Votes for sale in Congress/Senate N/C (Way to go Nebraska!!)

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
win with a smile...lose with a smile.... ;)  jbarl

it's easy telling other people how to act when democrats can't abide by your quote.

visit for your fellow hypocrites.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Dusty said:
I've health insurance through my employer ever since I got out of college.  I have never used it.  The couple of times I have gotten truly sick(bad head cold/chest cold).  I've gotten antibiotics from the local vet.  Thats all the doctors office is going to give you and they're going to charge a lot more for the office visit and for the drugs... If I didn't have insurance through my employer I wouldn't buy it on my own.  I'm in my mid twenties, I'll take the chance.  Whats going to kill me in my mid twenties?  Cirrhosis of the liver?  And that would be my own fault.  Not my neighbor's.  He shouldn't have to pay for it.....  If we all believe that when we die we will go to eternal paradise...  Why are we all so terrified to go?

There is so much wrong with this statement I do not now where to start. But I will try.

1. Your vet is walking a very dangerous line. That is medical mal practice and he could lose his license, end up in jail and pay a HUGE fine for giving you prescription drugs.  Not very smart idea.
2. What can kill you in your twenties? Plenty. Car wrecks, farm accidents, cancer. In fact, the fact that you would DIE would be a favor to all of us who would be paying for your medical care if you were INJURED and not killed. Dying isn't the bad thing, injury is.

3. eternal paradise can wait. I was put here for a purpose and I plan on finding whatever that is. But right now, you can go first!


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
Show Heifer said:
Dusty said:
I've health insurance through my employer ever since I got out of college.  I have never used it.  The couple of times I have gotten truly sick(bad head cold/chest cold).  I've gotten antibiotics from the local vet.  Thats all the doctors office is going to give you and they're going to charge a lot more for the office visit and for the drugs... If I didn't have insurance through my employer I wouldn't buy it on my own.  I'm in my mid twenties, I'll take the chance.  Whats going to kill me in my mid twenties?  Cirrhosis of the liver?  And that would be my own fault.  Not my neighbor's.  He shouldn't have to pay for it.....  If we all believe that when we die we will go to eternal paradise...  Why are we all so terrified to go?

There is so much wrong with this statement I do not now where to start. But I will try.

1. Your vet is walking a very dangerous line. That is medical mal practice and he could lose his license, end up in jail and pay a HUGE fine for giving you prescription drugs.  Not very smart idea.
2. What can kill you in your twenties? Plenty. Car wrecks, farm accidents, cancer. In fact, the fact that you would DIE would be a favor to all of us who would be paying for your medical care if you were INJURED and not killed. Dying isn't the bad thing, injury is.

3. eternal paradise can wait. I was put here for a purpose and I plan on finding whatever that is. But right now, you can go first!

You hit the nail on the head there SH. No truer words were ever spoken. :)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
maybe dusty's on to something.

if reimbursements to doctor's keep going down, we won't have any, or will have to lower standards below that of a vet, kinda like everyone is complaining about how racially biased the police tests are, we are going to start hearing about that to become a doctor.

lowering costs is a logicial conclusion.

all we need to do is simply change the law.  just like democrats did.  no real harm.

why should anyone smile when liberty is killed?  the elimination of liberty is an act of war.



Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
You missed my point show heifer.

America has exisited and prosper for almost 250 years without required health insurance.  Having or not having health insurance should be the most basic liberty we have.  Saying that we all need it is an opinion.  Forcing everyone to have it is tyranny.

With regards to your response on how wrong I am for not having been to a doctor since a high school physical.

1.  As far as the vet is concered is that the antibiotic is for my dog.  Thats what I say and I'm pretty sure that would absolve him of any wrongdoing right there.

Just wait, with national healthcare we will have another system in which if people want a good doctor they will have to pay for it on their own..  Or they will look for other areas to find healthcare.  

Is healthcare for everyone really worth the economic toll it will take on this country???  

2. I never said that nothing can kill you in your twenties.  None of us know when our number will come up.  I just don't obsess about trying to avoid any and all misfortune that life can bring us.  You know what happens when you worry about your health all time?  You get flipping sick, thats what happens.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
Come on Dusty... Thats pretty low. I doubt he put you here to call people names on an internet forum. You could go on and on why god put us here, but only one person knows that and thats yourself.

As for the health care bill, I'm sure I dont know as much about it as you guys do. But as with all bills with the good, comes the bad. I dont think there has been one bill put through congess that was a win-win. But seeing as it will not deny coverage to folks with pre-existing conditions is pretty nice. And the fact that kids can stay on their parents plan until 26 will be nice also. I know this billl has it's cons, but I think the pros outweigh the cons here, so I view it as a positive.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
;D (lol) (thumbsup) <beer>

Good Entertainment.

The children from Iowa must not have been taught to play nice!



Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
And the fact that kids can stay on their parents plan until 26 will be nice also. I know this billl has it's cons, but I think the pros outweigh the cons here, so I view it as a positive.

Stay on their parents plan until they are 26?  Are you seroius? At what point are we supposed to expect people to grow the hell up and be a useful member of society?  George Washington was negoiating treaties with the indians when he was 17.  I don't think asking people to worry about their own healthcare by the time they are in their early twenties is asking too much...

As far as calling names.  Go through my post history and then go through hers.  Shes has had more negative comments to people who were truly wanting helpful advice.  I just call 'em as I see 'em..


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2009
Northern, Indiana
As far as being a useful member of society, how is them being on their parents healthcare take them away from being useful to the society. You need to rethink you definition of "useful to society".

And for "growing the hell up", you tell that the man or women who has had cancer from their early twenties to the age of 26 and cant have a job because their disease limits them to home. So I think they'd be pretty thankful that they could stay on their parents policy that much longer, because they couldnt get a job, let alone a job that provides coverage.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Anything can happen.  I once knew a young man who slipped into an inncoent alcohol sleep in Denver.  Kids drew all over his face and put a cigarette in his mouth and took pics.  Last i heard he was having health problems due to the skin damage from the markers and was never able to kick the nicotine habit due to that one taste of a cig.  Think i got a pic around here somewhere if i can find it....


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
farwest said:
Anything can happen.  I once knew a young man who slipped into an inncoent alcohol sleep in Denver.  Kids drew all over his face and put a cigarette in his mouth and took pics.  Last i heard he was having health problems due to the skin damage from the markers and was never able to kick the nicotine habit due to that one taste of a cig.  Think i got a pic around here somewhere if i can find it....
Interesting you bring that up Farwest.  I believe I happen to have that photo you speek of if you can't find it.



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
How can 59 democrats and 41 republicans all be so right.  These are supposedly intelligent people.  Your not telling me alot on both sides think dfferent as they do.  They all need run out of offie for that very thing.  Forget the health care or any other bill.  All incumbent need thrown out.  Also, was their this muc of a split when bush was president.  I didn't notice it to be this bad.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
herefordfootball said:
As far as being a useful member of society, how is them being on their parents healthcare take them away from being useful to the society. You need to rethink you definition of "useful to society".

And for "growing the hell up", you tell that the man or women who has had cancer from their early twenties to the age of 26 and cant have a job because their disease limits them to home. So I think they'd be pretty thankful that they could stay on their parents policy that much longer, because they couldnt get a job, let alone a job that provides coverage.

counterbalance the above example with people who can work and are healthy and don't contribute to society.  where is the pressure to get them to work?

700,000 immigrants every year not counting illegal ones take jobs from people who don't want them.

people should be able to pool for whatever reason to get insurance. that is not possible.  insurance should not be tied to work, and then we would need cobra less.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
herefordfootball said:
Granted, the parents coverage cant cover them forever, but I think that extended period will be immensly helpful to them financially.

why not just make if forever? won't it just help them more?

that's the beauty of individual pools.  you make your own rules for who can be on coverage and for whatever treatments you want and negotiate with a provider.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
farwest said:
Anything can happen.  I once knew a young man who slipped into an inncoent alcohol sleep in Denver.  Kids drew all over his face and put a cigarette in his mouth and took pics.  Last i heard he was having health problems due to the skin damage from the markers and was never able to kick the nicotine habit due to that one taste of a cig.  Think i got a pic around here somewhere if i can find it....

wow, i've gotten sharpy on me before too.  what are the symptoms.

the one taste of a cigarette and developing a habit is a complete lie (not your lie).  you have no proof one way or the other.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
farwest said:
  Also, was their this muc of a split when bush was president.   I didn't notice it to be this bad.

i beg to differ.  it was 24/7 anti bush.  now that the shoe is on the other foot, the libs can't take it.  the press is 95% liberal and people are disagreeing with them and not buying their product anymore and now they need a government bailout just to stay in business because they have lost the ability for balance or providing information.

instead, the media is simply a mouthpiece for liberalism, just like a few too many english teachers.