Showmanship Advice

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2011
Hi everyone! This is my 4th year of showing cattle. I have a show in december and I'm doing a showmanship competition. I just wanted to ask if any of you have any advice on showmanship? The problem I have is answering the questions they ask you... is there a way I could study? What questions do they give you?? ANY advice helps!!!


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2010
I won our national breed showmanship the last year I attended. I have found knowing the basics is always helpful. Breed  date of birth dam sire .  Some want you to know what epds need improvement. Always know what you would fix on your animal and why. Also you could review a meat cut list and learn location of the most common and also location of main bones.  My favorite question ever asked was i want to buy this heifer you have five minutes sell her to me.

Feel free to email me I have been showing 15 years.


Well-known member
May 2, 2011
Nacogdoches, TX
Do a search on here, there are LOTS of threads on showmanship.  The first thing to remember is you are not going to win a showmanship class based on how you asked questions, it is first and foremost showmanship so you have to first focus on getting that calf shown.  The questions are there to seperate those showman that get in there and are really really close in the way they show.  As far as questions it really depends on your age as to what questions you will be asked. But since you are on here asking I will just assume you are a Sr Showman.  Things I feel you should absolutely know Breed, Birthdate, Weight, Tag #, Sire, Dam, what are EPD's and what do we use them for, and you should be able to locate some major annatomy traits such as, poll, tail head, switch, brisket, loin, etc, you should also know what type of digestive animals cattle are, how many compartments to stomach and what they are possibly.
I will ask questions from all of those categories, as well as ask you what you like about your calf and what you would change on your calf.
My favorite questions I was ever asked back when I was showing and my favorites to ask when judging are How many teeth does your calf have on top?  and How many steers are born in the U.S. every year?  You will be surprised how many kids cant answer those questions.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I totally agree with what everyone has told you so far. If you are showing a heifer the judge may ask you if she is bred and if she is when will she calve. this doesn't have to do with questions but never give up on showing your calf while your in the ring. The judge may place you low to start out just to see what your reaction will be. Also facial expressions in the ring can sometimes can get you, I had a judge tell me once that I looked like I wanted to fight him while I was in the ring which definitely was not the case.

probably one question that has stuck with me the most was at my state shorthorn show a few years back, He asked if a purebred Angus cow were bred to a horned Hereford bull, would the calf be polled or horned?

Good luck and have fun  <rock>



Well-known member
Apr 12, 2011
Make sure you know some stuff about the breed of cattle you are showing, like where it originated and such.