Shorty hf bulls

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Well-known member
May 1, 2007


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
knabe said:
does anyone take animals to shows that aren't in the show?

ie, to make the show a conduit for advertising and bringing the animals to potential customers instead of vice versa.

a guy i worked for did this and it was fun to have someone slap an animal on the rear and get them up.

typically, this was a bull whose heifers were selling in a sale or who was the sire of another breeders calves with the same thing in mind.

would like to see more of this, but it's probably too expensive.  sure would like to see some of the old pics of old fullblood maines (high % shorthorns) when they were first around.

I spent 10 years on the board of directors of Canadian Western Agribition and over that period of time, we have seen more and more breeders wanting to display cattle rather than just bring out a show string. We have had to limit the space for displays because of the space required but there have been some major discussions as to whether this is proper or not.  I think we have more and more board members who are agreeing that in the next decade we will see more growth in the demand for display space rather than just show cattle. Many breeders want to display herd sires, or donor females and some even have displayed cross bred heifers sired by their bulls. With the international attendance growing every year, many feel that the interest in semen and embryos is large enough to just display rather than show. The interest in this is on a definite increase. We  normally see visitors from 58-65 countries around the world, with 63 countries represented last year. Two years ago, a multmillion dollar agreement was signed with Russian agriculture officials for beef genetics mainly in the form of semen and embryos. Last summer, the ET center I do most of my ET work with, had over 700 Angus donor females at their facility producing embryos for Russia.

I suspect that we will continue to see more displays continue over the next few years.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
turning grass into beef said:
aj said:
It is all about you. Its just fun to read your posts. The people who need to know know about my cattle.Keep up the good work JIT. We all love you. :)
This is one of the problems with reading the printed word, as opposed to speaking those same words directly to another person.  It is possible that the reader can misinterpret the real idea of what information is being conveyed from one person to another.  Although I personally have never found JIT's post to be self absorbed, I can see how a reader may misinterpret them as such.  Maybe this is because I know JIT personally and know that he is not like that.  Maybe if we don't personally know the person who is posting we need to give them the benefit of the doubt.

If you are the type of person that thinks of the glass is half empty instead of half full, consider the following story.
Two ranchers (let's call them Mr. Brown and Mr. Gray) lived in separate areas of the country. They decided to sell their ranches and move to Somewheretown U.S.A. They both contacted the same real estate agent and both looked at the same ranch. After the tour of the ranch Mr. Brown asked the agent 'What are the neighbors like around here?' To this the agent replied 'What were your neighbors like around where you came from?' Mr Brown stated that his old neighbors were miserable. They did not keep their fences up, they never lent a hand when a neighbor needed help, etc., etc., etc. The agent then informed Mr. Brown that the neighbors around the new ranch would probably be the same as they were around his old ranch.
When Mr. Gray had finished touring the ranch he asked the same question, 'What are the neighbors like around here?' The agents reply was also the same 'What were your neighbors like around where you came from?' Mr. Brown stated that his old neighbors were fantastic. They kept their fences up, they always lent a hand when a neighbor needed help, etc., etc., etc. The agent then informed Mr. Brown that the neighbors around the new ranch would probably be the same as they were around his old ranch.

Just something the think about.   :)

Rather than the glass being half empty or too full, could the problem be that the glass is just to big? If a smaller glass was used we would not have to wonder if it was half empty or half full 


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Okotoks said:
Here's a video of Mandalong Super Flag. He was brought in from Australia by my sister and brother in law,Terry and Gary Carter, of Newbiggon Shorthorns. He had a pretty big birth weight at the time but was used on hundreds of cows.A lot of bulls today trace to Flag. His BW EPD today is avearge. We have calves coming from him next year from AI and ET. Newbiggon will also have a Newbiggon Jumbo calf,(Jumbo was Mandalong Super Elephant x Mandalong Roany 51st) as well as a Mandalong Royal Ferrari calf.

I think I still have about 80 vials of Super Flag semen in my tanks. I think he is definitely a bull we could revisit and use again. I have seen some pretty good Super Flag heifers in the past couple years. I will be looking forward to seeing what you get from him in your herd next year.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
It would be great if you could double the amount of registered calves out of timeline. If you could get up to 14 or so registered it would improve the accuracy on his epds.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
It would be great if you could double the amount of registered calves out of timeline. If you could get up to 14 or so registered it would improve the accuracy on his epds.

it would be great if you could double the amount of your posts to include the data you so jealously expect out of JIT for your own cattle.

why don't you list off 10 of your herd sires with # of calves, epd accuracy, and while your at it, your donors with the same thing, or do only the people who need to know know?

please include the bulls who were no good as this would skew the results if you didn't include them.

by the way, is it gismo or gizmo?

did you register all 21 heifers out of lancer? if not, why not.  did you sell some.  what are his epd's?  do his hocks rub on the inside?

why do you need a showring to evaluate soundness?  can't you do that yourself?

how many show calves have you sold and what is your % winners with more than say 5 animals/class?

what about wallace.  it's been a while since you said you were going to use him heavily?  how many registered calves are there.  what is the bw spread.  have you pulled any calves or have your customers?  surely there is some carcass data by now as well?  if you used him heavily, do you continue to use him heavily?  and if he was any good, what's his semen sales?  what's his calf sale results?

what about bovigen markers?  why haven't you posted results for that on your site and culled those that score low?  what are the bovigen results for animals you are promoting?


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
Bovigen Dna markers for shorthorn = nothing. Talk to Patrick Wall at ASA about this - big reason why the great state feed out is so important.
We (ASA) are in the process of collecting hair samples to help with identifiying our own marker.
One thing alot of us ( me) are doing is collecting actual shear force tenderness samples . This takes awhile but it's better then nothing. I. am just a smart ass but I think Shorthorn the "docile breed" will shine on this one?

The Lancer bull at AJ's Bull is flat awesome. I flipped through purple registered papers during the tour- for those of you that forgot: Durham Reds do not get the "paper" until bw ww yw and scortal measurements are recorded. The funding and advertisment for this program was totally ditched by asa , would not surprise me if many DR breeders go to  Red Angus Association and make them Category 3- you get the epds there ??

Hey - what are full sib Rodeo Drive eggs worth???



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Sodhouse Lancer 606 was a perfect star for effiency when we tested him. I think alot of him. I think he was 8 for 8 on feed effiency. We have a full bro that we like. He was Grand Champ Shorthorn plus bull at the Colorado state fair. We may breed him to 606 daughters(his full brother). His name is Sodhouse Government mule. I am sold on 606. He is siring moderate framed framed calves. His mama is so cool. 66 # birth weight. She is always fat. Hasn't had a heifer calf yet. You would have laughed her out of the showring but she is a survivor. has produced 3 herd bulls. I may try and fush her to jpj. KNABE I have never claimed to be Jesus Christ. I tell the truth. We don't lie on birth dates and birth weights. To me the deal is about the cattle. Not the personalities. My program is directed in pretty much one direction. On the integrity deal I could kick your ass 9 out of ten times. I have never sold a 20,000 $ bull. I think you need at least 2 calf crops out of a bull fore you can think like that. I am in the process in updating my website. I admitt I am behind scedule on that. Markers are only part of the puzzle. I sleep real good at night. But keep trying to come after me.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Wallace went to the neighbors herd. 150 head of Angus cows. He was just a tick to big for me. Iowa breeders would have loved him. There should be 60 calves next spring to look at if you care to come out and look.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
aj said:
Wallace went to the neighbors herd. 150 head of Angus cows. He was just a tick to big for me. Iowa breeders would have loved him. There should be 60 calves next spring to look at if you care to come out and look.

so now you are copying everything JIT does?  how many registered calves does he have?  more than JIT's bull? 


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
I will agree with you in regards to some of the Durham red cattle I have seen. It is a great cross and I really believe the DR cattle could make a mark if they are marketed properly. I flushed two of my best solid red donor cows to Mulberry a couple years ago. So far I have only had two calves both being bulls.  I lost one just before weaning on pasture, but decided to take the other one to Agribition for the Shorthorn plus show. Until the death of the one bull calf, they were almost identical in every regard.  The one that lived weaned at 880 lbs with no creep feed and saw some show ration for 6 weeks prior to the show. He weighed in at 1060 at the show.I expect the second bull would have done the same if he had survived.  A commercial producer from North Dakota saw him there and he talked to me about him. He said he had come to Agribition to buy a Red Angus  bull. I did not know whether he had purchased a RA bull or not until he showed up at our bull sale in April and purchased the Durham Red bull. I was a bit surprised at the growth this bull exhibited as his dam was not a big framed cow. He ended up weighing 1440 lbs at sale time at 423 days of age with no creep feed and a very high roughage ration from late November to April. I have sold a couple packages of embryos from this same flush to the US and I think there will be some full sibs born this spring. I was also super impressed with the dispositions of both the calves I had. Uluru also had a very good DR bull from a cow he purchased in the Bakenhus dispersal  and he also showed excellent performance and disposition in our bull test and sale. I think both of us will be trying to produce some more.
I think the females from this cross are going to make awesome cows as well. I think these cattle are a good choice to compliment many of the black cows in America. The DR bulls should work well on black cows and still produce black calves. The DR females could work well with black bulls and produce black calves. ... that is unless there are red carriers in the black cattle.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
I dont need a paper to sell Captain X Black Angus. It's what made Black Angus so remarkable. F! F1 and I start to  giggle at  f2s. who needs a paper- look them in the eyes and shake hands. Black % cattle do not need a paper.

Papered RAX shorthorn could have been something? 


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Sad the ASA has dropped the DR deal. Best set of calves I have ever had are DR. Have used a DR bull from Leveldale that is fantastic. I have used a 7026 son from Leveldale on angus cows that was the shizzle fa rizzle. Those grandaughters of 7026 will be A.I this spring to Captain. So far only commercial folks seem to be using this deal. They may be on to something. I will keep doing it as much as I can. I'll let you know how it goes.


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Honestly, selling bulls for x amount of dollars during the 80's is as useless as hen poop on a pump handle to me. That was awhile back and times have changed.  Just because you get good money one year does not make you the end all be all like you are tryin to be here. If I sold a bull for 20,000, I would have for sure been selling semen and promoting him as long as I could. Where is that mature pasture pic of Timeline? Is semen for sale on him? Any owners of him got a mature pasture pic?
And why do you need to constantly tell us how good your bulls are and how much you have sold them for? Yet your bull sale didn't move but maybe half the bulls in the sale.
If anybody could turn water into wine by talking, it would be you JIT. JMO.


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2009
There were some great pics of Timeline on pasture posted earlier in the year...I remember more than this, but can't find them.  I think he looks great.  This was from another post about 10 months ago where AJ was bashing Timeline but ultimately ended up damaging his own reputation.  I'm sure it will happen again 10 months from now.  They say misery loves company.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2008
I think AJ and JIT are in cahoots,look at all the advertising opurtunities that JIT has taken advantage of and as the victim he has our sympathetic ear.We know his semen inventory,matings, and values achieved.Brilliant program and free to a targeted captive audience.How big is that check AJ?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Yes sir. We took 5 head to the fair. We won purple ribbons and pink ribbons and ribbons for stuff I don't know what it was. Premier Shorthorn plus breeder. Grand Champ plus bull(Sodhouse Government mule). Reserve Champ plus bull(Sodhouse Charlie 802) sired by Fort Wallace. Champion plus female(won a belt buckle for that one). Reserve plus female. Now ain't I special. Teaugues won the purebred shorthorn deal and the overall supreme I think. I think there were 6 shorthorn pluses in the whole show. ;D


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
I think aj is still traumatized from the a__ whooping nebraska gave k state last week.  Give him a break.  But wait til this week, if nebraska falls to texas, the troll will come out of under his bridge. 