Too high bw for a breeding heifer?

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2009
I have a relative who had a shorthorn x calf (I'm not sure who the bull is, all I know is he is a half hereford club calf bull).  The heifer came out weighing 120 lbs, she's a really thick, big boned heifer.  He's thinking about selling the heifer as a breeding heifer prospect this fall if she turns out. He asked me if she's too high bw, and since I don't raise club calves, I didn't know if that was acceptable or not.  Do you think that heifer has too high of a bw to sell as a breeding heifer?  Thanks.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2009
mark tenenbaum said:
find out both parents-there are ALOT of shorthorns still that big-and they can be managed with a true low bw bull-was it a carp diem or interstate or herfwave O0 calf?
I think it was Carpe Diem, he said Dime but I'm sure he meant that.  He doesn't know much about the cow, he bought her from a friend.