tinman, ice pick, pistol pete

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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2010
Wondering what everyone thinks of these bulls and what do they bring to the table?


Well-known member
May 6, 2008
Huntington, Utah
i love pistol pete !  i know at least 75 of our 200 cows is a granddaughter or great granddaughter to him. the original daughters we had were flat out awesome mama cows. could raise a steer or give you an awesome replacement. they were a little big for whats wanted now but ours held up their flesh and always raised a big calf and almost never open, wish i could say the same for most of the clubby lines. imo . most were culled on age. just my experience with him.  i told dad the other day we ought to pull some out of the tank and get some more females next spring.  <cowboy>

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
beefy said:
i love pistol pete !  i know at least 75 of our 200 cows is a granddaughter or great granddaughter to him. the original daughters we had were flat out awesome mama cows. could raise a steer or give you an awesome replacement. they were a little big for whats wanted now but ours held up their flesh and always raised a big calf and almost never open, wish i could say the same for most of the clubby lines. imo . most were culled on age. just my experience with him.   i told dad the other day we ought to pull some out of the tank and get some more females next spring.   <cowboy>

Let me ask you this. Pistol Pete on a high percentage angus Maine cow. She is smaller framed shorter necked deep enough and good topped. Would Pistol work on this gal? How hard of a calver is pistol? How was he on his feet and legs.

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
hamburgman said:
Wondering what everyone thinks of these bulls and what do they bring to the table?

I thought one of the Maine guru's on this board would jump on this one. Come on Knabe, XXCC, Telo's, DL, Yuppiecowboy? None of you have a thought on ICE PICK and Pistol Pete?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
OH Breeder said:
hamburgman said:
Wondering what everyone thinks of these bulls and what do they bring to the table?

I thought one of the Maine guru's on this board would jump on this one. Come on Knabe, XXCC, Telo's, DL, Yuppiecowboy? None of you have a thought on ICE PICK and Pistol Pete?

i've only recently got into cattle breeding wise, so i don't have much practical experience.  double bred anything really floats my boat.  i have semen on dabla's pride.  let's just say he might be interesting.  i already know his son 85P is.  either dabla is or the bottom is.

ice pick to me shows the diversity available in carrier genetics.  i would have loved to see a mature pic of him.

don't know anything about tin man other than i gotta say draft pick does not look like his breeding. and i have semen on draft picks sire that absolutely no one was interested in.  draft pick has some marbling with high accuracy, but the calf i had out of him was just ok for marbling, but he was reaallly good tenderness and taste wise.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
Sun River, MT
well, someone asked me to comment on these bulls.  I have no direct experience with Pistol Pete, but I do through kadabra...from observing bloodlines, he seems to sire stuff that if thick, but can be post legged and not have the best udders.  in his pedigree, he's got some 'wildcard' fullblood animals that I know little about.

my opinion of Ice Pick is that someone probably cheated.  Truly, I think he or one of his ancestors is out of the neighbor's Charolias bull.  Why else would his descendants be built the way they are and that lean.  As far as an animal himself, he sires them thick, but at a price.  I have some fullblood I'd like to use him on.

don't know a darn thing about tin man other that Paydirt animals can go bad in the back end when it comes to structural soundness.  if you're into cow longevity, i don't think he is the way to go.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
IMO, Kadabra's not at all typical of what you'd get with using Pistol Pete himself.  Pete's own offspring were rarely as straight and tight wound as Kadabra's (I believe Power Plant and Festus brought along more of those issues than Pete).  In his day he was still most popular for his daughters - most were powerful, broody productive kind of cows that milked well enough, but sure could be not so great in their udder structure. He did sire some winning crossbred steers, but as a show steer sire (at least) maybe Pete's biggest claim to fame was that bred to Angus cows, his calves consistently blood typed Angus.  I'm not positive, but pretty sure that the steer Dustin Glover won Denver with was out of a Pete daughter rather than being sired by him.  I know that both Bruce and Ronnie Glover had some very succesful Pete daughters in their donor programs for many years.

I don't have nearly as much experience with Ice Pick, except to say the ones I've been around were awfully good cattle if they were sound enough.  I really don't know anything about Tinman.  Interesting group of bulls to be considering together, though - they all three seem quite different to me...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
DLD said:
Pete's biggest claim to fame was that bred to Angus cows, his calves consistently blood typed Angus.

that is going to be more interesting with the 500K chip as lots of bulls were used this way.

if the defects are bad now for angus, wait till they find out they don't have a breed anymore.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2010
We are pulling 3 steers and my neighbor pulled up the the show last weekend with a Ice Pick calf that made my heat seeker, heat wave, steers looks small, this calf had more depth , volume and was just the bomb!!!!!!

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
This is all good information. Pete works well on angus type cows then. We have never had trouble with Kadabara. The cows the calves were out of must have contributed soundness and good udders. The one Kadabara daughter we have has a beautiful udder and milks well. She is a good momma and never has had an issue calving. But she is out of a Taz dam.

I have some of the ICE PICK clone in the tank but have never used it. Bought it when it first come out. Still am not quiet sure on what to use ICE PICK on .



Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
Ice Pick makes them as thick as most I've seen.  They lacked some in hair but were easy fleshing.  He has a proven son in Irish Whiskey as well as Ice Chest the bull we promoted.  All of these bulls were PHA positive though.  If you like the Ice Pick line check out the Open Bar thread.  From what I've seen this bull throws the mass and easy fleshing ability of Ice Pick in a moderate package.  They appear to have descent hair and a soft look.  Open Bar is a Grandson(Sired by Ice Chest) and PHA Free.



Well-known member
Apr 27, 2007
OH Breeder said:
I have some of the ICE PICK clone in the tank but have never used it. Bought it when it first come out. Still am not quiet sure on what to use ICE PICK on .

I've got 2 Icepick females out of Meyer cows.  Looks like they are going to work great. 

Bainridge sold 4 Icepick X Meyer females in one of their sales a few years back.  At least 2 went to Sullivan's for some good $$$.  They looked good.  JMHO.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Well, this is my two cents. You just have to be careful with any of these genetics when it come to structure. They can get too straight in a hurry.

DLD seems to know how those genetics works and will agree with his thoughts on Kadabra.

I like Pistol Pete and Ice Pick when used on good Angus type cows best.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Right Telos.  Actually, both of those bulls work pretty well on Sim/Angus cows, too.