vaginal tear

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Active member
Jul 20, 2014
We had a heifer calve about 3 weeks ago. she was 8 days over due and had a huge bull calf(about 120 lbs.) delivery was difficult and the calf is lucky to be here but the heifer tore the lining of the vaginal wall.she had a small piece of the lining kind of hanging but was still attached.We had the vet come look at it and he said it was a pretty long tear and it ended at the cervix but didn't tear the cervix.he said he didn't think she would be able to re breed again.We gave her 4 days of penicillin shots. We have quite a bit of money in her so we stopped by another vets office and just explained what happened and she seemed like it was no big deal and that she would heal herself and be fine.She is acting fine, haven't noticed any problems just worried about her future production. Has anyone had anything similar to happen? We would appreciate any info. Thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
I stood by the chute while a vet palpated about 1000 bred cows for a sale at a large commercial outfit.  Anything that was short bred or open (and reproductively sound) I sorted off for recips.  Many of the open cows he called a "one hole'er". The result of a vaginal wall tear during calving.  Worst case scenario is you only get embryo's from her.

In this paper her condition starts on page 24 (right column). Might give you a little more insight into treatment.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
southwestern Kansas
I have had 2 or three ... the most noticable finding is yellow tissue protruding from the vagina after delivery.. in general the yellow tissue seems to pull back in over 1-3 weeks after delivery... it is caused by vaginal wall tearing during a hard pull .. the yellow material is the fatty    tissue that is supposed to be beneath  the vaginal wall protruding

.. if the tear extended into the rectum then you could have a " one holer " (a cloaca" like defect).. I have not seen this

I have not had a problem with rebreeding or susequent pregnancies after this injury. The vaginal mucosa is very stretchy and even while scarred seems to be able to stretch enough to alow subsequent deliveries


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2009
Ruskin, MN
Had a 3 year old give birth to the biggest bull calf we have ever had in mid march., did not weigh it at birth but was 110# plus, blocky, Hi Ho Silver calf out of a Rumor Mill X Golden Child x Mossy Oak cow.  About 2 weeks after calving, noticed white puss discharge from vulva.  Treated her for infection with antibiotics but came back.  Finally palpated her and discovered a 6 - 8 inch mushroom like growth with a tennis size bulbous end growing on the lower left vaginal canal.  Vet came out and it was too big to band, so we sutured it to basically cut it out/off.  Had to resuture it 10 days later, and it was smaller.  A week later I put a castration band on it as it had shrunk enough to get the band over the end.  Each time gave antibiotics.  2 weeks later, no more infectious discharge.  She cycled 3 weeks ago and bred her.  Have a patch on her to see if the  steers like her.  Never was bothered by it that we could tell.  Will see if she is preggers.