Showing with ear tags

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2010
No problem with it at all but CLEAN THE TAG!!!!!! I can't tell y'all how many kids I have reminded to wipe their ear tags off and clean em up so they don't look cruddy.  It completely ruins a well groomed calf to have a nasty tag in their ear.  We do tag in the left ear so that it doesn't flash at the judge so much though.  Of course there is also sometimes the issue of placing a class based on the names on the ear tags but that is separate from your question.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2010
Well, politics come to mind when i read this. Texas validation requires ear tags, they pull the original ear tag and replace it. As for politics though, i certainly think that some judges will place a class based on experiences they have shared with te raiser, be it friends, or just respect for their operation. However, there is nothing you can do about it, judges, as long as they  give some sort of explanation, can and will do what they want. There's really no way to prove malicious intent, and this is why it  still exists. You can take 5 of the most honorable judges in the world, have them sort through 100 head, and they will not be the same at all, nor will their reasoning. It exists, u just have to deal with it in this industry.