Stampede champion steer disqualified

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Active member
Aug 10, 2013
Yeah after reading justintime and renegade they have clearly missed the point here. Maybe they should read the new subject on the facts and real problem. Especially when the Stampede board admits that it is the owners steer and the stampede board never took ownership. They don't take ownership till the prize money is awarded! Thus the contract is fullfilled.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
So I assume this was a 20,000$ steer being traded around with 15 or so handlers along the way.


Active member
Aug 10, 2013
lol no aj it wasn't a 20,000 dollar steeer with 20 dealers. It was a kid in vermont who owned the steer bought from Trauschs an eye candy steer. The two kids were brought together by Trauschs Ryan of Vermont and Riley of Alberta. Riley showed the steer at the stampede.


Active member
Jul 27, 2010
Really? If anyone has ever used banamine you know how it upsets the stomach and 95% of the time causes show cattle to slow down or go off feed.  Sure, if the situation is bad enough it will help with inflammation and pain relief but rarely will make any slight difference with structure issues and visible evidence with structure.  If I had a steer good enough to win this deal the last thing I would give him is Banamine unless he was significantly injured, and then I would make sure to check with show officials and the show vet, just like the ppl did.
Aug 11, 2013
In my opinion this whole situation is being blown out of proportion. The steer had banamine, so what?! He was the champion steer. Does he deserve to have that title removed? I believe so...

I'm sure this family knew exactly what they were giving to this steer regardless what it was for or that it was vet administered. This is a drug that is banned in show cattle. They hold have known that and in order for Calgary stampede to retain its integrity they must follow their rules.


Active member
Aug 10, 2013
yes kansas they did! They didn't hide the fact they did! Thus the involvment of the vet! This isn't about the banamine but about the process and the interpretation of rules and the roles the officials and vets have in this. Banamine is 5 percent of the problem here. There was alot of cloak and dagger going on by the stampede and the president of the committee! Read the other forum to get an idea of what i am talking about. Before you are guilty prrof should be provided and the proof of the drug in question is being refused to be put forward to the owner! The Stampede refuses to show the owner the blood test results! They now have got a lawyer to demand it and demand a retest and an appeal. Don't forget the fact the steer went somewhere it shouldn't without owners consent! And yes the steer is still the property of the owner till the prize money is awarded! this case isn't as cut and dried as it looks! So don't assume guilt till the proof and evidence is provided! 