There should be a death penalty express lane

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
not pre-meditated murder.  these people are used to intimidation to get what they want.

to bad that people who drop out of school can't pick lettuce.



Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
A terrible sad story, that rips a person's heart out. I could  not agree more. I know everyone has the right to a fair trial, but in cases like this, I would love an exemption. I don't think your courts in the US have got as mush headed and weak as I see here in Canada, but I see the same trend starting there and it scares me. I hope you don't follow the same path. I can hardly listen to the News here anymore without getting angry and it ruining my day.

Last week the one that got me the most was a man who repeatedly sexually assulted his daughter for 8 years starting when she was 8 years old, was given a sentence of 100 days community service. I could NOT believe it!! I still get angry just trying to write about it here. I can hardly imagine the trauma this girl went through and now she sees this happen. Of course they would not mention this perverts name, because the girl was a minor when this poor piece of humanity was charged. So this total waste of skin gets to serve meals on wheels or pick garbage out of a city park for 3 months or so, and his daughter has to spend a lifetime with this to think about. The judge should also get serious time for public stupidity.

Another case that got my blood boiling was a case involving a woman who has been stocked by the same man for 34 years. He has harassed her non stop and has even sued her for not marrying him. This woman moved to several different towns and cities to try and get this jerk out of her life, but he always found her and showed up. He had been convicted of stocking several times and at one point received a 3 year sentence, however, he was released on parole after 1 year for good behavior in jail. The judge not knowing what to do sentenced him to banishment from the city for 1 year. he has of course appealed this sentence, and a bunch of idiotic groups and leaders are howling about how this guy's human rights have been harmed. What about this poor woman's human rights. After 34 years of day after day, and even hour by hour worry that this guy was going to appear around the end of an isle in a grocery store, or ring her door bell, I think she is the one who's rights have been affended. I would just love to be a judge for a few days... or weeks!The hanging judge would have to move over!


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2007
3060 South McNaughton Rd. Douglas, ON. Can.
I couldn't agree more JIT.
Bring back the death penalty and clean up some of the lowlife that we, tax payers, are forced to keep. My father worked for Corrections Canada for 30 years. He must be rolling over in his grave when crap like this makes headlines.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
There is probably no proven validity to opinions that it would actually do any good, but I don't know why public executions were stopped.  In my opinion,  the death penalty serves two purposes:  one is similar to putting down a creature identical to a mad dog and other is as a deterrent.  If something is ethically ok to do, it doesn't need to be hidden.  It would probably help both ways - one to make everyone truly understand the gravity that goes with executing someone AND to let someone know what will happen if you do something deserving of it.  Jurors should have to watch the execution of someone they sentence to the death penalty.  Victims closest relatives should be given the option of choosing the method.  The Old Testament still applies in my mind.