Show Calf Feed/Work Schedule

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New member
Feb 17, 2016
We need help!  Showing cattle doesn't seem to be what it was 20 years ago. Does anyone have a set schedule they go by when feeding & working show calves? I've read that the calf needs to be washed daily. Does anyone do this?  We try to wash ours at least once a week. Also, how often & how long do you walk them?  Our calves are already broke so when we work then we tie them up for only about 30-45 minutes. We brush them out good and then walk them for about 20 minutes.  We feed twice a day at pretty much the same times every day.  We recently weighed our heifers and they weigh 790 & 825. I read that you feed them 3% of body weight or day which will be about 24 pounds. We feed them close to this amount if not a little more. We feed a mixture of cottonseed hulls with Ware Milling medicated show feed. Does this sound like a good ration?  One thing I have noticed at the shows is that our heifers aren't as big as there in their class. Mainly they aren't as filled out and wide across the rear. I know genetics can play a big part but is there a magic feed or mineral formula or routine that can help this?  They stay in the pasture all day and have free access to fresh hay & water. One more question. We have Herefords. Someone told me that if you keep them out of the sun their hair will get darker. Is this true or is the dark hair genetic?  Sorry for all the rambling & questions, I just need some guidance!


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I can answer a few of your questions: wash once a week, rinse about 2 more times, something like this wash Sunday, rinse Wednesday, rinse Friday, Work the hair everyday, brush the hair up and forward at a 45% angle work all the cowlicks out. If you keep them out of the sun the hair will not bleach out. Your heifers are probably registered with their real birth date, the others may not have been noticed for a month or 2 after their birth, so they must have been born that month ;). Walking is good and if they have a larger pen to be kicked out in at night where they can move out is good as well. Im sure others have more information for you.