Stubborn heifer

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2010
Redwater, TX
Got one of my show calves for this coming up show season at the house trying to get her broke. She is a santa gertrudis, you can do just about anything to her, she gets tied up for 30 minutes 3 times a day, has been washed and even clipped on and takes it all in stride. As soon as you take her away from her pen she refuses to walk, we've tried tying her to the four wheeler, but that didn't get anywhere so we didn't try it again. We're now trying taking water away and attempting to walk her to it, of all the years we have been doing it we haven't had one this stubborn. What are some people's tips to get them walking? Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2012
I always teach em to lead by leading to water. I never leave water by em when they're tied. Ever! And I only tote water to em until they're calm enough that I can hold em to get em to the water tub. If she won't walk, she doesn't drink. If she's really stubborn and as hot as it's been here, I would start with distances you know you can get her to. Move the water further away each time, and just know that she isn't going to die if she goes without water at one feeding. If she really needs an attitude adjustment, being a little bit thirsty might help her along.

Good luck! I have one of those this year, too!