Relax Fit - how to use?

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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
SE Oregon
bought a small tub of Relax Fit to use on my boy's steer who is usually OK, but at time around strange folks / cattle can be a little high headed.  The directions just say two scoops a day for cattle.  So when do you start it?  How many days before fair / show?  Then at the show?  Any help is appreciated.

mick rems

Well-known member
Mar 14, 2011
jim the directions have changed, since they changed it to a pellet instead of the powder.

i usually just feed it when im at a show, and the day before they go. in the morning of the day they show, i give them double so 4 scoops. otherwise it's 2 scoops am and 2 scoops pm,

and i call bull, it does work, i haven't used show cattle calm, or ace, or anything else other than relax fit for over about a year, and i don't have any issues.

i HIGHLY reccomend relax fit for anyone.