Red Clay, White Calf, Blues trying to keep clean

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Jun 27, 2016
Here's my first post.  But I want to say thanks for all the archived advice I've found in getting my daughter started showing calves and reteaching me after a 25 year break.  We're in East Texas with red clay and a white calf.  Here's my plan to combat the environment:
Plan A
1.  Lay a 3" layer of SB2 rock
2.  Level and pack with a vibrator plate
3.  Cover their 10x10 stalls and 30x25 day pen with reclaimed Astro turf (.29/ sq ft).

Has anybody done this?  And do you have any other recommendations?  They would be on the turf all day and then dirt at night when we turn them out.  We rinse and brush twice a day but it's kind of pointless when you turn them out into the slop right after. 
Option B
Dye him red
