Shorthorn dispersal

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
justintime said:
I don't think anyone has the right to try to pull them down to their level. If you don't want to buy what they have accumulated for their dispersal, well then just stay home and wish them all the best and say a simple " thank you" for what they have done.

they do have the right to slam them, but I also have the right to slam them for slamming.

i realize some will slam me for slamming someone who is negative about the show industry 100% of the time.  i can accept that that is more negative and more of a broken record for some.

Jive Turkey

Well-known member
Aug 14, 2008
knabe said:
justintime said:
I don't think anyone has the right to try to pull them down to their level. If you don't want to buy what they have accumulated for their dispersal, well then just stay home and wish them all the best and say a simple " thank you" for what they have done.

they do have the right to slam them, but I also have the right to slam them for slamming.

i realize some will slam me for slamming someone who is negative about the show industry 100% of the time.  i can accept that that is more negative and more of a broken record for some.
Get some thicker skin.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
This post won't be of interest of people in the Shorthorn Mutual Admiration Society......but it appears there will be old Simmental semen selling at this dispersal. Galant(old number 10) 10 registration number was a great bull in say 1980. I believe a purebred.....horned.....kind of redish white fronted I remember......most likely in amps. If I had had some purebred Angus and was considering developing a long term Simmental program in the upgrade tradition.....I would latch on to 7 amps here. Signal, Abricot,Passport, Single Nick Doubletime might also be options. Eldino......a chi bull if memory serves. I was thinking that there was a bull called Ildeno also. anyways


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
Dad used a son of Abricot years ago.  The old bull himself was one of the largest Simmental bulls of the era and was promoted as such.  I remember seeing some claims that he weighed nearly 3,000 pounds.  Signal was extremely popular back in the day because he sired cattle that were nearly as big framed as some of the Chis.  Yes, Ildeno was one of the most popular Chi sires back then.  I'm not sure I'd be real excited about using any of the three if I was a commercial operation unless I wanted 1,800 pound cows (or up). 


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
Ildeno was moderate in frame.  Tim Ohlde owned him then.  We had some Ildeno x Angus cows we loved and bred them to Cunia.  Those calves were killer and would definitely work today. 


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
We used a lot of Abricot back in the 80s when we had our Simmental herd. Loved his daughters and his bulls were not quite masculine enough but grew like weeds. Abricot himself, was considered a killer in the studs he was in. I saw him collected once and it was quite a show. He had two heavy nose rings and they would hook a logging chain into both of them and then tie him to a tractor with a cab on it. He was led to the collection room like this and collected and returned to his stall in this manner. He killed at least 1 man, who worked at Western Breeders ( now Alta Genetics). He was a huge bull, often weighing 3100-3200 lbs. I don't ever remember having any calving issues from him and his offspring were actually quite docile and easy to halter break. His daughters milked well and had very good udders.
We used Signal as well but I found his females too frail. They were very smooth made and stylish but they never worked well for us. Maybe work  better in some other herds. Passport also never really set the world on fire either. I never used him but saw a few off him and they were nothing special in that era.