the last cowboy at pine creek ranch

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2013
Knabe,  thanks for posting this.  The idiot Mike Mease from Western Watersheds is typical of those taking away the land,  not by actual prohibition of use,  but by regulation and legal maneuvers gauged not to defend their ideas,  but to delay and obstruct until the cost just becomes too great.    Western Watersheds started in our neck of the woods in Sun Valley,  Idaho.  Very well financed and able to purchase grazing rights in the land auctions.  Also, that financing has allowed them to lobby the government to increase regulations and restrictions  and support legal efforts against ranchers.  Frankly,  I don't see any way out.    Now,  Western Watersheds and their ilk,  will result in taking away a productive resource which utilized forages that are inedible for humans and converting them to nutrient rich human food.  Far from a rancher welfare program,  public grazing has helped to keep the cost of animal protein lower for the benefit of millions of people in this country and around the world.    On a global scale,  excessive regulation here gives a competitive advantage to cattle producers in other parts of the world. 


Well-known member
Jun 6, 2012
Mitchell, SD
“Cattle are not a cleft hooved animal and compact the soil unlike our native species.” I think he is confusing cattle with the true parasite of the west...the wild horse. How do you reason with people who are so uneducated on a topic they claim they are so passionate about and whether they know it or not are lying to the public. We have a long uphill battle ahead of us as producers.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Tyler said:
the true parasite of the west...the wild horse.

the true parasite of the west...the environmentalist. they live in cities and look like they have lived in the woods for months.

the true parasite of the west...the progressive.  they live in cities instead of being a hunter gatherer. they install hardwood floors in their 3 million dollar houses. hardwood floors used to be a symbol of poor. oil was cheap, we needed a way to get rid of it so carpet was invented and covered the hardwood floor. now it's a status symbol the the true parasite of the west. google, facebook, twitter employees.

the true parasite of the, facebook, twitter employees.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Tyler said:
“Cattle are not a cleft hooved animal and compact the soil unlike our native species.” I think he is confusing cattle with the true parasite of the west...the wild horse. How do you reason with people who are so uneducated on a topic they claim they are so passionate about and whether they know it or not are lying to the public. We have a long uphill battle ahead of us as producers.
That guy is a great representative of the progressive liberal movement. Wow, what a tool


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
Tyler said:
“Cattle are not a cleft hooved animal and compact the soil unlike our native species.”

I heard this when I watched it and thought "Another person trying to control me that has no idea what they are talking about." Just add them to the list of "Facts Don't Matter":

Global Warming
Gun Control
Black Lives Matter
National Organization of Women
Open Boarders Crowd

This list gets longer everyday.