Shrink on a steer

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Eastern Idaho
I have a steer that should weigh be at 1325-1350 to be at 12:00.  He is at 1390 now and weigh ins are on the 11th.  So 10 days to have him in that range.  We weigh in on Wednesday and don't show until 12:30 on Friday.  The show is only 5 miles from here so not much shrink on the drive in.  Should we be walking him?  Should we hold water?  Feed?  This is our first real fair and show with beef.  My thinking was not to mess with his feed and hold his water for a period of time to shrink him up.  Is that the correct method and if so how long?Thanks in advance.  LF


Well-known member
Jul 30, 2009
you're better off with a steer at 1400 that's healthy than a sick one that weighs what you think he should.  That said, excercise is always good, limit feed but it's too late to change the ration.  Fill him up with hay.  Skip the water the night before and morning of and you should be close.  1390 is big, but not so big that it'll be held against him, at least I wouldn't.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
We pulled water mid morning the day before weigh in and pulled almost 80 lbs, especially this time of year when it's warm.  You've got 10 days to go....hope you have a good holding ration.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
Did you weigh him full or empty at 1390? Had he eaten and not drank? had he drank and not eaten? Pull his water tonite and weigh him first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and see where you are.  Remember to take him to the scales that way at the show as well as long as your show does not have a 5% weigh back.  Even if they do you still need to pull him back for weigh in.  Since you have a couple days from the time you arrive until the time you show you can bring him back easily.  Remember a bucket of water can weigh 45lbs.  In hind sight it is better to track your weight as you go and feed for your target but 1390 is not bad and even with a weigh back you can take him in at 1325-1330.  So you are prolly in pretty good shape at this time.. G- Luck