential race the non charismatic candidate lost the ability to win the popular vote.

About like cattle shows.  ;) ;D  The functional ones don't stand a chance.  :'(


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Whether you like Hillary or not, she is "unelectable" - a whole lot of people would turn out just to vote against her. 

Obama - I actually think he might be a pretty good guy - but "unelectable" because of his name.  If he had a different name, I think he would likely be our first non-white president.

Guliani - Despite being a true Yankee  ;), I would probably vote for him today.  He will be a turnoff to some because of his family history and trophy wife (although she actually works for a living I believe as a nurse).  We really shouldn't care so much about the personal life of our President as long as they can LEAD.  Which he has proven better than anyone in a long time.  Bill was a pretty smart guy and a great talker, but his real problem is he wasn't much of a leader.

Thompson - I want to vote for him, but he looks too old and frail.  This is a hard job and not for someone on the decline.  Reagan might have been old, but he didn't look like he was slowing down.  Actors might actually be very good for the job because you have to pretend all the time anyway.

All of these people are really smart regardless of our personal likes and dislikes.  It wouldn't be the end of the world if any of them when.  The Democrats are missing a great chance to win, but I don't think they have the right person up.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Mommma always said, its good etiquette not to discuss sex, religion and politics with strangers....can't say I disagree. ;)


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
OH Breeder said:
Mommma always said, its good etiquette not to discuss sex, religion and politics with strangers....can't say I disagree. ;)
My Grandfather used to say, after the 9/11 disaster, "If you put all them fellas (politicians) in  a WalMart bag ,tied the top, & shook the crap out of it & poured it aout on the sidewalk, They'd all come out the same color, Democrat or Republican. It don't matter anymore, who you vote for. They's all the same."
It's a mixed bag, either way you look at it.