Shortdawg- the bull calf

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
I did not notice that I had the wrong birthdate. I think I need some glasses. He is a 2008 calf.  If he was a 2009 calf I think he would broke some kind of record for the largest BW. ;)


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Primo 77 ET looks like a very good bull, and I think he will sire some very nice offspring. It has been mentioned that he has a big square hip that comes from being sired by Primo, which is probably true, but I would also suggest that his dam's heritage contains some tremendous thick topped and big hipped cattle.

Don Cagwin purchased this bull's grand dam from me, at Canadian Western Agribition, in 1995. I was standing in line with her and her heifer calf waiting to go into the ring for the Grand Champion female class. This cow was Huberdale HB Shadra 76C, and she had been named the Senior Champion in the show, and was later named Reserve Grand Champion female. Don came along and asked me if I would sell her and he offered me a very good price for her. Before the day was done, I had sold her to him. Shadra 76C has been an outstanding donor female and the last I heard, she was still producing at Caney Valley at 16 years of age.

76C is sired by Huberdale Benchmark, who was one of the best bulls I have seen, and he sired a bunch of excellent cattle. He was a son of Dividend's Impact and his dam was a powerful daughter of Highfield Irish Mist. He was horned so he never got used as heavily as he would have been had he been polled. He was also more moderate in frame than many other bulls of that time. He was probably the thickest bull I can remember from that time. Benchmark daughters went on to become some of the best brood cows in the Huberdale herd.

There are a bunch of excellent cattle behind this bull. He should be a breeding machine!!  Good luck with him!


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
SKf, I want him back b/c it looks like you all have been starving the poor thing to death ! LOL !! He looks great - really moves well, ample thickness and bone, nice scrotal circumference, and still dog gentle it looks like. I wish you all could've had him at the Open Show in Perry, he would've done well. Thanks for the job you all are doing with him ! His dam is due to calve soon to my Blanco bull.

JIT etal, Thanks for the comments on the bull. His dam is one of my favorite cows and has always done a great job for us. She is a Gold Link x Huberdale HB Shadra 76C. This bull calf was the result of a flush to Primo, her first flush. We also had a productive flush to Sonny out of her. As I stated above she is pasture bred to my JPJ son Blanco. We plan to flush her again maybe in Jan. and I'm thinking of using the old Leggs bull - any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Shortdawg or SkF

What would you say CF Primo works best on? It seems like there is more variability in Primo than his brother Bloodstone. Bloodstone seems to pop out pretty consistent calves. What is the ideal cow for CF Primo?


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Well that's an interesting question. I think the consistency you are seeing with his brothers is in the cows that they are used on. Most Primo semen interest owners such as Doc and myself are maller breeders who lack the funds to go out and buy a $ 30000 cow to use him on; We use him on what we have. Example, look at the Primo calves in a sale such as Sullivan's where the all the cows he's used on are great. I think they are just as good as the Bloodstones and Solutions. Doc has used him more than I have and could answer your question better than I can. In my limited experience Primo seems to really pretty them up, especially the front ends and will add some muscle and soundness. The dam to my bull calf in the video is just a good solid sound cow and he sure made her better. Her name is Caney Valley Shadra C082 if you want to look up her pedigree.