The cost of Oil?

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
again, why aren't global warmists eating each other to save the planet?
[/quote]because they are the solution not  the problem!   ;)
Is global warming a reality I don't know it is above my pay grade.  However I think our role in global warming or cooling or whatever, is very minute.  The earth has been warming and cooling for a long time, well before all the reasons given for our present situation (cycle).  I would say we don't know half as much as we think we do about life or this planet. new cash cow for when the oil runs out for Middle East and Africa?


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
Why not buy more Canadian oil?  Probally the reasoning for some would be the same as not drilling more in Alaska and off the coast.  Enviromental reasons I would say is the cover, but the real reason is probally more oil reserves (in other words being able to fall back on these closer sources if or when things get tight), use the others oil and let them run out.  Although it looks like the middleeasts oil will last longer than our finances so that reasoning would be faulty?  The Middle East is a problematic area always has been and will be till the end, the influence we do have over there has been bought mainly through oil.  So if we stopped buying oil from the Middle East we would probally lose what little influence we do have?  Israel I would say is a genuine friend (pretty much the only one over there), and one that we need, they also need us.  Personally I would like to totally stop buying oil from our enemies it's only helping them and hurting us, drill more at home, let Canada help us out with some oil (sounds like things are getting more effecient all the time),  develop some of these renewable fuel industries (where practical), be more fuel effecient (most people that have trucks don't need them), start thinking outside the box be innovative and not be limited to just oil based internal combustion engines ( but even these could be dramatically better), less regulation (complicating a simple situation)  which has basically been holding back a lot of innovation. 
So why is Canada buying oil, and at the same time trying to get a pipeline down to the states to sell us oil?  Economics, logistics?  ???


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
nate53 said:
(most people that have trucks don't need them), start thinking outside the box be innovative

most people who have stuff don't need it.

thinking outside the box has become so backwards that capitalism and free markerts are now outside the box.

subsidies are inside the box.

the feeling that others are entitled to your money is inside the box.

the world is upside down is so inside the box.

voting one's self other people's money and citizenship is so inside the box.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
Here is your answer on Canadian oil.

[flash=200,200]"The Obama administration is foot-dragging on approving a pipeline to deliver abundant Canadian oil to the United States at the same time the Chinese are investing in a pipeline that could send that oil to China.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee last week passed a bill requiring President Barack Obama to speed up a decision on approving the pipeline. The bill was introduced by Nebraska Republican Rep. Lee Terry, who maintains that the Obama administration has been too slow in making a final decision, the Montreal Gazette reports.

The Canadian province of Alberta has the world’s third-largest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, and more than Russia or Iran. Daily production from oil sands is expected to rise from 1.5 million barrels today to 3.7 million in 2025.

Delivering the oil will mean building two pipelines, one south to the refineries on the Texas Gulf Coast and the other west toward the Pacific, where it can be exported to China.

If the United States doesn’t approve its pipeline promptly due to environmental concerns, “Canada might increasingly look to China, thinking America doesn’t want a big stake in what environmentalists call ‘dirty oil,’ which they say increases greenhouse gas emissions,” according to a report from The Associated Press."

There was a statement made somewhere on here about not knowing if global warming is true or not.  You should really educate yourself enough to form an opinion as so much legislation is based on this claim.  There are so many freedoms that have been eroded and so many regulations imposed.  More freedoms will have been eroded because of this than any other false philosophy ever.  If you really want to put your trust in man to save you, go for it as this is what is at the core of it all.  But I put my faith in God.

farmin female

Well-known member
Sep 10, 2009
Why does anyone believe that just because a pipeline is built from Cananda to the US or from Iraq to Florida or Venezuala to Cuba the price of oil will go DOWN??????  Do you really think that ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Chesapeak, Apache, etc... is in this business to make less money?  Get a grip people, high dollar fuel prices are here to stay because big oil wants it that way, as well as market manipulators.

The US should expand its natural gas infrastructure though because we do have huge reserves here as well as it being a "cleaner" fuel.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
commercialfarmer said:
[There was a statement made somewhere on here about not knowing if global warming is true or not.  You should really educate yourself enough to form an opinion as so much legislation is based on this claim.  There are so many freedoms that have been eroded and so many regulations imposed.  More freedoms will have been eroded because of this than any other false philosophy ever.  If you really want to put your trust in man to save you, go for it as this is what is at the core of it all.  But I put my faith in God.

You seem to have seriously misinterpretted my comment?  I did say I did not know if global warming was true or not, because I don't know if the earth is getting warmer or cooler and there isn't a soul on this planet that does, (does it really matter)?  I also posted that I thought we had a very small influence on the warming or cooling of the planet.  So in other words if the earth is warming or cooling we have no real relevance in it, IMO.  Yes lots of legislation has been passed  and is still on the table and will probally continue to be on the table in the future, most of it I would be against since as I already said our role in it is very small.  But there has been some changes brought on by this idea of warming that has led to more effeciencey and that I am for.   As far as putting my trust in man to save me or the earth, you couldn''t be farther from the message I was trying to get across.  Recap - I don't think there needs to be any legislation for global warming, I am against the idea that we play any real role in the temp. of the planet wether its warming or cooling, I am for more effeciencey in every thing as long as it's practical, and I put my faith in Jesus Christ many years ago to save my soul!

I also did not see any answer to my ? about why is Canada buying oil from other places and at the same time wanting to sell the U.S. oil!


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
farmin female said:
Why does anyone believe that just because a pipeline is built from Cananda to the US or from Iraq to Florida or Venezuala to Cuba the price of oil will go DOWN??????  Do you really think that ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Chesapeak, Apache, etc... is in this business to make less money?  Get a grip people, high dollar fuel prices are here to stay because big oil wants it that way, as well as market manipulators.

The US should expand its natural gas infrastructure though because we do have huge reserves here as well as it being a "cleaner" fuel.
I agree, but the point about the pipeline from Canada wasn't really about bringing prices down, but buying our oil from a friendly country which happens to be next door. 
Also agree on the natural gas!


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
They bring in oil by tanker to the east coast because it's such a long way from where most of our oil is produced. (Except for the what is being produced offshore on the east coast at Hibernia etc.) It's a lot closer to pipe our oil into the US than taking it east.
Natural gas is a good option and we have lots of that too but there is not much drilling as the price of natural gas is pretty low.
There are ongoing concerns about shale gas extraction.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Okotoks said:
there is not much drilling as the price of natural gas is pretty low.

the free market in action.

should the price be subsidized to raise it?

is there enough supply to take advantage of price spikes and wait for them to occur to cover new drilling or contamination research or should companies borrow more to drill?



Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
knabe said:
Okotoks said:
there is not much drilling as the price of natural gas is pretty low.

the free market in action.

should the price be subsidized to raise it?

is there enough supply to take advantage of price spikes and wait for them to occur to cover new drilling or contamination research or should companies borrow more to drill?


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
farmin female said:
Why does anyone believe that just because a pipeline is built from Cananda to the US or from Iraq to Florida or Venezuala to Cuba the price of oil will go DOWN??????  Do you really think that ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Chesapeak, Apache, etc... is in this business to make less money?  Get a grip people, high dollar fuel prices are here to stay because big oil wants it that way, as well as market manipulators.

The US should expand its natural gas infrastructure though because we do have huge reserves here as well as it being a "cleaner" fuel.

Is the price of beef is high because of ranchers are driving Cadillacs, and buying vacation houses in the carabean?  Have you looked into the whole process of oil production, refining and suppling?  High dollar fuel is here because of all the regulations and because our administration won't allow drilling in the gulf waters.  Even though it has been declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  I was on the coast last week and saw several ships used for exploration and production sitting in the harbor.  How many jobs have been lost needlessly?  How much oil is not being produced?  

And yes, supply and demand do affect price.  We can do more about supply for our own markets than we can about future global demand (and I do agree being efficient only makes sense, but it has to be driven by the right reasons- not regulated in as this will always fail.)

Natural gas is not the answer for automobiles.  There is a big problem with efficiency, especially as the tank starts to empty.  For housing and such- probably.   



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the goal of the progressive government is to rid people of the burden of their money.

in the progressive end game, what will humans be allowed to do?

dead cat bounce coming.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
maybe this factors into the cost of oil?

The extension also includes a pro-taxpayer cap on the EAS passenger subsidy provided by the federal government. Setting the subsidy cap at $1,000 per passenger eliminates three additional communities from the EAS program and saves an additional $4.1 million on an annual basis. The current per passenger subsidy rates for these three airports are: Ely, Nevada, $3,720; Alamogordo/Holloman AFB, New Mexico, $1,563; and Glendive, Montana, $1,358.

seriously, we give subsidies to rural airports?  i'm sure a car is nowhere near as effective as driving to an airport some 150 miles or more in some areas for a lot less money.  this is pork on steroids.  if people won't give this kind of subsidy up, we are going to have 1789 here once enough people find out.

that is an easy cut and the democrats are holding this up?  what a joke.  why doesn't rockefeller just use his own money?  it would be a whole lot cheaper.  why does he need ours?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

muslim policeman reprimanded for not attending christian event or ordering his subordinates to.

oops, i mean non-muslim reprimanded for not attending muslim event or ordering his subordinates to.

that, is the cost of oil.

where is the muslim outrage?  the silence from the muslim community yells loud and clear they hate equality and freedom.

until they start demonstrating otherwise, it proves to me it's not a religion and therefore should not be protected as such.