United States of Retardation

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
If the Democrats get the free health care deal passed and the cap and trade deal through we might as well kiss it goodbye. We have elected Al Franken as a senator. We are on the verge of killing millions of jobs in this economic disaster with the cap and trade deal. We are following the Californicates idea of an utopia where no one works,businesses are crushed and in the time of a cooling enviroment we are making socialist utopia decesions to stop global warming. JFK today would have been a republican. The Dems are so far goofball left it is over. It is insane.jmo


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

How do you think conservative talk radio has affected the Legislature's work?

The Republicans were essentially threatened and terrorized against voting for revenue. Now [some] are facing recalls. They operate under a terrorist threat: "You vote for revenue and your career is over." I don't know why we allow that kind of terrorism to exist. I guess it's about free speech, but it's extremely unfair.

Do you get especially exasperated when your own people -- Democrats -- don't agree with you?

You know, I was a community activist, so I'm used to standing out in front of an elected official's office and protesting. My job is to protect [programs], but I can't be unrealistic and say, "We're not going to cut."

I do think that some fundamental reforms need to take place. I would be concerned about a constitutional convention, only because, as I understand it, if you open that door up, all kinds of things can be put on the agenda, like [abortion rights].

notice how they ALWAYS use fear of ANY restriction on abortion as a fear tactic to vote democratic.  america really is only about abortion and the small percentage in the middle that sway the elections and realize that abortion rights are not at stake.  the democrats continually say "he played on our fears" but fear is a tactic democrats have nailed better than republicans.

the article is full of lies.  the legislature is responsible for negotiating on behalf of the people for retirement benefits and health care for all sorts of jobs.  they create agencies and programs that NEVER DIE.  the government creates magnets for tax payer money.  property tax revenue has increased 300% from 1990 to 2000 and another 100% from 2000 to 2006.  people complain about prop 13, but the FACT is that property exchanges far outpace the need for eliminating prop 13.  the simple FACT is that the legislature has no concept of not spending.  things are going to get ugly fast.  and guess what? you guys are going to bail us out.  ha ha ha ha ha.

the largest real estate tycoons in SF are all for a progressive agenda.  things aren't going to change until commercial property and farmland start to take a dive.  those properties haven't really taken a hit yet.


Jun 30, 2009
I thank God I'm Conservative.  We will see how voting a president for the sole purpose of his skin color turns out.  Isn't it amazing how we have "overcome" racism, yet it was a key factor in the past election?


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
aj, I'm going to have to agree with you 110%!!!

I saw a bumper sticker the other day & it kinda said it all for me ..        So.....How's that whole "hopey , changey" thing working out for ya?


Well-known member
Aug 1, 2008
Doc said:
  I saw a bumper sticker the other day & it kinda said it all for me ..        So.....How's this whole "hopey , changey" thing working out for ya?
(clapping) (clapping) (clapping)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I am not sure what state "Larry the Cable guy" lives in ..........he may be the right wings answer to Al Franken. ;D


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
seems like anyone can beat a republican in minnesota...didnt the wrestler and the comedian beat the same guy twice??....jbarl

real republicans don't seem to run for office.  they are too busy making money, just like you jbarl.  yes, i'm calling you a republican. ;D


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
seems like anyone can beat a republican in minnesota...didnt the wrestler and the comedian beat the same guy twice??....jbarl

real republicans don't seem to run for office.  they are too busy making money, just like you jbarl.  yes, i'm calling you a republican. ;D
i tired it a couple years ago...immagration and illegal labors my beef.........it was actually alot of folks on here and my ole right wing friends that talked me out of it....whin i went for some direction...( i was a huckabee guy )...everone on here and everywhere else said mcain was a bum....romney was a bum....even rush said they were all bums....the house of cards has fallen....even the republicans want an " organized " "illegal alien work force"..... ....the republicans are all in for governemt controls and restrictions when it comes to labor...hows come you think that??....didnt take long to get that out of my system....just think how better off we would be if bush would have gotten social security in the stock market 3 yrs ago ??.....and organized all  the illegals in this country to supplement all the " jobs amercians wouldnt do".and put them in the " governement illegal workers program"??....this country would be in fine shape then??....no thanks...jbarl
illegal immigration was the republicans ticket out of this mess and they blew it...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
the house of cards has fallen.best thing to happen to any party that has lost it's way. democrats next.

...even the republicans want an " organized " "illegal alien work force".(they are not conservative)
.... ....the republicans are all in for governemt controls and restrictions when it comes to labor...hows come you think that?? (because they are not conservatives)

just think how better off we would be if bush would have gotten social security in the stock market 3 yrs ago ?? being allowed to devote FIVE percent would have done NOTHING.  i would have simply put it in a low yield account.  plenty of options under the bush plan.  guess you don't want anyone taking care of themselves since any money not in the pool is money you don't have control over? the freedom to fail must not be allowed.

illegal immigration was the republicans ticket out of this mess and they blew it...they allowed it to be a racial issue because they were stupid and went through the media as mccain does all the time.  they need to talk directly to the people, but that would require thinking ahead.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2006
Emporia, Kansas
I try to bite my tongue on most of these political discussions and try to be open minded on both sides of the issues, but this national healthcare system has me scared to death. 

Haven't we learned that successful private businesses run 100x more efficient than a Gov't supported program that will just bleed money.  I can see putting regulations in to curb any shady practices, but trying provide national healthcare system will do nothing more than just put us and our future generations in debt that will lead to higher taxes for anyone that actually works or owns a business.

Take what I said with a grain of salt, because I am not fully educated on the issue, but wasn't too happy from what I was hearing from the press conference going on right now.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
How near is the climate in this country at present to that of the times of the Revolution and the War Between the States (otherwise known as the war of Northern aggression?) When has their been a time that the country was so polarized, so many people so far apart on beliefs and core values? Who would have thought Iowa would ever allow gay marriage?

The problem as I see it is that I can't vote against Al Franken,( people in MN should be ashamed) I can't vote against Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, or Chris Dodd. I couldn't even vote against Cynthia McKinney, who makes AL Franken look like John Adams, and she was from my sate. There are enough people who really, deep down believe in the policies, values and thought processes those people have and will continue to elect them.

The only solution I see to that is to divide the country in two and allow each other to run their country as they see fit. There is no resolution to problems between sides who honestly believe things so opposite one another. There is no middle ground. Either that or some of us could move to TX which has all but succeeded, anyway. I used to wonder how in the world two sides could have ever been so far apart that we could have had a civil war. Now I know.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
illegal immigration was the republicans ticket out of this mess and they blew it...they allowed it to be a racial issue because they were stupid and went through the media as mccain does all the time.  they need to talk directly to the people, but that would require thinking ahead.

is that why there are no republicans, ...i mean conservatives any more..?......just because of immigration?....if immigration  would have been
the platform and the theme of a unified party 3 years ago this whlole deal would probally be different....its your all best and most amercian card....and as the country filled up with illegals on the tv news right in fornt of our eyes....the right gets set with its last wild card held in its hand??....i'll never understand it....the right had better forget the same ole tax/guns and babies rethoric...and pick a topic thats got some reality to it........all of a sudden were not even recogonizing it anymore....yoiur definatly not going to see the obama admin.    bringing it up....is a fresh immigration debate enough to derail the health care train??.....not if there are no conservatives, or republicans united enoughto do it...looks from here youi all are so split and mad, yoiuve lost sight of the last " amercian"  platform that has some teeth....unfortunatly right now there looking like flandering/ bisexual/ widestance hypocrites.....its not like illegal immigration isnt an issue anymore.....just the gurads at the gate left there post....just like yoiu said ....there are non anymore.....the illegal immigrants busted the gop ??  unbelievable...i thought that was the holy grail of the republican party..??   your house of cards has fallen right on top of you....jbarl


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
No one in politics wants to do anything about immigration, either party, for two reasons. One, all they do or say is what ever they feel that will get them re-elected. None of them want what is best for the country they just want to do things and say things that will get them re-elected. And they are afraid they would lose the "Latin" vote if they stood against illegal immigration. Two, those who fund campaigns and pay lobbyist are big businesses that want the absolute cheapest labor they can get. Especially republicans. To take away illegals would take away their cheap labor. Republicans are the worst as far as the second reason goes and you all heard Robert "Third" Reich testify before congress that they were afraid that white males might get some of the jobs the stimulus bill might create. Can you believe that?? They were AFRAID a white guy might get a job they created. Not that it matters since they aren't going to create the first net job anyway. BUt the point is there will never be anything done about illegal immigration until we split this country into the JBarlL, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Al Franken, gay, socialist states and then the conservative states as another country.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Most of the countries in the world think Americans are stupid--so we went to the polls last November and removed all doubt!!


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Texas is the last state that the people still believe in the principals on what our country was founded.  If Texas seceedes from the Union I would move there in a heartbeat!


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Dusty said:
Texas is the last state that the people still believe in the principals on what our country was founded.  If Texas seceedes from the Union I would move there in a heartbeat!

i think texas would be a perfect place for everone who doesnt like amercia to go....wherther its a state or a country......maybe they could even appoint an illegal to be the king...jbarl