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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Eating habits have drastically changed this last couple of decades in North America and the industry might want to rethink what they have and have not done and prepare for this change. The beef check-off IMO has been a disaster and has had zero effect on increasing consumption. I think money could have been spent more wisely with research and development in packaging, ready to prepare and eat products. I think this is where the industry has fallen behind.

Chasing marbling usually means reducing muscling. Lighter muscled cattle tend to marble better. Single trait selection for the marbling genes is a dangerous venture, IMO.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
THAT'S A GOOD POINT  Telos ,but maybe thats why were not selling more meat because we are raising quanity istead of quality ,marbling makes meat taste better ....Thats pretty much what this CHEF is saying also ,he starts with atleast and 1.5 thick piece of meat ,cokks slow and has
a better than normal product,used to use CAB but since they lowered their requirements he can't rely on quality of the meat because it isn't consistant enough ....  My main question though was to get an idea where in the breed when ultrasounding was higher than normal ,I had a couple bulls
that had IMF ratios of 130 with my other bulls ,one also had an adj. ribeye just short of 15 in. ...Just trying to get an idea if he is above average in the breed for this trait ....


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
fat is in a lot of places.  i searched and searched for research on fat deposition and it's relationship to marbling.

to me, there is plenty of fat available to be relocated to marbling without changing overall fat.

on the other hand, that fat may be required for something.

the most clear example of this i know is dairy animals and how they have fat on the inside compared to beef and in general marble higher.

i say keep them and get some calves, put them on the rail and ask if you can actually see their carcasses.

i had the opportunity to see many types of carcasses years ago at the harris slaughter facility and it's really interesting. 

some meat science people surely must have some comments on this.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2010
North Dakota
Freddy said:
knabe -is there any truth to a  guy in resturant business says marbling is different fat than around the outside of critter and says marbling is real good for a person ....

That is true.  The outer fat is the bad cholesterol.  The marbling is the good cholesterol.  Some breeds' marbling is higher in Omega 3 fats, which is supposed to be very good for us.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Fat in different locations probably has different functions for cattle.

There probably isn't enough low backfat high marbling animals that are not Waygu to do research on
To find out what the long term implications are for yield grade 1 high choice prime animals. I wish ultrasound would increase in sensitivity and accuracy as well as drop In price and be available in a consumer model.


Well-known member
May 26, 2009
Miller, SD
From what i have seen if u raise continental cattle anything with IMF in the 3 or higher is good, but IMO u have to look at sire groups and ratios on them as a whole. Ur bull that ratioed 130 is a standout, but if his brothers only ratioed 90 then u pry cant count on his sire adding marbling. And carcass data can be influenced by feed and enviroment, if u creep ect. And as said before when u single trait select u get in trouble. If u r really chasing carcass numbers u should ultrasound the heifers too and use that data along with everything else to select replacements.


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
First I'm not one trait breeding ,I'm trying to improve what I have...The sire of this bull is well known ,in the bottom tenth of breed with his intramuscular EPD...Looked at some of his sons in a sale and they are all over 3.0  ...How does this all make sense ....
I had another two calves over 3.0 IMF out of different sires ,my main sire ranged from over 3.0 to low 2.0 ,quality of cow affected this some . This sire is in the the breed top 1/3 and I would say will raise some with this report ...